Note: During consideration of the next agenda item (Report of the
Democracy Committee proposing amendments to the terms of reference
of the Planning Committee), a Member expressed concern that
he had indicated that he wished to speak on recommendation 10 of
the Committee Structure Review report relating to report styles
and, in particular, the proposal that the cross-cutting issues and
section be included at the front of reports, he had not been given
the opportunity to speak. The Mayor apologised for his mistake in
failing to call upon the Member to speak.
The Chief Executive confirmed that there was no facility for the
Council to amend its earlier decision at this meeting, but Members
might wish to reflect in due course on the effectiveness of the new
arrangements. As a consequence, an item will be included in the
Democracy and General Purposes Committee Work Programme to review
the effectiveness of the new arrangements in six months’
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: For Determination
Decision due: 13 Nov 2019 by Democracy and General Purposes Committee
Lead director: Director of Strategy, Insight and Governance