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Democracy and General Purposes Committee




Outside Body Report


Outside Body

Maidstone Street Pastors

Councillor(s) represented on the Outside Body

Cllr Denise Joy

Report Author

Cllr Denise Joy

Date of Outside Body Meeting Attended




Purpose of the External Board/Outside Body



Street Pastors engages with people on the streets to care for them, listen to them and help them. They work together with the police and other partners in the night time economy to make communities safer.


They patrol in teams of men and women usually from 10am – 4am to provide emotional, spiritual and practical support to those in need.


Excellent relationships have been built up with business door staff, One Maidstone and the Urban blue bus. 


Chairman of the management committee is Revd Arthur Houston and coordinator is Nigel Downes.



 As a member of the management committee since 2008 sourcing funding and volunteers are paramount for their work to continue.


And as one of the High Street Ward Councillors this gives me the opportunity to raise the profile of Street Pastors whenever possible.


I am now attending the night-time economy meetings with the local business community who I know support the Pastors in their work.