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9th June 2020 |
Local Plan Review Update |
Final Decision-Maker |
Strategic Planning and Infrastructure Committee |
Lead Head of Service |
Rob Jarman, Head of Planning and Development |
Lead Officer and Report Author |
Phil Coyne (Interim Local Plan Review Director), Mark Egerton (Strategic Planning Manager) |
Classification |
Wards affected |
All |
Executive Summary |
At the 10th March 2020 meeting of this committee, Members resolved that officers provide a short-written update at each meeting of this committee, concerning any slippage and/or progress on delivering the Local Plan Review on the timescale agreed. This report provides the requested update and seeks agreement to an Elected Member Engagement Protocol in advance of a recommendation to undertake a public consultation on the Local Plan Review that is scheduled to commence in October 2020. |
Purpose of Report
This report makes the following recommendations to this Committee: |
1. The content of this report be noted 2. The Committee agrees to the proposals for an Elected Member Engagement Protocol in the run-up to the public consultation on the Local Plan Review that is scheduled to commence in October 2020 |
Timetable |
Meeting |
Date |
Strategic Planning and Infrastructure Committee |
9th June 2020 |
Local Plan Review Update |
Issue |
Implications |
Sign-off |
Impact on Corporate Priorities |
The four Strategic Plan objectives are:
· Embracing Growth and Enabling Infrastructure · Safe, Clean and Green · Homes and Communities · A Thriving Place The Local Plan Review (LPR), can contribute to all four objectives. The Scoping Themes and Issues consultation document previously agreed by this Committee explains this interrelationship between the Strategic Plan objectives and the LPR.
Rob Jarman, Head of Planning & Development |
Cross Cutting Objectives |
The four cross-cutting objectives are:
· Heritage is Respected · Health Inequalities are Addressed and Reduced · Deprivation and Social Mobility is Improved · Biodiversity and Environmental Sustainability is respected
Similarly, the relationship between these objectives and the LPR is explained in the Scoping, Themes and Issues consultation document. |
Rob Jarman, Head of Planning & Development |
Risk Management |
Already covered in the risk section
Rob Jarman, Head of Planning & Development |
Financial |
Provision has been made for the costs of delivering the local plan review within the Council’s agreed budget and medium term financial plan.
Section 151 Officer & Finance Team |
Staffing |
There are no significant staffing implications resulting from this update report
Rob Jarman, Head of Planning & Development |
Legal |
This report does not raise any specific legal implications. More widely, the preparation of the LPR is governed by specific legislation and regulations and informed by national planning policy and guidance. Legal advice on specific matters is obtained from MKLS and/or counsel as the LPR is progressed and this is incorporated. |
Cheryl Parks, Mid Kent Legal Services (Planning) |
Privacy and Data Protection |
This report does not raise any specific privacy/data protection issues at this stage. |
Equalities and Corporate Policy Officer |
Equalities |
No implications identified as part of this report and recommendations. An impact assessment has been undertaken. This is a live document that is revisited as the review progresses. |
Equalities and Corporate Policy Officer |
Public Health
The LPR will have, or has the potential to have, a positive impact on population health and that of individuals. |
[Public Health Officer] |
Crime and Disorder |
The LPR can potentially have a positive impact on crime and disorder. |
Rob Jarman, Head of Planning & Development |
Procurement |
This report does not raise any specific procurement issues at this stage. |
Rob Jarman, Head of Planning & Development & Section 151 Officer |
1.1 At the 10th March 2020 meeting of this committee, Members resolved that officers provide a short-written update at each meeting of this committee, concerning any slippage and/or progress on delivering the plan on the timescale agreed. This report provides the requested update.
1.2 In addition, this report contains a proposed Elected Member Engagement Protocol. The protocol sets out the ways in which Members can be involved and briefed on emerging proposals in the run up to the public consultation on the Local Plan Review that is scheduled to commence in October 2020, subject to agreement of Members to a preferred spatial strategy.
Local Plan Review Update
1.3 The consultation in October 2020 will seek to set out the main components of future growth associated with the Local Plan Review, including growth in housing, employment and retail and where this would occur. It will also consider the main matters that impact on that growth, including transport and other forms of infrastructure as well as environmental designations. It will seek to include a preferred spatial approach to accommodating the growth, along with ‘reasonable alternatives’ that have been tested, as required by government guidance. Associated evidence that has informed and will be used to support these matters will also be presented.
1.4 As part of this process, it will be apparent which of the assessed sites are most likely to be in a position to contribute to the overall preferred approach. However, there will still be a significant amount of work required to finalise the preferred strategy as the Local Plan Review moves toward draft Plan document stage, and detailed discussions with infrastructure providers will be one of the factors that play a vital role in this regard.
1.5 In preparation for this and future Local Plan Review outputs a number of work streams are of note:
· Topic Papers dealing with the levels and components of growth set out in paragraph 1.3 and the matters that impact on that growth are being drafted to provide evidence for the approaches. The topic papers consider a significant number of factors that influence the approaches, including legislation and government guidance, assessments of need and approaches taking in key strategies, such as the Council’s Strategic Plan (2019-2045). They will therefore also summarise and justify the preferred approaches and reasonable alternatives
· Analysis of supply of sites, including the call for sites exercise submissions and current and future land supply, is ongoing. This will lead to the creation of a Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment
· First stage transport modelling has commenced to identify the potential impacts of growth on the highway network and the potential level of mitigation that will need to be considered
· An iterative process of sustainability appraisal of the levels and components of growth is ongoing by specialist consultants.
· Consultants have been appointed to undertake a Strategic Flood Risk Assessment to understand the constraints that flood risk would have on new development and the overall implications that new development may have in this regard
· Consultants have been appointed to undertake a two-stage process of assessing submissions for potential garden communities, with the first stage having been undertaken and the second stage now underway
Elected Member Engagement Protocol
1.6 Several the above workstreams will feed into the process of creating a series of documents that are scheduled to be published in October 2020 for public consultation. This includes a Local Plan Review Preferred Approaches Paper that sets out the above information and the matters that influence all approaches set out therein, evidence of the sites and garden communities that may contribute to the future spatial strategy, and initial findings from transport modelling and sustainability appraisal.
1.7 Given the nature of this public consultation and the scale and complexity of the work involved, it is proposed to undertake a series of Elected Member engagement exercises over the summer period. The purpose of the engagement exercises will be to ensure that Members have the opportunity to be involved and briefed on emerging proposals and supporting evidence, per the summary set out in paragraph 1.3, in the run up to the public consultation exercise. The overall anticipated timetable is as follows:
· Briefing of Strategic Planning and Infrastructure Committee Chair and Vice-Chair – 3rd week in July 2020
· Strategic Planning and Infrastructure Committee Workshop – 1st week in August 2020
· All-Member session – 2nd week in August
· Further Strategic Planning and Infrastructure Workshop – 1st week in September 2020
· (Strategic Planning and Infrastructure Committee meeting – 6th October 2020)
1.8 Despite the tight timeline, it is hoped that these proposals will provide Members with adequate opportunities to engage in the emerging proposals and supporting evidence, per the summary set out in paragraph 1.3 prior to the 6th October 2020 Strategic Planning and Infrastructure Committee meeting and the scheduled public consultation that is due to commence later in that month. It is anticipated that the public consultation will take place from Friday 30th October 2020 and finish 6 weeks later on Sunday 13th December 2020.
2.1 Committee is being asked to note the content of this report in terms of progress in assembling the evidence base for the Local Plan Review and to agree the proposals for an Elected Member Engagement Protocol in the run-up to the public consultation on the preferred spatial options for development component of the Local Plan Review that is scheduled to commence in October 2020
2.2 Alternatively, Members may choose to reject or revise the Elected Member Engagement Protocol. However, to follow this option, Members should be mindful of the tight timescales leading towards the October consultation and the need to ensure Members are aware of the emerging proposals.
3.1 It is recommended that Members note the content of this report and agree the proposals for and Elected Member Engagement Protocol in the run-up to the public consultation on the Local Plan Review that is scheduled to commence in October 2020. The options afford Members the opportunity to engage in the process prior to Strategic Planning and Infrastructure Committee on 6th October 2020 whilst seeking to ensure that the Local Plan Review proceeds in accordance with the timetable contained in the published Local Development Scheme.
This report
itself has no specific risk management implications and the risks associated
with the Local Plan Review programme are contained within a strategic risk
assessment. The Elected Member Engagement Protocol allows for involvement of
Members in the run-up to public consultation that is scheduled for October
2020, keeping within the timescales contained within the published Local
Development Scheme timetable.