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Urgent Update – 17/504579/OUT - Durrants Farm, West Street, Hunton
Comments from Cllr Harwood have questioned the absence of conditions on renewable energy generation, integral niches for wildlife, wildlife friendly drainage infrastructure, gaps under fences, sustainable urban drainage and boundary landscaping details. Officer response is provided below.
Renewable energy generation
There is no policy support for seeking on site renewable energy generation and a condition is not proposed for the following reasons:
Since the adoption of the former local plan in 2000, the approach to sustainability in new residential development has progressed. This progression is reflected in the abolition of the Code for Sustainable Homes, in the current Local Plan policy (adopted October 2017), and in the NPPF.
This progression involves concentrating on seeking improvements to building fabric through Part L of the Building Regulations which is considered outside the planning system. This advanced approach seeks to reduce overall energy demand through greater efficiency and quality in building construction, a ‘fabric first’ approach (including greater insulation to prevent heat escape). This current comprehensive approach is a step forward from the bolt on renewable energy generation previously sought for a just a percentage of the overall energy used (typically 10% of total) by a dwelling.
Integral niches for wildlife, Wildlife friendly drainage infrastructure,
After a survey of the site condition 10 on the original report requires the development to proceed in accordance with the Preliminary Ecological Appraisal carried out by Greenspace Ecological Solutions dated August 2018 including the ecological enhancements set out in para 6.1 of the report within 3 months of first occupation.
Gaps under fences,
Condition 12 in the original report includes a requirement for gaps for the passage of wildlife.
Sustainable urban drainage
Condition 2 in the original report includes a requirement for details of a sustainable urban drainage system to be submitted for approval.
Boundary landscaping details.
This is an outline application with landscaping a reserved matter. Condition 5 requests details of landscaping across the site and a specific condition on boundary landscaping is considered onerous.