Contact your Parish Council

From: Tap17
Sent: 27 July 2021 12:24
To: Louise Davis <>
Subject: Re: Emailing: 2744324


Hi Louise,


I would like to confirm the following:


Late night refreshment can be disregarded due to our opening hours not being applicable for late night. 


Apologies for the Sunday hours saying 23:00, this of course should only be until 22:30 in lone with hours of opening etc.


We will be supplying alcohol both on and off the premises until all times stipulated for opening. 


Please also, could you send me the copy of my licence with the supply of alcohol on and off premises? As discussed this was an error on the licensing partnership.


Many thanks,




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On 27 Jul 2021, at 11:41, Louise Davis <> wrote:

Hi Kelli


The Licensing Partnership have now uploaded your amended application pages but there are still a couple of queries or changes that haven’t been made.


1.       The hours for Late Night Refreshment have not been crossed out under Section I on page 9 – please confirm that this is to be disregarded as not relevant to the application.

2.       Supply of Alcohol  - you have stated under Section J / page 10 that Sunday is until 23:00, however under the nature of the variation Part 3 you have given the hours for Sunday as 12pm until 10.30pm and your opening hours reflect this – please confirm the finish hours for ‘Sale of Alcohol’ on Sundays is 10.30pm.

3.       Supply of Alcohol – Section J / page 10 you need to confirm that this applies to both on and off the premises.  You have only ticked ‘on the premises’ – please confirm that the extended hours for ‘sale/supply of alcohol’ applied to ‘both on and off the premises’.


I am happy for your to confirm the changes by return email giving the Licensing Partnership permission to amend the details on your behalf.  We can then update the record and I can validate your application.


Kind regards




Louise Davis

Licensing Officer

Licensing Team

Maidstone Borough Council, Maidstone House, King Street, Maidstone, Kent ME15 6JQ

t 01622 602727 e w