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Item 14, Page 36         3 Tonbridge Road Maidstone


Ref: 18/500160/FULL


SWS: The exact position of the public sewers must be determined on site: no development or new tree planting should be located within 3m either side of the external edge of the public sewer and all existing infrastructure should be protected during the course of construction works. No new soakaways should be located within 5 metres of a public sewer. Southern Water can provide foul sewage disposal but requires a formal application for a connection to the public sewer to be made. It is the responsibility of the developer to make suitable provision for the disposal of surface water. It is important that discharge to sewer occurs only where this is necessary and where adequate capacity exists to serve the development. No land drainage or groundwater should enter public sewers network.


CCG: Request £23,112 towards refurbishment/upgrade at The Vine Medical Practice.




As detailed in the main agenda, the requirements of surface water and foul drainage measures are already the subject of suggested pre-commencement conditions.


Currently there are viability issues with contributions from this development. In the event that the recommended viability reviews were to indicate that contributions can be sought in future, any CCG/NHS request would need to specify the refurbishment/upgrade in more detail as funds from s106 must be used to expand/cope with the extra demand. The request would be judged in accordance with policy ID1 of the MBLP which places Health needs in a relatively high position in the priorities for infrastructure from residential development.


Members are advised that because the press and site notice have expiry dates of 7 September 2018, it is the case that the decision would be delegated to the Head of Planning on the understanding that no issues not already assessed were received at the end of the consultation period. If a new issue were to be raised by 7th September 2018, it would then be reported back to the next committee.


Recommendation remains unchanged