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Urgent Update for Item 21: 20/505808/FULL- Land Adjacent to 2 School Lane

·      1 further representation have been received raising the following (summarized) concern:

-          The addition windows and doors on the side elevation, and the new rear dormer would overlook their property and those to the rear.

Officer’s Comment:

The further representations are acknowledged and the residential amenity aspects have been fully discussed in the committee report. It was considered the proposed patio window on the rear dormer would share similar views to the approved scheme hence would not result in loss of privacy to neighbouring amenity space over and above what has been approved. The additional windows and doors on the ground level on the side elevation would be obscure glazed for the one serving a WC and the proposed side patio door would be screened by the 1.8m high boundary fence to the adjacent property. It was concluded overall although the relationship with neighbouring properties would be altered no undue harm would result to residential amenity and there are no grounds to warrant refusal of the application on residential amenity grounds.

It should be reminded the matter of privacy can not be considered at this committee as that was not the reason for deferral.