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Scoping Themes & Issues Consultation Feedback

Most frequent responses

Question OQ1 – what makes good growth?

Highest level of response to this question proposed the use of brownfield and for new development (283 residents)

Infrastructure was also a key matter – delivery before/at time of development (residents, parishes, agencies and developers) and making sure current and future needs ate met (14 residents + 6 parish councils)

Optimise sustainability (renewable energy, water usage, open spaces, low/zero carbon) (18 residents; 3 parish councils)

MBC should revise its housing projections (13 residents/ 4 parish councils)

Holistic approach to housing, infrastructure and community facilities that not only meet todays need but future needs (14 residents; 3 developers; 2 MBC councillors; 6 parish councils; 1 residents association)

Liaise with other borough councils and residents to ensure co-ordinated and integrated development planning (12 residents; 2 expert agencies; 1 parish council)

Ensure roads, infrastructure and public transport  are delivered in conjunction/before to new developments     Residents (57) Developers (5) Expert agency (7) County Council (1) Councillor (5) Residents Association (2) Parish Council (11)

Question OQ2 – What could the Local Plan Review do to help make our town and village centres fit for the future?

Ensure villages grow organically (Marden) (252 residents); 8 developers; 1 residents assoc

Ensure key facilities/Services retained or added – GPs, banks etc (residents 44; parish council 6; residents association 1)

Investment in public transport and existing services in the borough to reduce traffic flow in town centres and small villages (24 residents; 4 developers; 1 county council; 4 parish councils)

Do not extend village boundaries beyond railway lines as leads to poor settlement integration (107 residents)

Infrastructure to meet the needs of the villages and that it is in place before new developments are built (30 residents; developers 4; 3 expert agencies; 1 MBC councillors; 1 county council; 10 parish councils)

Issue/Question OQ3 – How can the Local Plan Review ensure community facilities and services are brought forward in the right place and at the right time to support communities?

Liaise with parish councils, organisations, and local communities to produce a strategy for moving forward in new developments (e.g. Sport England)
(280) Developers (7) Expert agency (4) County Council (1) Parish Council (10) ; 3 Residents Assoc [primarily Marden residents]

Make sure new housing developments pay for the services and infrastructure needed to create a sustainable community (21 residents; 3 developers; 1 expert agency; 2 councillors; 3 parish councils)

Ensure community facilities/infrastructure is provided in conjunction/before new developments are built (176 residents; 1 county council; 2 expert agencies; 3 MBC councillors; 1 developer; 7 parish councils)

Issue/Question OQ4 – What overall benefits would you want to see as a result of growth?

Create more local facilities in local areas to reduce the amount of people having to travel to larger towns including public transport/highway infrastructure Residents (124) Expert agency (1) Councillor (1) Parish Council (11)

Development should not occur if facilities and infrastructure are not put in place first (20 residents; 1 developer; 6 parishes)

There would be no overall benefits as a result of growth in villages (199 residents) ; 1 Residents Assoc [primarily Marden residents]

MBC should be looking at growth but ’de-growth’ to a sustainable level (89 residents; 1 parish council) [primarily Marden residents]

The priority for growth is to ensure the well-being of the borough by having time without development and letting villages function with new residents (165 residents; 3 developers; 3 expert agencies; 2 parishes; 1 Residents Assoc) [primarily Marden residents]

Ensure there is a sufficient amount of open space with trees and shrubs to reduce the effects of climate change (renewables) (14 residents; 1 county council; 7 expert agencies; 1 developer; 1 MBC councillor; 4 parish councils)

Better road infrastructure and investment in public transport (24 residents; 2 developers; 2 expert agencies; 1MBC councillor; 1 county council, 5 parish council; 1 Residents Assoc)

Ensure new developments are built in correct locations and are integrated into the local community (12 residents; 1 parish council)

Issue/Question OQ5 – What infrastructure and services, including community services and facilities, do you think are the most important for a successful new development?     

1.       Community and retail facilities for all ages and in walking distance (GPs, Shops, pub schools etc) (223 residents; 6 developers; 4 expert agencies, 2 MBC councillors; 7 parish council, 1 county council)

2.       Road networks should be improved to increase capacity as well as adequate parking provisions (34 residents; 1 expert agency; 1 County Council; 1 MBC councillors; 9 Parish councils)

3.       Public transport needs to be upgraded to meet the demand of local and rural areas (more frequent services, reliability, green) (30 residents; 1expert agency, 10 parish councils; 1 Residents Assoc)

4.       Ensure that infrastructure is continually upgraded to meet demand and changing landscapes and create sustainable communities (broadband, EV power points, water supply etc.) (24 residents; 4 developers; 5 expert agencies, 5 MBC councillors; 1 County council; 7 parish councils; 1 Residents Assoc)

5.       There should be no new developments which are not sustainable (203 residents) ; 1 Residents Assoc [primarily Marden residents]

Issue/Question OQ6 – How can the Local Plan Review help support a thriving local economy, including the rural economy?                                                                                                                                          

Transport infrastructure needs to be able to meet higher demands for new developments and not put too much pressure in rural areas      Residents (286) Developers (2) Parish Council (5) ; 2 Residents Assoc [primarily Marden residents]

The local plan review needs to take into account plans for local business development in rural areas Residents (22) Developers (5) County Council (1) Parish Council (5)

Improved connectivity for communities (5G, strengthening masts, WIFI)   Residents (13) County Council (1) Councillor (1) Parish Council (9) ; 1 Residents Assoc

Ensure there are enough community facilities to keep up with growth and in close proximity without the need to use a car (e.g. things to do, sports, shops, GP) (20 residents; 3 expert agencies; 3 parish councils)

Issue/Question OQ7 – How can the Local Plan Review ensure we have an environmentally attractive and sustainable borough that takes a pro-active approach to climate change?

Protect farmland and green spaces to help cope with heavy pollution levels        Residents (256) Parish Council (1) ; 1 Residents Assoc [Marden]

To incorporate renewables into new developments and phase out fossil fuels to make Maidstone environmentally attractive             Residents (29) Developer (2) County Council (1) Expert agency (5) Maidstone BC (1) Councillor (1) Parish Council (9) ; 1 Residents Assoc

Open space and tree planting need to take place to reduce carbon and flooding in existing and new developments (tree preservation orders).     Residents (28) Developers (4) Expert agency (5) Councillor (1) County Council (1) Parish Council (5) ; 1 Residents Assoc

Wildlife audit of the whole borough        Residents (180) [Marden]

Ensure the most environmentally sensitive areas of the borough are protected (AONB, Greenbelt, Landscapes of Local Value    Residents (180) Developers (2) Parish Council (1) [Marden]

Brownfield sites should be prioritised over greenfield sites for new development (countryside should be protected (16 residents; 2 parish councils)

New developments should not be used to extend or grow villages (95 residents) [primarily Marden residents]

Have regard to the Maidstone AQMA by not developing in areas and sending further traffic into the centre from a large development (250 residents; 1 expert agency; 1 parish council) ; 1 Residents Assoc [primarily Marden residents]

Create awareness on how to live sustainably (18 residents; 2 developers; 1 MBC councillor)

Issue/Question OQ8 – Are there any other themes, issues and considerations that you believe we should address as part of this Local Plan Review                                                                                            

[The responses to this question duplicated other points].  The most popular response was ‘Local objections into development need to be taken into account’ (9 residents) [primarily Marden residents]

Issue/Question TQ1 – What do you think should be the end date for the Local Plan Review? Why?

The end date should be as soon as possible due to the policies in the current Local Plan (20 residents; 1 expert agency; 1 MBC councillor)

The end date should not be a set date as it takes time to make decisions (12 residents; 2 developers; 1 expert agency; 3 parish councils)

Issue/Question TQ2 – Have we identified the correct cross boundary issues?   

Local councils should collaborate when building new developments (21 residents; 7 developers; 7 expert agencies; 1 MBC councillor; 5 adjoining councils; 1 parish council; 1 county council; 1 Residents Assoc)

Issue/Question TQ3 - How do you think the council can achieve a consistent annual rate of housebuilding throughout the Local Plan Review Period?                                                                         

Providing smaller sites would improve the delivery rate as they do not take as long to deliver and easier to integrate into villages and towns than large developments       Residents (276) Developers (13) Expert agency (1) Parish Council (2) County Council (1) (Marden)

By using brownfield and unoccupied sites            Residents (15) Developers (3) Agent (1) County Council (1) Parish Council (2)

New housing development should be evenly spread across the borough              Residents (13) Developers (7) Expert agency (1) Councillor () Parish Council (2)

There needs to be a mixture of different types of sites to meet the housing target          Residents (5) Developers (22) Expert agency (3) Parish Council (3) County Council (1)

Planning policies should continue to support windfall development by giving weight to the benefits of using suitable sites within existing settlements.        Residents (1) Developers (10)

MBC will only achieve a consistent rate of housebuilding if the target is set lower (13 residents; 2 developers; 1 expert agency; 2 parish council)

Liaise with housebuilders and developers to know the likely rates of building on each site and when the site will be available (13 residents; 16 developers; 2 expert agencies; 1 county council; 2 parish councils)

Large extensions or new extensions are too difficult to deliver (174 residents) [Marden]

Issue/Question TQ4 – Have we identified all the possible types of housing sites?          

Allocated but undeveloped employment sites should provide for a mix of uses Residents (270); Parish Council (3)

All brownfield sites should be developed before greenfield sites are considered               Resident (13) Developers (1)

All types of housing sites have been identified   Resident (14) Developers (6) Councillor (1) Parish Council (4) ; 1 Residents Assoc

Local needs housing should be incorporated into all new developments                Resident (13) Developers (3) Parish Council (1) County Council (1) ; 1 Residents Assoc

Issue/Question TQ5 – What approaches could we use to identify more small sites suitable for allocation in the Local Plan Review?             

Small sites should be allocated as part of the plan making process             Residents (204) Developers (17) expert agency (2) Parish Council (1) County Council (1)

Liaise and use parish councils knowledge              Residents (6); Parish Council (9)

Dynamic approach to land that has long been allocated for employment uses which has not come forward for that use                Residents (197) Parish Council (1) ; 1 Residents Assoc

Promote a general plan policy which promotes the delivery of sustainable and deliverable whiteland within settlements                 Residents (231) ; 1 Residents Assoc

Issue/Question TQ6 – What approaches could we use to increase the number of new homes being built on brownfield sites and to make brownfield development more viable and attractive to developers?               

Building on brownfield sites/disused offices should be mandatory before greenfield sites are considered or put in the local plan       Resident (25) Developers (3) Expert Agency (2) Parish Council (3)

Building on brownfield land needs to be made more profitable than greenfield (greater s106/CIL contributions for greenfield)/ Infrastructure needs to be provided to allow for development on brownfield land  Residents (27) Developers (4) Expert Agency (1) County Council (1) Parish Council (12) ; 1 Residents Assoc

The planning process should be simpler than it is at present and provide greater flexibility  Residents (83) Developers (1) Expert Agency (1)

There should be a more dynamic approach to land that has long been allocated for employment uses and which has not come forward for that use           Resident (236) Developers (4) Expert Agency (1) Councillor () County Council (1) ; 1 Residents Assoc

Issue/Question TQ7 – What factors should we take into account when considering minimum density standards elsewhere in the borough, beyond the town centre?          

Density should follow the pattern of the existing developments in the area         Residents (47) Developers (14) Expert agency (7) County Council (1) Councillor (1) Parish Council (7)

Ensure new developments are located near public transport with easy access to Maidstone town centre and rural service centres Residents (5) Expert agency (1) Parish Council (6)

There should be higher density housing in the town centre to promote sustainable growth  Residents (4) Developers (14) Expert agency (1) County Council (1)

Issue/Question TQ8 – have we identified all the possible types of employment site?  

Mixed use sites should only be allowed if the jobs are given to those in that new community Residents (247) Parish Council (1) ; 1 Residents Assoc [Marden]

Many employment sites provide low or unskilled work which will not be attractive to new communities                Resident (163)

Recognition of the borough’s location, close to London, it is likely that new residential communities will commute out of the borough Residents (220) expert agencies (1) parish councils (3) ; 1 Residents Assoc

Issue/Question TQ9 – What approaches could we use to identify sites in and at the edge of the town centre for future shopping and leisure needs?    

There should be changes to the settlement hierarchy to take into account the number and change in services in the area                Residents (274) Developers (5) Expert agency (1) Parish Council (4) Petition (1) [primarily Marden residents]

The settlement hierarchy outlined within the draft Local Plan is the most sustainable for growth and shouldn't change                Resident (6) Developers (14) Expert agency (3) Parish Council (3) Councillor (1)

Development opportunities still exist in Rural Service Centres and larger villages               Resident (10) Developers (2) Expert agency (1) County Council (1)    

The current settlement hierarchy should change              Resident (16) Developers (14) Expert agency (1) Councillor (1) Parish Council (8)

Issue/Question TQ10 – Do you think there should be changes to the current settlement hierarchy? If yes what evidence do you have for your answer?  

There should be changes to the settlement hierarchy to take into account the number and change in services in the area                Residents (274) Developers (5) Expert agency (1) Parish Council (4) Petition (1) ; 1 Residents Assoc

The current settlement hierarchy should change Resident (16) Developers (14) Expert agency (1) MBC Councillor (1) Parish Council (8)          

The settlement hierarchy outlined with the draft Local Plan is the most sustainable for growth and shouldn’t change   Residents (6); developers (14) expert agency (3) parish council (3) MBC councillor (1) ; 1 Residents Assoc

Issue/Question TQ11 – What is your preferred option for future patterns of growth (A, B, Bi or C) and why?                                                                                                                                                                     

A – Maidstone focus

B – dispersal

Bi – dispersal plus more villages

C – focus on garden communities

(A) Maidstone Focus      Residents (30) Developers (6) Expert agency (4) Councillor () Parish Council (8)   ; 1 Residents Assoc

·         Better public transport in urban area (15)                                                                    

·         Use brownfield sites (8)       

·         People can live near to where they work (4)              

·         The town centre needs to be regenerated to reduce the number of empty shops (8)            


(B) Dispersal and Bi  Residents (19) Developers (22) Expert agency (3) Councillor (1) Parish Council (1)

·         There has been too much of a focus on Maidstone Town Centre (10)

·         Settlements provide the foundation through their infrastructure that can be developed (5)

·         Growth should be spread evenly across a range of villages and towns (5)     

·         Further development opportunities still exist in Rural Service Centres and larger Villages (11)                                                                                                                                     

(C) Focus on Planned new settlements and major extensions to existing settlements (garden suburbs)               Residents (6) Developers (1) Expert agency (2) Councillor (2) Parish Council (3) County Council (1) 

·         Develop new villages instead of ruining current villages (2)

·         This guarantees the necessary infrastructure is provided (4)

·         Right location with existing access to roads, rail links and broadband (2)

A combination of A and B            Residents (265) Developers (1) Expert agency (1) Parish Council (2) ; 1 Residents Assoc

A combination of A and C            Residents (2) Parish Council (1)

A combination of B and C             Residents (1) Councillor (1)

A combination of A, B & C  Residents (1) Developers (6)Expert agency (3) Councillor (2) Parish Council (0)            

Issue/Question TQ12 – For your preferred option, what infrastructure would you want to see brought forward as a priority?                                                                                                                                             

Across the board – open space, expansion of facilities (GP, schools etc), renewable/climate change

A/B – particular focus on transport, highways, and parking (in Maidstone town), s106 monies which have ben secured need to be spent on infrastructure ([primarily Marden residents])

B – all infrastructure services should be provided before new developments are built;

Issue/Question TQ13 – If your favoured option won’t achieve the number of new homes needed, at the rate they are needed, what combination of options do you think would be best?                      

A. and B - Residents (110) Developers (1) Expert agency (1)

A and C - Residents (3) Parish Council (1)

A, B and C - Residents (6) Developers (12) Expert agency (4) County Council (1) Councillor (2) Parish Council (2)

No other option would be best - Residents (144); developers (1); parish councils (3)


Issue/Question TQ14 – Have we identified the correct areas of focus for future master planning? What are the reasons for your answer?            

Sustainability should be a priority e.g renewable energy, open spaces etc.           Residents (8) Expert agency (3) Parish Council (5) County Council (1) Councillor (2)

New housing needs to fit into the local design and need               Residents (265) Developers (1) County Council (1) ; 1 Residents Assoc

All areas of focus for future masterplanning have been identified             Residents (3) Developers (7) Expert agency (1) County Council (1) Parish Council (2)

Public consultations are a vital source of information from the public, organisations etc  Residents (31) Parish Council (4) ; 1 Residents Assoc

Issue/Question TQ15 - Should the national space standards be incorporated into the Local Plan Review? What are the reasons for your answer?           

National space standards should be incorporated to ensure effective designs of new homes and improve housing standards in new developments               Residents (17) Developers (10) Expert agency (5) Councillor (4) County Council (1) Parish Council (10) ; 1 Residents Assoc

National Space standards should not be incorporated in the Local Plan Review   Residents (3) Developers (7) Parish Council (4)

Issue/Question TQ16 - How can the Local Plan Review best plan for different types of housing which will be needed?

Need to assess and respond to the needs of local people and understand the mix of housing require Residents (292) Developers (7) Expert Agency (2) County Council (1) Councillor (2) Parish Council (10) ; 2 Residents Assoc

The current affordable housing % do not provide people with flexibility                 Residents (13) Developers (8) Parish Council (2) Expert Agency (2) Councillor (1)

A dispersed growth strategy - able to allocate sites across the borough to meet evidenced local needs   Developers (15) Expert Agency (4) County Council (1) Parish Council (1)

Issue/Question TQ17 – How can the Local Plan Review best plan for the accommodation needs of Gypsy & Travellers and Travelling Show people?            

There should be permanent sites for Gypsy and Traveller communities designated in the Local Plan   Residents (17) Developers (1) County Council (1) Expert Agency (1) Councillor (3) Parish Council (6)

Liaise with gypsy and traveller communities and local residents to understand their needs Residents (13) Parish Councils (1)

Issue/Question TQ18 – How can the Local Plan Review help ensure that local economic growth benefits everyone?    

By accepting that its job is first to protect and enhance Maidstone town Centre (options A) which should be the focus for new development  Residents (266) Parish Council (2)

Issue/Question TQ19 - How can the Local Plan Review help sustain our town and local centres?

Development needs to occur across a wide range of sustainable locations and become more resilient to climate change impacts/The Local plan should not focus on large developments in one location/ Development directed to areas which opportunities for villages to grow and thrive can be achieved Residents (74) Developers (4) Expert agency (1) MBC Councillor (2) County Council (1) Parish Council (1)

Protect and enhance Maidstone Town Centre which should be focus for new development  Residents (225) Developers (2) Expert agency (2) Councillor (2) County Council (1) Parish Council (7) ; 1 Residents Assoc

Issue/Question TQ20  How can the Local Plan Review best plan for the new infrastructure that will be needed to support growth?                                                                                              

Ensure that infrastructure is sustainable (solar farms etc) and adaptable to new and current developments         Residents (54), Developers (5), Expert agency (6), Councillor (3), Parish Council (7) ; 2 Residents Assoc

Improvements to rural transport infrastructure (bus service, train stations, cycle routes) before/alongside new developments  Residents (15) Developers (2) Parish Council (3) ; 1 Residents Assoc

Ensure road networks are built prior to new developments Residents (38) Developers (1) Expert agency (1) Councillor (2) Parish Council (1) Petition (1)

Liaise with residents, service providers, organisation and councils to understand their viewpoints  Residents (246) Developers (4) Expert agency (2) County Council (1) Parish Council (7) ; 1 Residents Assoc

The ability to best plan can only genuinely be determined once the spatial direction of travel has been determined   Residents (173) ; 1 Residents Assoc

Issue/Question TQ21 - Have we identified all the types of transport measures? Which measures do you think we should priorities?                                                                                                          

Public transport needs to be more environmentally sustainable, cheaper and have a more frequent service        Residents (29) Developers (6) Expert agency (1) Councillor (2) Parish Council (5)

The boroughs roads should be a top priority for improvement (pot holes, congestion, noise, pinch points,  links to the countryside)      Residents (23) Developers (2) Expert agency (4) Councillor (1) Parish Council (9)

Prioritise those appropriate to the chosen spatial option or options.        Residents (252) Developers Parish Council (1)

Issue/Question TQ22 – How can the Local Plan Review best integrate health and wellbeing into the planning of new development? 

Ensure new developments have access to green, open and natural spaces          Residents (25) Developers (2) Expert agency (3) Councillor (2) Parish Council (8) ; 1 Residents Assoc

Developments need to be located in sustainable locations near footpaths/cyclepaths    Residents (269) Developers (2) Expert agency (1) ; 1 Residents Assoc

Ensure local infrastructure and community facilities provision matches the needs of the community Residents (30) Developers (4) Expert agency (3) Parish Council (9)

Issue/Question TQ23 – How can the Local Plan Review best manage flood risk whilst still achieving the growth that is needed?             

Ensure that new developments are not built on areas susceptible to flooding (e.g. flood plains Residents (44) Developers (8) Expert agency (1) Parish Council (6) Councillor (1)

MBC should work with experts to manage flood risks and mapping those risks   Residents (18) Developers (4) Expert agency (3) County Council (1) Parish Council (9); 1 Residents Assoc

Sustainable design of new developments            Residents (16) Developers (2) Councillor (2) County Council (1) Parish Council (2)

Issue/Question TQ24 – How can the Local Plan Review best plan for the protection and enhancement of the borough’s environmental assets whilst still achieving the growth that is needed?               

Environmentally sensitive areas should be protected and taken into consideration when choosing the location of new developments (e.g. nature reserves, AONB, SSIs, LLVs) Residents (121) Developers (5) Expert agency (1) Parish Council (7) ; 1 Residents Assoc

Developments need to be located in sustainable areas (good public transport , footpaths/cycle paths)   Residents (185)Developers (1)Expert agency (1)

The Maidstone Air Quality Management Area needs to be considered to ensure development is sustainable  Residents (245) Parish Council (1) [primarily Marden residents]

All environmentally sensitive receptors should be mapped and a central record held (SSSI, protected species etc) Residents (225) Parish Council (1) [primarily Marden residents]

Ecological reports should be assessed by internal environmental scientists/ecologists Residents (195); 1 Residents Assoc

Issue/Question TQ25 – How can the Local Plan Review best plan for the conservation and enhancement of the borough’s heritage assets whilst still achieving the growth that is needed?

Developments should be limited around heritage assets and AONB         Residents (82) Developers (1) County Council (1) Councillor (1) Parish Council (5) ; 1 Residents Assoc                                         

All heritage assets should be assessed to see any potential damage that development may have Residents (12) Parish Council (6)

All heritage assets and their condition should be listed and mapped        Residents (260) Councillor (1) Parish Council (1) ; 1 Residents Assoc

Issue/Question TQ26 – How can the Local Plan Review best plan for the protection and enhancement of the boroughs biodiversity whilst still achieving the growth that is needed?   

Broaden to not only statutory protected species but those recognised by RSPB as endangered species  Residents (159) Parish Council (1) ; 1 Residents Assoc

Discussions between MBC, developers, local communities and key stakeholders are important Residents (265) Developers (1) County Council (1) Parish Council (2)


Issue/Question TQ27 – How can the Local Plan Review best plan for an overall improvement in air quality in the Maidstone Air Quality Management Area, and manage air quality elsewhere, whilst still achieving the growth that is needed?             

Minimise vehicular transport requirements and maximise access to public transport in both urban and rural areas                Residents (131) Developers (1) Expert agency (5) Councillor (1) Parish Council (2)

Investment in public transport to provide cheap and regular services and improve traffic flow and air quality       Residents (133) Developers (4) Expert agency (3) County Council (1) Parish Council (4)

Improve sustainable transport across the borough           Resident (180) Developers (7) Expert agency (2) Parish Council (1) ; 1 Residents Assoc

Sustainable development (location and density of new development)   Resident (208) Expert agency (2) Maidstone BC Councillor (1) Parish Council (1)

MBC needs to take account the climate change emergency and Maidstone AQMA in the approval of any new development which may increase the volume of traffic Residents (236) Parish Council (4) ; 1 Residents Assoc

Issue/Question TQ28 – How can the Local Plan Review best reduce the generation of carbon emissions and mitigate for the effects of climate change whilst still achieve the growth that is needed?                   

Brownfield sites should be built on first Residents (233) Developers (1) Expert agency (1) Councillor

Encourage the use of electric vehicles in both public transport and private car use (green transport) Residents (14) Developers (3) Parish Council (6)             

Promote sustainable modes of transport (walking/cycling/public transport)         Residents (15) Developers (3) Expert agency (2) Parish Council (9) County Council (1) ; 1 Residents Assoc         

Address housing targets               I.e. improving air quality and housing growth are incompatible objectives Residents (197) Parish Council (1)

Issue/Question TQ29 – How can the Local Plan Review best provide for open space in new development?

Ensure that current/new open spaces are sustainable and protected. These should all be incorporated into new developments  Residents (28) Developers (3) Expert agency (1) County Council (1) Councillor (4) Resident Association (1) Parish Council (9)

Issue/Question TQ30 – What community facilities do you consider are the most important to a successful new development?                                                                                                                                 

To make sure new developments have resilient infrastructure to deal with population growth, climate change (Parking spaces, connectivity etc)              Residents (12) Developers (1) Expert agency (2) Councillor (2) Parish Council (10)

Facilities such as GP, local shops, post office, bank and village halls should be present for any new developments (or a community building)      Residents (46) Developers (4) Expert agency (6) County Council (1) Councillor (2) Parish Council (6)               

Ensure community facilities match the demographics for the area (youth clubs etc)         Residents (15) Developers (1) Expert agency (1) Petition (1) Parish Council (4)

Engagement with, and adoption by the existing community        Residents (16) Developers (2) Expert agency (1) Parish Council (4)

Issue/Question TQ31 – have we identified the extent of potential changes to the adopted Local Plan correctly? What alternative or additional ones do you suggest and why?              

A single pattern of growth will not be a sustainable approach to development. A combination needs to be used to ensure growth is spread across communities     Residents (25)