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This document is produced by

Maidstone Borough Council




This Local Development Scheme came into effect on XXXX and replaces all previous versions of the Scheme







All enquiries should be addressed to:


Strategic Planning

Maidstone Borough Council

Maidstone House

King Street



ME15 6JQ


Telephone: 01622 602000



1. Introduction to the Local Development Scheme

                What is the Local Development Scheme?

                The Development Plan

                Planning Documents

                Community Infrastructure Levy

2. The Local Development Scheme

                Review of the Local Development Scheme 2014-2017

                Local Development Scheme 2018-2022

                Monitoring and Review

3. Document Project Plan

                Maidstone Borough Local Plan Review

4. Glossary of Terms















1. Introduction to the Local Development Scheme

What is the Local Development Scheme?

1.1 The government requires local planning authorities to prepare a Local Development Scheme (LDS). The LDS is a five year project plan and this version covers the period 2018-2022.The purpose of a LDS includes setting out the timetable for the delivery of Council produced planning policy documents. These are often referred to as Development Plan Documents or Local Plans. During the period 2018-2022, the Council intends to produce a review of the Maidstone Borough Local Plan (October 2017). The Local Plan Review (LPR), as this document will be known, will affect the whole of Maidstone Borough.

1.2 This LDS contains a timetable for the delivery of the LPR to inform local people and stakeholders of the key milestones in its production.

1.3 This LDS was approved by Full Council on XXXX and came into effect on the same day. This iteration of the LDS supersedes the LDS 2014-2017 and covers the period 2018-2022.

The Development Plan

1.4 Development Plans are an important part of the English planning system and are needed to guide the local decision making process for land uses and development proposals. At XXXX, the Development Plan for Maidstone borough comprises:

·         Maidstone Borough Local Plan 2011-2031 and associated Proposals Map (October 2017)

·         North Loose Neighbourhood Development Plan 2015-2031 (April 2016)

·         Staplehurst Neighbourhood Development Plan 2016-2031 (December 2016)

·         Kent Minerals and Waste Local Plan 2013-2030 (July 2016)

1.5 Further information regarding each of these documents is provided below.

1.6 The Maidstone Borough Local Plan sets out the framework for development within the Borough until 2031. It includes a spatial vision, objectives and key policies. It also includes an associated ‘Policies Map’ that sets out the geographical extent of key designations and site specific proposals set out in the local plan. Maidstone has an on-line policies map that can be accessed through its website. The Maidstone Borough Local Plan plays a key part in delivering Maidstone Council's Strategic Plan. The Maidstone Borough Local Plan was found sound following independent examination and was adopted by Full Council on 25 October 2017. Maidstone Borough Local Plan contains Policy LPR1-‘Review of the Local Plan’. This requires a review of the local plan to ensure that the plan continues to be up to date. Policy LPR1 outlines matters which may be addressed by the review.

1.7 Policy DM6 – ‘Air Quality’ contains a commitment for the Council to prepare an Air Quality Development Plan Document in advance of the Local Plan Review, to take account of the Air Quality Management Area Air Quality Action Plan, the Low Emission Strategy and national requirements.  At its meeting on 10th July 2018, the Council’s Strategic Planning, Sustainability & Transportation Committee took the decision to incorporate the matters which would have been covered by the Air Quality DPD (TBC) into the Local Plan Review.  As a result, this LDS does not include a separate timetable for an Air Quality Development Plan Document.

1.8 Neighbourhood Development Plans are prepared by Parish Councils or Neighbourhood Forums, and the plans are subject to consultation, independent examination and referendum. The plans must be in general conformity with the strategic policies of the adopted local plan, and should have regard to any emerging Local Plan. A neighbourhood area has to be designated for a Neighbourhood Development Plan to be produced. In total, 15 Parish Councils and 1 Neighbourhood Forum have designated Neighbourhood Areas. To date, two Neighbourhood Development Plans have been made and a number of Neighbourhood Development Plans are at various stages of preparation.

1.9 The Kent Minerals and Waste Local Plan was produced by Kent County Council and covers the whole county. The Plan was adopted in July 2016 and describes:

·         'The overarching strategy and planning policies for mineral extraction, importation and recycling, and the waste management for all waste streams that are generated or managed in Kent, and

·         The spatial implications of economic, social and environmental change in relation to strategic minerals and waste planning.'


Planning Documents

1.11 In addition to the above components of the Development Plan, there are other key planning documents that the Council produces. These include:

·         Supplementary Planning Documents – these set out further information, interpretation or clarification regarding existing planning policies and are produced and adopted by the Council in accordance with government requirements

·         Planning policy guidance – these set out further information, interpretation or clarification regarding existing planning policies but have not been produced to meet government Supplementary Planning Document requirements

·         Statement of Community Involvement – a procedural document that sets out the methods for consultation and engagement with the public and stakeholders. This includes consultation and engagement during the production of Local Plans, the production of Neighbourhood Development Plans, and the Development Management process.

·         Authority Monitoring Reports – a procedural document, produced on an annual basis that monitors performance against Maidstone’s Local Plan.

Maidstone Community Infrastructure Levy

1.12 The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a charge on specific new developments towards the provision of infrastructure. The Maidstone CIL Charging Schedule was adopted by Full Council on 25 October 2017, following examination in June 2017. The take effect date for Maidstone CIL was agreed as 1 October 2018.

1.13 The Charging Schedule sets out the charging rates for development in Maidstone Borough, including the types of development that are required to pay the Levy and where the proposed rates will apply. The CIL Charging Schedule was developed alongside the Maidstone Borough Local Plan, as the evidence base for infrastructure, planning, affordable housing requirements and development viability supported both the Maidstone CIL and Maidstone Borough Local Plan.

1.14 The infrastructure schemes and/or types of infrastructure to be funded by Maidstone CIL are set out in a Regulation 123 List. In addition, Section 106 planning agreements, which are negotiated with developers to obtain infrastructure funding, will continue to play a significant role in securing site related infrastructure.






















2. The Local Development Scheme

Review of the Local Development Scheme 2014-2017

2.1 Since the Local Development Scheme 2014-2017 came into effect in 2015, the Maidstone Borough Local Plan was subject to public consultation at Regulation 19 and was later submitted to the Secretary of State for independent examination on 20 May 2016. The examination hearings and subsequent main modifications consultation did not take place in line with the approved LDS. The MBLP was adopted by Full Council on 25 October 2017, consequently bringing the 2015 LDS to an end. The Local Plan Review is a new Local Development Scheme. 

2.4 Under Policy DM6 – ‘Air Quality’ the Council is committed to preparing an Air Quality Development Plan Document. The work on the Air Quality DPD will be incorporated into the Local Plan Review.  

2.5 The Maidstone Borough Local Plan is now subject to review. A timetable for the implementation of the Maidstone Borough Local Plan review follows.



















Local Development Scheme 2018-2022


























Monitoring and Review

2.6 The Council will create an evidence base to ensure it has sufficient social, environmental, economic and physical information to inform the review of the local plan. The adopted local plan explains how its policies will be delivered and implemented, and identifies performance indicators against which the success of policies is monitored. The performance indicators will be monitored through annual Authority Monitoring Reports, and the Council will monitor and review progress against the LDS programme in this document.























3. Document Project Plan

Maidstone Borough Local Plan Review

Maidstone Borough Local Plan Review


Matters to be reviewed include:

·         A review of housing of needs

·         The allocation of land at the Invicta Park Barracks broad location and at the Lenham broad location if the latter has not been achieved through a Lenham Neighbourhood Plan in the interim

·         Identification of additional housing land to maintain supply towards the end of the plan period and, if required as a result, consideration of whether the spatial strategy needs to be amended to accommodate such development

·         A review of employment land provision and how to accommodate any additional employment land needed as a result

·         Whether the case for a Leeds-Langley Relief Road is made, how it could be funded and whether additional development would be associated with the road

·         Alternatives to such a relief road

·         The need for further sustainable transport measures aimed at encouraging modal shift to reduce congestion and air pollution

·         Reconsideration of the approach to the Syngenta and Baltic Wharf sites if these have not been resolved in the interim

·         Extension of the local plan period


Local Plan


Maidstone Borough

Chain of Conformity – national

Central government policy and guidance, including the National Planning Policy Framework, National Planning Practice Guidance and the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012.

Chain of Conformity – local

Regard to the Council’s Plans and Strategies, including the Strategic Plan, Economic Development Strategy and Housing Strategy.

Policies Map

To be amended to reflect the policy content of the Local Plan Review



Sustainability Appraisal

Relevant appraisals and assessment will be carried out throughout the review of the Maidstone Borough Local Plan

Evidence gathering

June 2018 to June 2019

Scoping/options consultation (Regulation 18)

July to August 2019

Preferred approaches consultation (Regulation 18)

February to March 2020

Draft DPD consultation (Regulation 19)

October to December 2020

Submission (Regulation 22)

March 2021

Examination hearing sessions (Regulation 24)

July to October 2021

Receipt of Inspector’s Report

February 2022

Adoption – Full Council (Regulation 26)

April 2022

Arrangements for Production


Internal Partners

Key internal partners include relevant service areas within the Council, Chief Executive; Corporate Leadership Team; and Strategic Planning, Sustainability and Transportation Committee.

External Partners

Key external partners include specific and general consultation bodies (including parish councils and neighbourhood forums), local stakeholder groups, hard to reach groups and the local community.

External Resources

Kent County Council, Highways England, infrastructure providers, the Homes England, and use of external consultants to provide evidence (as required).


Table 3.1 Project Plan for the Maidstone Borough Local Plan Review


















4. Glossary of Terms

Glossary of terms






Authority Monitoring Report

A report which is produced annually and monitors the performance against monitoring indicators in the Maidstone Borough Local Plan.


Development Plan

The Development Plan includes adopted local plans/Development Plan Documents and adopted Neighbourhood Development Plans, and sets a framework for the local decision making process.


Development Plan Documents/Local Plans

A DPD/Local Plan is a spatial planning document which sets out the plan for the future development of the local area, drawn up by a local authority in consultation with the community. Once adopted, the local plan becomes part of the Development Plan. The Local Plan does not include SPDs or local Planning Guidance, although these documents are material considerations in the decision making process.


Kent County Council

The county planning authority, responsible for producing the Kent Minerals and Waste Local Plans, and are the highways authority.


Local Development Scheme

The LDS is a summary business programme and timetable for the production of the local plan.


Maidstone Borough Council

The local planning authority responsible for producing the Borough Local Plan.



Neighbourhood Development Plan

Neighbourhood Development Plans (also known as neighbourhood plans) are prepared by a parish council or neighbourhood forum for a particular neighbourhood area. Neighbourhood plans must be in conformity with the strategic policies of the Local Plan and, once made, form part of the Council's Development Plan.


Planning Policy Guidance

Additional guidance which provides further detail to policies set out in local plans and is a material consideration in planning decisions but is not part of the local plan or the development plan. If subject to adequate stakeholder and public consultation, guidance can carry commensurate weight with SPDs in the decision making process.


Policies Map

The Policies Map uses an on-line ordnance survey map base to show the spatial extent of all land use policies and proposals, and is updated with each new Local Plan so that it reflects the up-to-date planning strategy for the borough.


Sustainability Appraisal

The SA is a tool for appraising policies and proposals to ensure they reflect sustainable development objectives, including social, economic and environmental objectives. An SA must be undertaken for all local plans and incorporates a Strategic Environmental Assessment.


Statement of Community Involvement

The SCI specifies how the community and stakeholders will be involved in the process of preparing local planning documents, Neighbourhood Development Plans and Development Management process.


Strategic Environmental Assessment

SEA is a generic term used to describe the environmental assessment of policies, plans and programmes. The European SEA Directive requires a formal environmental assessment of certain plans and programmes, including those in the field of planning and land use.


Secretary of State

Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government.


Supplementary Planning Document

An SPD provides further detail to policies set out in local plans. SPDs are a material consideration in the decision making process but are not part of the Development Plan or the Local Plan. They follow a statutory production and consultation process.