Contact your Parish Council

Item 21, Pages 110-115                                                     Vinters Park Crematorium, Bearsted Road, ME14 5LG


Reference number: 18/502385/FULL


Comments from Councillor Harwood – Received 27/6/2018, which have been summarised as follows:

·         Because this is a brick built extension it would be possible to incorporate a bat or sparrow brick or two.

·         The site is in close proximity to semi-natural ancient woodland and a Local Nature Reserve and as an MBC site the Council should seek to set a good example.

·         Recommends that ecological enhancements are agreed with the applicant.

Officer Comments

NPPF paragraph 7 sets out that there are three dimensions to sustainable development, one of which is an environmental role. Furthermore, NPPF paragraph 118 sets out that when determining planning applications local planning authorities should aim to conserve and enhance biodiversity and opportunities to incorporate biodiversity in and around development should be encouraged.

There is therefore policy support for the enhancement of biodiversity in and around development. The applicant has been consulted on the additional condition and is agreeable to the condition. It is therefore recommended to include an additional condition as follows:

Condition 5

‘The development hereby approved shall not commence above slab level until details for a scheme for the enhancement of biodiversity on the site shall have been submitted to and approved in writing  by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall consist of the enhancement of biodiversity through integrated methods into the design and appearance of the building by means such as sparrow boxes, swift bricks or bat tubes. The development shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details and all features shall be maintained thereafter.

Reason: To protect and enhance the ecology and biodiversity on the site in the future.’

Recommendation remains unchanged