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Urgent Update: Planning Committee 27 May 2021

Item 18 Pages 21 – 57  20/505350/FULL - Warmlake Nursery


Point 1

The Applicant has submitted a sketch image of the view from North Street illustrating the impact of enhanced landscaping at both the site entrance and along the landscaped entrance road.


Point 2

The Applicant has submitted a further minor amendment to the landscape plan, namely:

·         Amend x2 Cercis to Prunus avium

·         Amend x1 Catalpa to Tilia

·         Show areas outside of private ownership

·         Add additional native species within the recommended MBC Area 28 mix

Point 3

One of the original objectors has submitted a further letter reiterating their concerns regarding highway and pedestrian safety in that:

  • Access is onto the busy A274
  • Pedestrians, including children will have to cross the road to access public transport where there are no pedestrian crossings
  • KCC and the Police have failed to enforce the 30 mph speed limit
  • The bend north of the crossroads reduces visibility


The recommendation remains unchanged.

… but for the amended reference to Landscape Masterplan Issue 3, in condition 2.