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“Maidstone: a vibrant, prosperous, urban and rural community at the heart of Kent where everyone can realise their potential”

Embracing Growth and Enabling Infrastructure


·         The Council leads master planning and invests in new places which are well designed

·         Key employment sites are delivered

·         Housing need is met including affordable housing

·         Sufficient infrastructure is planned to meet the demands of growth


Safe, Clean and Green


·         People feel safe and are safe

·         A Borough that is recognised as clean and well cared for by everyone

·         An environmentally attractive and sustainable Borough

·         Everyone has access to high quality parks and green spaces


Homes and Communities


·         A diverse range of community activities is encouraged

·         Existing housing is safe, desirable and promotes good health and well-being

·         Homelessness and rough sleeping are prevented

·         Community facilities and services in the right place at the right time to support communities

A Thriving Place


·         A vibrant leisure and culture offer, enjoyed by residents and attractive to visitors

·         Our town and village centres are fit for the future

·         Skills levels and earning potential of our residents are raised

·         Local commercial and inward investment is increased


Cross Cutting Objectives:

·         Heritage is respected

·         Health inequalities are addressed and reduced

·         Deprivation is reduced and social mobility is improved

·         Biodiversity and Environmental sustainability is respected


How we do things:

·         Community Engagement and Leadership

·         Partnership working

·         Proactive Investment

·         Outcome focussed commissioning and service delivery


Pride in our Borough

A Borough that works for everyone