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April 2019
Heritage, Culture and Leisure Committee
Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 2 April 2019
Present: |
Councillors Cuming, Fermor, Fort, Harper (Chairman), Hastie, Hinder, Mrs Hinder, Lewins and Mrs Wilson |
148. Apologies for Absence
There were no apologies.
149. Notification of Substitute Members
There were no Substitute Members.
150. Urgent Items
There were no urgent items.
151. Notification of Visiting Members
There were no Visiting Members.
152. Disclosures by Members and Officers
There were no disclosures by Members or Officers.
153. Disclosures of Lobbying
There were no disclosures of lobbying.
154. Exempt Items
RESOLVED: That all items be taken in public as proposed.
155. Minutes of the meeting held on 5 March 2019
RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 5 March 2019 be approved as a correct record and signed.
156. Presentation of Petitions
There were no petitions.
157. Questions and answer session for members of the public
There were no questions from members of the public.
158. Committee Work Programme
The Committee discussed the items on the Work Programme and
made the following change:-
· Museums – Agreeing the ‘Story of Maidstone’ was moved to July.
The Chairman confirmed that he had started to produce a short report on the work that had been accomplished by the Committee and would circulate a draft by email as soon as possible.
RESOLVED: That the Committee Work Programme, as amended, be agreed.
159. Change to the Order of Business
The Chairman indicated that he intended to take Agenda Item 16 - the Cemetery Improvements Update before Agenda Item 12 – Museum Governance Review Annual Update.
160. Cemetery Improvements Update
Mr William Cornall, the Director of Regeneration and Place, presented the Cemetery Improvements Update to the Committee.
Mr Cornall highlighted to the Committee that:
Due to the overspend on the capital fund for the car parking
works, the project would need to be re-profiled.
The car park expansion would be delayed to Phase 2.
· As the staff welfare facilities were unlikely to be in place until Autumn 2019, work had been undertaken to improve the existing facilities, which included a deep clean and new furniture.
In response to a question from the Committee, Mr Cornall
responded that the Cemetery Lodge would be subject to an enforcement issue for
The Committee thanked Officers for all their hard work on this project and looked forward to the Chapel being renovated.
1. That the continued
delivery of the Cemetery improvements through a two phased approach be agreed.
2. That the car park
expansion be delayed until Phase 2 of the improvements.
3. That £70,000 surplus
income generated by Bereavement Services and Grounds Maintenance in 2018/19 be
used to support the remaining capital budget for the project.
Voting: Unanimous
161. Museum Governance Review Annual Update
Mr John Foster, the Head of Regeneration and Economic Development, presented the Museum Governance Review Annual Update to the Committee.
Mr Foster highlighted to the Committee that:-
1. The report looked at
options to take the project forward which would include preparing a large scale
bid to the National Lottery Heritage Fund.
If the bid was successful this would enable the vision as laid out in the 20
Year Plan to be realised. However, there was a two stage process to the bid for
funding, stage 1 could take two years and even if the bid progressed through
stage 1, there was no guarantee that stage 2 would also be successful and the
whole process, including completion of all the works, could take approximately
5 years.
2. The Museum’s Director
and the Employer Agent would work together to explore costs to create the
spaces to tell the story of Maidstone at the Museum.
During the ensuing discussion, Committee Members made the following comments:-
That it would be too early to make a decision on whether to go
for the National Lottery Heritage Fund bid, the Committee should wait until the
costings have been drawn up.
· That it was important that assurances were given by officers to the timescales involved and that a report would come back in September to the Committee.
The findings of the Employers Agent be reported to this Committee in
July setting out the proposed new internal gallery spaces, improvements to
accessibility and costs.
A report on the proposed galleries content, designs and costs be
presented to Committee in September.
Voting: Unanimous
162. Key Performance Indicators 2019-20
The Committee considered the report of Ms Anna Collier, the Policy and Information Manager, which set out a draft set of performance indicators for the consideration of the Committee.
The Committee made the following recommendations to Policy and Resources Committee:-
That the footfall at the Museum indicator be targeted to reflect
The indicator relating to ‘Number of green flag parks’ should
reflect that the Council wanted to retain the 5 green flags it held, not
increase them.
· The indicator ‘Number of people using parks and open spaces’ should be deleted
An additional indicator be included ‘Actual Spend of Section 106
An additional indicator should be included ‘Maintenance per Acre
or Hectare Spent on Parks and Open Spaces’.
· An additional indicator should be included ‘Attendance at Events in the Museum’ to showcase the diversity of the events at the Museum.
An additional indicator should be included on the use of the
Visit Maidstone site
In response to questions from Members, Officers replied
Officers were still discussing an appropriate target for
‘Percentage of fly tips with evidential value which result in enforcement
action’ based on what was achieved last year
Hits on the Visit Maidstone site was not the best method for
measuring use of the site but officers would review options and select the best
method to reflect useage.
RESOLVED: That the following additions/amendments be recommended to Policy and Resources Committee:-
1. That the footfall at
the Museum indicator be targeted to reflect seasonality.
2. The indicator relating
to ‘Number of green flag parks’ should reflect that the Council wanted to
retain the 5 green flags it held, not increase them.
3. The indicator ‘Number of people using parks and open spaces’ should be deleted
4. An additional
indicator be included ‘Actual Spend of Section 106 money’
5. An additional
indicator should be included ‘Maintenance per Acre or Hectare Spent on Parks
and Open Spaces’.
6. An additional
indicator should be included ‘Attendance at Events in the Museum’ to showcase
the diversity of the events at the Museum.
7. An
additional indicator should be included on the use of the Visit Maidstone site
Voting: Unanimous
163. To consider the results of HCL Workshop - 17th January 2019
The Chairman introduced the report on the findings of the workshop held on 17th January 2019.
In order to define the priorities for the next municipal year the Committee felt that it would be opportune to hold another workshop during the last two weeks of May.
The results of the workshop set out in Appendix 1 to the report be
A workshop be held during the last two weeks of May to refine the
priorities to 5-10 areas which would become the workplan for the 19/20
municipal year.
3. That the preliminary findings set out in Appendix 1 of the report be shared with other Committee Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen.
164. Tourism Destination Management Plan - One Year Action Plan
Mrs Laura Dickson, the Visitor Economy and Events Development Manager, presented a report on the Tourism Destination Management Plan 2015-2018.
Mrs Dickson highlighted that:-
The Committee agreed in November 2018 that the Destination
Management Plan should be reviewed and a new one year rolling action plan
developed which was attached as Appendix A to the report.
The original plan was analysed through a series of industry
consultations, surveys and workshops looking at developments and changes since
2015, including the recent Economic Impact of Tourism in Maidstone report.
· Workshops were held by Blue Sail, the Destination Management Consultants, on 6th February 2019 which was attended by key businesses from all parts of the tourism sector. Members also attended a consultation workshop on the same day.
The Committee made the following comments:-
That the type of events held at the Amphitheatre should be in
consideration of the residents of the alms houses that are behind the facility.
· That the town should focus on being walker and cyclist friendly and provide the necessary facilities.
RESOLVED: That the new one year rolling action plan for the Tourism Destination Management Plan be adopted.
Voting: Unanimous
165. Vote of Thanks
The Chairman thanked Councillor Mrs Wilson for her valued contribution to the work of this Committee over the years and said that her commitment and involvement would be greatly missed.
166. Duration of Meeting
6.30 p.m. to 7.25 p.m.