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Licensing Committee

28 March 2019

Is the final decision on the recommendations in this report to be made at this meeting?



Amendments to the Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy


Final Decision-Maker

Licensing Committee

Lead Head of Service

John Littlemore, Head of Housing and Community Services

Lead Officer/Report Author

Lorraine Neale



Wards affected




This report makes the following recommendation:

1.   That the Licensing Committee agree a 6 week consultation on amendments to the Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy which came into effect 8 December 2015. This authority is required to regularly review its Taxi Licensing Policy.

2.      That once the consultation has concluded, the draft amended policy along with results and feedback from the 6 week consultation, will be reported to the Licensing Committee in June.

3. That the Head of Housing and Community Services be delegated to make any minor amendments to the Policy in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Licensing Committee.




This report relates to the following Five Year Plan Key Objectives:

·         Securing a successful economy for Maidstone Borough







Licensing Committee

Licensing Committee

Communities Housing and Environment Committee

28 March 2019

20 June 2019

16 July 2019

Amendments to the Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Policy





1.1    This report seeks approval from the Committee for a consultation to commence on the draft Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy attached at Appendix 1.


1.2    The draft policy outlines the decision making framework that Maidstone Borough Council will apply when exercising its responsibilities for licensing hackney carriage and private hire vehicles, drivers and operators.





2.1    Maidstone Borough Council has responsibility for licensing Hackney Carriage

        and Private Hire vehicles, drivers and operators within the Borough of

        Maidstone. The existing policy was published in December 2015 and may be

        revised from time to time in keeping with the legislation.


2.2    The policy will remain in existence for a period of five years, during which

        time it shall be kept under review and revised as appropriate or after any

        significant legislative change.


2.3   It is important that the Policy document is regularly reviewed so that it remains

        current, clear and effective whilst providing the trade and public with a clear

        understanding of how Taxi and Private Hire services are administered. It will

        also ensure consistency of approach by Officers thus ensuring fairness,

        openness and consistency to the trade.


2.4   There have been changes made to procedures and processes since the Policy was first published and those changes have been incorporated in the draft document. Those proposed changes are set out in the table below:-

Policy Item

Current Policy






Statement of Policy about Relevant Convictions 


Guidance on Determining the Suitability of Applicants and Licensees in the Hackney and Private Hire Trades

(see explanation at 3.5 )


Paragraph 2.2




Slight amendment to text to include 4th Partner Bexley









3 .







DSA test       





Knowledge Test




DVLA check


Amendments to text  following changes to providers and procedures


No longer available Driving Assessment tests by alternate providers (see 3.2)No longer a written test electronic multiple choice test (see 3.6) Signed mandates no longer used online checks undertaken


3.2 Driving Standards

DSA & KCC replaced with new providers




Policy amended to list new providers and amendments made to text to reflect changes

3.5 Criminal Record

Council’s Statement of Policy

about Relevant Convictions

Guidance on Determining the Suitability of Applicants and Licensees in the Hackney and Private Hire Trades adopted, text amended to reflect , reference to Appendix 2 which has also been amended

3.6 New Drivers

Knowledge Test










2 hour written test, 4 attempts allowed


Routes, streets, places & Byelaws for Hackney/Dual drivers







Electronic multiple choice test, 3 attempts allowed.

Now includes;-

• Generic Policy and Law

• Highway Code

• MBC Policy and Law (will   include the Byelaws for Hackney/Dual candidates)

• Places

• Routes

• Streets

• Numeracy

• Road Signs

• Safeguarding

• Compulsory Questions.


Amendments to text to reflect change









Text amended to refer to the 2016 Unmet demand survey. Ford Procab agreed as a suitable Hackney carriage vehicle.

4.7 Quantity Restrictions of Vehicle Licences

2013 Unmet Demand referred to

Amended to 2016 Unmet demand survey


4.8 Environmental Considerations

Reference made to reduced licence fees for cleaner emissions vehicle

Paragraph removed as the cost of issuing a licence must be covered and cannot currently be subsidised.






No clarity on Operators bases

Paragraph added to clarify that licences will only be issued to Operators with premises/address in the Borough. Grandfather rights are extended to the few that exist as long as they are renewed and are not allowed to lapse

5.3 Licence Duration 

1 year operator licences

Text amended to reflect the issue of 1,3 and 5 year licences

5.4 Fees

Charge per vehicle

Text amended to reflect fees are now dependant on duration of licence

5.8 Address from which an Operator may operate

No clarity on Operators bases

Line inserted to clarify











Comments made prior to the introduction of the penalty points scheme


Text amended to reflect the implementation of the scheme


Confirmation of issued penalty points within 10 working days

Amended to “within a reasonable time period” 10 working days is currently unrealistic for Officers


6 months

Amended to 1 year




7.1. Appointed Stands



Being reviewed in 2015



Amended to ongoing

Appendix  2








Appendix 5d







Appendix 6






Appendix 9








Appendix 9

Conduct of Driver





Appendix 10






Statement of Policy about Relevant Convictions 






No reference to plate exemption






Advertising on vehicles not addressed.


Wearing of badges for drivers not addressed



Convictions mentioned only







Condition reads “driver shall behave in a civil, polite and orderly manner”




Changed to refer to Guidance on Determining the Suitability of Applicants and Licensees in the Hackney and Private Hire Trades


Clarification on the presentation of badges while undertaking plate exempt work




Clarification provided

Clarification provided




Cautions added, also ‘if being charged with a criminal offence and Police or other regulatory investigations’



Amended to clarify the types of unacceptable behaviour



Amendments made to the penalty points table to reflect the changes in the main body of the policy



       Other minor amendments have been made to spellings, grammar and

       broken links to the website they have not been listed in the table but can

       be seen as tracked changes in the draft document at Appendix 1




3 1.  Agree all the amendments as detailed above, to be put out to consultation

         for 6 weeks;

3.2.   Agree to some of the amendments for consultation but leave others out; or

3.3    Reject the suggested amendments to the policy being put out to consultation

         and leave the Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Policy as it is.

3.4   That the delegation for minor amendments be agreed





4.1    That the draft amended Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Policy be approved for public consultation;








(name of officer and date)

Impact on Corporate Priorities

No implications have been identified

[Head of Service or Manager]

Risk Management

No implications have been identified

[Head of Service or Manager]

Finance and other resources

The costs of administering the licensing function is recovered through the fees charged. The policy provides a clear decision making framework which

supports the delivery of an efficient and effective service

[Section 151 Officer & Finance Team]


No implications have been identified

[Head of Service]



Jayne Bolas, Solicitor

Team Leader(Contentious)


Equality Impact Needs Assessment

An EqIA should be completed as part of this proposed change in policy to consider any areas that may impact groups with protected characteristics and identify whether any mitigating actions are required.

Equalities and Corporate Policy Officer

Environmental/Sustainable Development

No implications have been identified

[Head of Service or Manager]

Community Safety

No implications have been identified

[Head of Service or Manager]

Human Rights Act

No implications have been identified

[Head of Service or Manager]


No implications have been identified

[Head of Service & Section 151 Officer]




The following documents are to be published with this report and form part of the report:

Appendix 1 – Draft Taxi Policy



