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Register of interests

Councillor Anne Dawes

I Councillor Anne Dawes a Member of Maidstone Borough Council

1. and reside at
13 keele way
Maidstone, Kent
ME15 9WW
2. am completing this form because on
Date Enter one of those listed in the Note
26.05.2024 I was elected as a member of the Maidstone Borough Council
3. Any employment, office, trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain
You Husband/wife/civil partner or a person with whom you are living as husband/wife or as if you are civil partners
Anne Dawes Alexander Dawes husband
Outreach officer for Charity MADM Making A Difference Maidstone Special guardian (ex foster parents)
Self employed Gardener Self employed IT consultant
Special guardian (ex foster parents) Self employed Gardener
Trustee of BMAT First responder
4. Any payment or provision of any other financial benefit (other than from Maidstone Borough Council) made or provided within the relevant period* in respect of any expenses incurred by you in carrying out duties as a member, or towards the election expenses of yourself. This includes any payment or financial benefit from a trade union within the meaning of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992
Enter Here
Sensitive information held under Section 32 of the Localism Act
5. Any contract which is made between the relevant person (or a body in which the relevant person has a beneficial interest*) and Maidstone Borough Council
You Husband/wife/civil partner or a person with whom you are living as husband/wife or as if you are civil partners
BMAT Trustee Scout
6. Any beneficial interest in land* which is within the area of the Maidstone Borough Council
You Husband/wife/civil partner or a person with whom you are living as husband/wife or as if you are civil partners
Allotment on Hastill road 13 keele way
Boughton Monchelsea Maidstone
- ME15 9WW, kent
7. Any licence (alone or jointly with others) to occupy land* in the area of the relevant authority for a month or longer
You Husband/wife/civil partner or a person with whom you are living as husband/wife or as if you are civil partners
N/a N/a
8. Any tenancy where (to your knowledge) (a) the landlord is Maidstone Borough Council; and (b) the tenant is a body in which the relevant person has a beneficial interest
You Husband/ wife/civil partner or a person with whom you are living as husband/wife or as if you are civil partners
N/a N/a
9. Any beneficial interest in securities* of a body where (a) that body (to your knowledge) has a place of business or land in the area of the [name of authority]; and (b) either (i) the total nominal value of the securities exceeds £25,000 (face value) or one hundredth (1/100th ) of the total issued share capital of that body; or (ii) if the share capital of that body is of more than one class, the total nominal value of the shares of any one class in which the relevant person has a beneficial interest exceeds one hundredth of the total issued share capital of that class
You Husband/ wife/civil partner or a person with whom you are living as husband/wife or as if you are civil partners
N/a N/a
10. Declarations:
Please state if you agree these Declarations
Anne Marie Elise Dawes