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Item 16, Pages 51-62                                                       Land South of South Cottage, High Street, Staplehurst



P53 – Section 3 of the officer report and the comments from Staplehurst Parish Council (p54- paragraph 4.05) correctly identify policy PW4 of the Staplehurst Neighbourhood Plan (June 2020) as relevant to the consideration of this planning application.  


Insert the following after paragraph 6.10, page 56:

Policy PW4 of the Staplehurst Neighbourhood Plan (June 2020) states that new development must have regard to the historic environment. The supporting text to policy PW4 at paragraph 7.21 advises “…heritage is an integral part of the landscape. It is reflected as sites and the surrounds of sites but it is also the pattern of fields, route-ways and clusters of houses and farms. Understanding the heritage of an area includes understanding the landscape as a whole”. Paragraph 7.22 advises” New developments within Staplehurst need to have regard to the historic environment…There should also be regard to NPPF Section 12 on the historic environment and to Local Plan policies”.


The Council’s Conservation Officer has considered the proposal and raises no objection stating The scale and character of the proposed house has responded to earlier objections and advice and is now more modest and appropriate to its context. In my view it would not overly detract from or dominate the adjacent listed buildings, and the slight set back would allow for views to their respective end elevations”.