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Desktop Research on Partners’ Priorities
“Our focus is on improving lives by ensuring every pound spent in Kent is delivering better outcomes for Kent’s residents, communities and businesses.”
Strategic Outcomes:
• Children and young people in Kent get the best start in life
• Kent communities feel the benefits of economic growth by being in-work, healthy and enjoying a good quality of life
• Older and vulnerable residents are safe and supported with choices to live independently
Our Strategic Business Plan Priorities:
• Engage with central government and local planning authorities across Kent to support Local Plans and the Growth & Infrastructure Plan to deliver well planned economic and housing growth, with the right physical and social infrastructure.
· Examine innovative funding solutions across the public and private sector to meet the challenge of funding infrastructure.
• Work with our NHS partners through the Kent Health and Wellbeing Board to develop and deliver a shared vision for the integration and redesign of health and social care services across Kent.
• We will focus on prevention to proactively identify vulnerable individuals and families at risk of needing intensive support, and deliver intensive support to families in crisis to help turn their lives around as quickly as possible.
• Working across the public, private and voluntary sector, agree a shared approach to developing the future health and social care workforce in Kent.
• Ensure our social care teams and children’s social services are linked to GP practices to deliver a better preventative model of care, and more integrated health and social care services for residents.
• We must ensure a zero tolerance approach to Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) across Kent and ensure the systems, procedures and intelligence across all agencies tackling CSE in Kent is joined up, effective and robust to pro-actively protect children and support victims.
• Working with Kent businesses to develop an innovative and sector based approach to vocational and technical careers advice so young people have an understanding of the skills, opportunities and career path options open to them.
• Ensure that KCC gets its fair share of national and local funding to ensure sufficient primary and secondary places of high quality, in the right locations, for all so parents and young people have choice and access to good and outstanding schools and post 16 destinations in their local community.
• Work with schools and teachers to identify and support the professional development of the next generation of school leaders and that we continue to facilitate effective collaboration between local schools in Kent to continuously improve education standards and pupil achievement.
• Educate the wider Kent community on mental health and dementia on how they can help and support individuals, families and carers in their community to feel socially included, and promote and enable the use of new technologies amongst the older and vulnerable to better access services and support.
•Medway: A place to be proud of:
· A clean and green environment,
· Putting Medway on the map.
•Supporting Medway's people to realise their potential:
· Healthy and active communities,
· Resilient families,
· Older and disabled people living independently in their homes,
· All children achieving their potential in schools.
•Maximising regeneration and economic growth:
· A strong diversified economy,
· Residents with jobs and skills,
· Preventing homelessness,
· Delivering new homes to meet the needs of Medway’s residents,
· Getting around Medway.
Ways of working
•Giving value for money
•Finding the best digital innovation and using it to meet residents' needs
•Working in partnership where this benefits our residents: We cannot achieve our vision for Medway on our own. We will continue to work with partners to deliver the services that matter most to the community.
Mid Kent College
Vision & values
Our Vision
"Everyone is proud to recommend MidKent College to family and friends. It is a great place to learn and work, where all students and staff feel part of the College community."
Our Values
Aspiring to Excellence
Setting High Expectations
Passion for Learning
Integrity and Honesty
Respecting the Individual
Effective Team working
Our Mission
Our mission is to challenge and support every student to be the best they can be.
Our Strategic Priorities
We will provide first-rate teaching and learning
Our curriculum will improve the employment prospects of all our students
We will engage actively with our community
We will secure the work we do with the RSME and develop other activities from it
We will develop strategies to ensure our long term success
Kent Police
My Six Point Plan: Priorities for Policing and Crime & Disorder Reduction
4.1 Cutting crime and reducing re-offending
- Work with organisations to break the cycle of re-offending, and the criminal justice system to provide effective rehabilitation for those coming out of prison
- Improved public safety by sharing CCTV facilities -
- Reducing Cybercrime -
- Engaging voluntary community (e.g. special constables)
- Rural concerns of being ignored
4.2 Delivering value for money
- Lobby hard to ensure that Kent gets the funding it needs
- Collaborative relationship with Kent Fire and Rescue Service
- New technology and innovation to reduce bureaucracy and streamline processes
4.3 Visible, effective and dedicated policing
- Support partnership working to prevent violent extremism and radicalisation
- Ensure the Force has the resources and capacity to protect the public from terrorism and other threats
- Work with communities, parishes and residents to review neighbourhood policing arrangements
- Retain the role of PCSO and support them in their work preventing crime
- Lobby for increasing the range of powers available to PCSO’s
- Work with the Home Office, local authorities and other organisations to protect the vulnerable from threats e.g. gang crime, modern slavery and child sexual exploitation
- Holding accountable Chief Constable promoting ethical behaviour amongst his workforce
4.4 Putting victims at the heart of the justice system
- Provide faster and more tailored support for individuals and businesses who become a victim of crime.
- Support crime prevention schemes that help individuals and businesses.
- Work with the Force and the Crown Prosecution Service to ensure the public have confidence in the charging process and that it is effective, efficient and robust.
- Use technology to provide a better service to victims.
- Work with the Force and partners to ensure repeat and vulnerable victims of crime and anti-social behaviour receive enhanced support.
4.5 Tackling the misery caused by abuse, substance misuse and anti-social behaviour
- Maintain support for victims’ services and protect funding for survivors of rape, child abuse and domestic violence.
- Work with charities and organisations that provide support to those with damaging addictions (in order to prevent crime)
- Regularly review the performance of the emergency and non-emergency telephone service to make sure victims of crime and anti-social behaviour can get through to someone quickly, their reports are acted on.
- Work with councils, Neighbourhood Watch and other partners to tackle anti-social behaviour
4.6 Mental health
- Bring together relevant bodies to review mental health and policing
- Ensure officers and staff have the support they need and training necessary to deal with incidents safely and effectively.
- Review the operation of street triage teams and see if they can be brought back in some form, enabling mental health professionals and police officers to respond to calls together.
- Continue to fund the presence of mental health professionals in the Force Control Room to reduce the demand, and ensure callers with mental health issues receive the right support.
- Ensure the continued availability of occupational and mental health support for officers and staff.
Kent Fire and Rescue
A Borough To Be Proud Of:
· Deliver major regeneration projects - A redeveloped town centre for Sittingbourne which acts as a catalyst for the wholesale regeneration of the Town, fostering economic and cultural renewal;
· Protect and improve the natural and built environments - Delivery of smaller-scale regeneration projects to improve the appearance and facilities of our towns and villages in which the natural and built environments are respected, conserved, and enhanced for future generations;
· Keep Swale clean and tidy - A borough which is noticeably clean and well maintained;
· Enhance the Borough’s economic and tourism offer - A borough with a strong brand, which is recognised nationally and internationally for its advantageous business environment and for its wealth of visitor attractions;
· Lobby for better roads and transport - World-class multi-modal transport links which facilitate economic growth and enable residents from across the Borough to take advantage of it.
A Community To Be Proud Of:
· Encourage active communities - Communities across Swale in which people work together to solve the issues that confront their local areas;
· Support the voluntary sector - A diverse, flourishing and well-supported voluntary sector working to improve lives across the Borough;
· Reduce crime and disorder - A low-crime Borough in which a ‘zero tolerance’ approach is taken to antisocial behaviour and no-one has to live in fear of crime, domestic abuse or intimidation;
· Foster economic growth and prosperity for all (Through) Use our influence to ensure local skills are matched to local jobs - An educated community in which everyone has the opportunity to acquire the skills which will enable them to work to support their families, in which businesses are able to thrive through the recruitment of well-qualified local people;
· Work in partnership to improve health and mental health - A community in which everyone plays their part in maintaining their own physical and mental wellbeing through healthy lifestyle choices, but where people have easy access to world-class healthcare when things go wrong.
A Council To Be Proud Of:
· Improve residents’ perceptions and customers’ experiences - A Council which is regarded as a positive asset to the area by its residents and taxpayers, and which routinely exceeds its customers’ expectations;
· Ensure that Swale’s internal governance and decision-making are second to none (While) Encouraging innovation at every level - An organisation which continually and actively seeks new ways of achieving better results at lower cost, and in which all employees are supported to experiment and innovate to improve the way they do their jobs;
· Strengthen our financial and political resilience - A Council whose ongoing financial viability is largely independent of the decisions made by central government, which is less dependent on grant funding, and which is well placed to secure the best arrangement for Swale’s residents in the event of local government reorganisation;
· Enhance our capacity for achieving outcomes collaboratively - A Council with the confidence and capacity to fulfil its community leadership role, sustaining effective partnerships with other local agencies and punching above its weight to ensure that Swale’s needs are taken fully into account at a national and European level.
Tunbridge Wells
· “To encourage investment and sustainable growth and to enhance the quality of life for all."
· Focusing on activities that support prosperity, wellness and inclusivity, the borough will be a more attractive place to live, work and visit.
Shaping the place
· More project driven
· Sustainable growth – through delivering development and encouraging investment in the borough such as British land purchase of the Royal Victoria Place shopping centre (
· Creating a new local plan for the borough 2013-2033
· Cultural hub of West Kent and East Sussex – Amelia Scott (cultural and learning hub), new theatre and civic complex (Calverley square) and looking to support/hold cultural events. ‘Cultural capital of West Kent and (East Sussex)’
· Enhancing the public realm in the borough
· Creating new sports facilities across the borough
· Support the development of the Community Centres in the borough
· Provide additional off-street car parking in Royal Tunbridge Wells
Making a difference
· More day to day business particular focus on services with mass customer impact street scene/waste/customer services.
· Getting it right first time- We’ll strive to get it right every time we deliver a service to the public.
· Putting it right first time- When something goes wrong correct it first time.
· Learning from complaints.
A Prosperous Borough
· Advocating for further improvements to alleviate congestion
· Supporting the development of Neighbourhood Plans
· Advocating for new education facilities
A Well Borough
· Household recycling- Target of 50% by 2019
· Active travel-( increasing walking, cycling and public transport, decreasing car journeys)
· Improving social and health inequalities- Improve public health services, Expand the community trust to further tackle social deprivation, Better housing options and better temporary housing provision.
An Inclusive Borough
· Engaging with Parish and Town Councils: Update Parish Charter, Continue Parish Chairman’s Forum, Holding consultation for future planning , Including rural economy in tourism.
· Devolution of Services- Work with Kent County Council, West Kent Partnership, Town and Parish councils to decide at what level services are best provided. Work with Sevenoaks District Council and Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council to deliver a range of services across our boundaries.
Ashford Enterprise – Economic Investment:
· A vibrant town centre and supporting business centre
· A range of jobs with an emphasis on increasing skills level
· A local plan that encourages economic growth by allowing sufficient space for business and encouraging a range of business particularly high skill
· Well –planned and well-resourced infrastructure to support Ashford’s prime location
· A thriving rural tourism and rural enterprise
Living Ashford - Quality housing and homes for all:
· Identify an adequate supply of housing to meet a range of housing needs,
· Create a supply of town centre homes for the new emerging market,
· Help people meet their housing needs and aspirations
· Maintain confidence in the Planning system
Active and Creative Ashford - Healthy choices through Physical, Cultural, and Leisure engagement:
· Innovative ways for people to choose active lifestyles,
· Grow our cultural offer to be a successful and alternative destination,
· Delivery of the best mix of sports, cultural and recreational experiences with Health and Wellbeing results for all residents.
Attractive Ashford- Landscape and Townscape, Heritage and Tourism:
· Strengthen heritage and tourism,
· Improve and safeguard the presentation of the borough recognising its unique environment, countryside and local heritage,
· Delivery of the best mix of new and old parks and green spaces.
Tonbridge and Malling
“To be a financially sustainable Council that delivers good value services, provides strong and clear leadership and, with our partners, addresses the needs of our Borough.”
Meeting the Challenges Ahead
- generating new income and cost recovery
- looking at ways of delivering retained services more efficiently
- reviewing discretionary services and delivering mandatory services at a lower cost
- reducing costs when service contracts are renewed and re-tendered
- realignment of services and reviewing our management structures
- reviewing our partnership arrangements and the funding we offer to those bodies
- Investing the proceeds gained from the release of assets.
A Commitment to Working in Partnership
Working with our Borough Partners
· Local Strategic Partnership: our main partnership which brings together key local partners from the public, private and voluntary sectors.
· We will continue to engage with our Parish Councils via a refreshed Parish Partnership Panel led by a new, jointly agreed Parish Charter.
· Additional: developing our dialogue with local businesses and traders’ groups, with local housing providers, and other partners including those for health improvement, sports and recreation, community development and community safety.
Working across West Kent
· The Borough Council works closely with Sevenoaks District Council, Tunbridge Wells Borough Council and Kent County Council and the West Kent Partnership.
· We now wish to develop those relationships even further.
· New approach might include stronger Governance arrangements to underpin a wider range of shared services and closer working relationships between the two tiers of Local Government.
· Enable the West Kent authorities to deliver certain national services on a more local basis.
Measuring Success
- Our progress towards meeting our financial targets as set out in the Savings and Transformation Strategy both in terms of the cost savings we have achieved and new income we have generated.
- Adopting a culture of continuous improvement in change and efficiency through a small set of key indicators covering the core services we provide.
- Assessing the pace of change we have achieved in rewiring our services to meet customer needs and to identify where positive changes could be accelerated further.
- Engage with our key partners to challenge us on our progress and achievements.
- Explore opportunities to receive feedback and comments via consultation with our residents, businesses, visitors, partners and staff.