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Members Comments 13 November Briefing



Aspiration instead of ambition. Ambitions instead of aspirations.	Better x2
OK as it is.Our/their potential. 	 
Tick x3 
Well done
I like the vision!	“Maidstone: a vibrant, prosperous, urban and rural community at the heart of Kent where everyone can realise their aspirations”




·         Pride in our Borough

·         A Borough that works for everyone


‘Belief’ rather than ‘Pride’

An attractive destination for visitors
Like Pride and Me

Prefer pride
‘Is Good’ rather than ‘Works’
A Borough that works for all ‘not everyone’
I think ‘Works’ is better



Embracing Growth and Enabling Infrastructure:

·         The council leads the master planning and invests in new places which ate well designed

·         Key employment sites are delivered

·         The housing need is met including affordable housing

·         Infrastructure is in place to meet the demands of growth


Sufficient ….. is planned to meet…..,To encourage appropriate development!
How can we claim that infrastructure is in place? Not IS but will be. ,I agree ‘will be’ may be better.
4th bullet point is critical to the ‘how’!!,Not doing enough for elderly and disabled – planning design.
Fast rail transport to London.
Combine station for a major hub? (St Peters St?)








Safe, Clean and, Green and Safe


·         People feel safe and are safe

·         A Borough that is recognised as clean and well cared for by everyone

·         A Bio Diverse n environmentally attractive and sustainable Borough

·         Everyone has access to high quality parks and green spaces

Broad choice of transport options.
Do not need ‘By Everyone.’
No need for ‘By Everyone.’
I’m happy.
So am I.
‘By everyone’ not necessary.

More trees, cleaner air.
Nothing I’d disagree with.
















A Thriving Place:


·         A vibrant leisure and culture offer, enjoyed by residents and attractive to visitors

·         Our town and village centres are fit for the future

·         Skills levels and earning potential of our residents are raised

·         Local commercial and inward investment is increased

Need is
Major concert venue
Linking river to town (+ St Peters Street/Lock Meadow)  eg:  Kingstone has made a great feature of the Thames since the improved 1 way system changes in the 80’s (High Street Pedestrianisation)


Homes and Communities:

·         A Diverse range of community activities is encouraged

·         Existing housing is safe, desirable and promotes good health and well-being.

·         Homelessness and rough sleeping are prevented*

·         Weighting of instability of potential housing areas. Community infrastructure in the right place at the right time to support communities.

*or preventable? Can we do this? Better cross agency relationships.
Section 106
Money stuck there that’s needed to deliver important services for health and will being.



How we do things:


·         Community Engagement and Leadership

·         Partnership working

·         Proactive Investment


Promote and encourage

Officer openness with Members (esp. issues affecting ward)
Engaging with Members early on with issues affecting their wards (e.g. pre app discussion historically)


























The Impact of our Priorities:

·         Heritage is respected

·         Health inequalities are addressed and reduced

·         Deprivation is reduced and social mobility is improved

·         Biodiversity is respected and enhanced

·         Environmental sustainability, we will integrate sustainability, we will integrate sustainability considerations into all our business decisions


This implies more ‘street cleaning’ needs to be more about ‘green’ i.e. biodiversity.

Define unique characters and heritages for areas to help members (with evidence) to re-inforce character & heritage.* Build a heritage frame work showing current assets & ways in which we can enhance our offering.



Recognise climate change!