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Appendix 1

Implications for Service Delivery for each of the options

Current Service

OPTION 1 Closure apart from special events


Opening 2 days a week with fewer staff at reduced hours


Annualised hours equivalent to opening 3 days a week


Annualised hours equivalent to opening 4 days week

Museum open Tues-Sat and Sun afternoon in Summer.


Open only by appointment on a few days such as Open House weekend.

Access provided for contractors, servicing of equipment, visitors to KAS etc.


Open only Friday and Saturday


Hours will vary seasonally

Hours will vary seasonally

Carriage Museum open 3 days in Summer


Carriage Museum closed Remedial care for building and collections.


Carriage Museum closed

Carriage Museum closed

Carriage Museum closed

Schools learning programme and visits


No schools programme

Schools Programme limited to pre-prepared activities available online


Schools’ programme limited to loan boxes and pre-prepared activities online


Schools’ programme will continue as at present *


Min no 3 new temporary exhibitions a year inc chance for local people to exhibit


No Temporary Exhibitions

One in-house exhibition per year


One in-house exhibition per year


Two in-house exhibition per year


Children’s activities provided during each school holiday

No children’s activity programme

Children’s activities limited to pre-printed trails


Children’s activities limited to pre-printed trails and 4 events a year


Children’s activities will continue at close to current levels*


Regular events and activities for adults inc Café Culture, Dementia friendly openings, talks and craft sessions.


No adult programming




No adult programming









4 events and activities for adults per year





Events and activities for adults will be only slightly reduced



Collections team care for, catalogue and promote access to 650,000 objects

No Collections Access or Development work carried out

Research or cataloguing of collections limited to dealing with backlogs


Research or cataloguing of collections limited to dealing with backlogs


Research and cataloguing of collections proceed at a slower rate due to a likely cut in staff hours but work will continue in existing areas