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13 NOVEMBER 2019
Councillor Perry gave notice of his intention to move the following motion at the meeting of the Council held on 25 September 2019:
Members of this Council are elected by the Residents of this Borough to represent their interests. And in order for Members to carry out their duties effectively the Council agrees that all committee agendas, reports and information relating to items on the agenda (Minutes etc.) should be made available to all Members; including information made exempt from publication under Paragraph 3 of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.
In moving the motion, with the agreement of his seconder (Councillor D Burton), and with the consent of the meeting, Councillor Perry deleted the words Paragraph 3 of from the sixth line.
A copy of the briefing note prepared by Officers to assist Members in the debate is attached as Appendix A.
During the discussion, the following suggested amendment was moved by Councillor Clark, seconded by Councillor English:
Members of this Council are elected by the Residents of this Borough to represent their interests. In order for Members to carry out their duties effectively this Council agrees that all committee agendas and reports relating to items on the agenda (including minutes, supporting documentation and urgent updates) will be provided to committee members and made available to any other interested members on request.
It was suggested that this amendment be further amended as follows:
Members of this Council are elected by the Residents of this
Borough to represent their interests. In order for Members to carry out their
duties effectively this Council agrees that all committee agendas and reports
relating to items on the agenda (including minutes, supporting documentation,
and urgent updates and relevant exempt information) will be
provided to committee members and made available to any other interested
members on request.
In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 17.5, the motion, having been moved and seconded, and the suggested amendments were referred to the Democracy and General Purposes Committee.
RECOMMENDED: That the Committee consider the motion relating to Access to Information and the amendments suggested by Members at the Council meeting.
Note: Following the Council meeting, Counsel’s Opinion was sought regarding access by Councillors to confidential or exempt information in order to inform this Committee’s discussions. A copy of the Opinion is attached as Appendix B.