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Objective 1:  Prevention






Update Feb 2022


Continue tenancy mediation service for private sector landlords and tenants and involve third sectors and partners if suitable.

         Fewer private sector evictions

         Reductions in family evictions


Maidstone Mediation Private landlords


We continue to make referrals and service is operational


Provide low income households with finance and budget management advice and guidance through our Financial inclusion Officer and look to expand this in-house programme


         Fewer rent arrears amongst private sector tenants

         Fewer private sector evictions

         Additional staff


Registered Providers CAB


A number of staff are in post who support households in financial difficulties. Predicative analytics is fully embedded through the One View platform.



Work in partnership with MBC communications team to educate young people within the borough about the realities of homelessness


         Fewer young people presenting as homeless

         Expectations will be in line with options.


Schools Housing support providers

December 2020

Housing Advice Manager has approached schools. Working towards embedding this. 



Roll out the Predictive Analytics systems across MBC to help identify those at risk of homelessness

         Model operational

         Clear outcomes demonstrated

         More partners involved

Housing Advice Manager

April 2020

Implemented. Expansion plans to look at singles who are at risk of Rough Sleeping.

More partners will to be added. Recipient of the Local Government Award


Allocation Scheme to be reviewed to include the “Staying Put” incentive.

         Reviewed and amended

Head of Service

Dec 2019

Implemented – reviewed in Sept 2021


Develop the Intentional Homelessness Protocol with key partners and start working towards eliminating those outcomes for households

         Protocol in place and implemented throughout practice.

         Seek specific accommodation for IH households as trial tenancies and a route into mainstream accommodation


Housing and Inclusion Manager

July 2020

IH pathway has been developed internally and has been successful. Further work underway with KHOG to develop a County wide agreement.



Work with registered providers to ensure they accommodate those house hold which are the most vulnerable and may include those found to be IH. 


         Develop networking opportunities

         Those must vulnerable are being accommodated

Housing and Inclusion Manager


Liaison meetings with Golding Homes.

CSVG continues –

Virtual viewings

Offering additional support to RP’s to ensure tenancy sustainment.   


Development of a crash pad option for young people to give some time out from the parental home

         Reduction in the number of parental evictions

         Increase in the number of successful reconnections to family


Housing Advice Manager

April 2021

KCC – Social Care – are in place across Kent.


The creation of a drop in and hub service for people facing homelessness which is not located within the Link; to include debt advice and support, floating support and signposting.

         Location identified and developed.

         Staff are working outside of the office to ensure maximum engagement with the community

         Increase in digital inclusion

Housing and Inclusion Manager

April 2020

Trinity will be offering our “front door” service to all Housing Departments in Maidstone. Ousing

Partnership development with other agencies to offer activities and interventions.



Objective 2:  Accommodation






Update Feb 2022


Deliver phase three of emergency accommodation within the borough and reduce nightly paid accommodation.

         Reduce use of bed and breakfast accommodation

         Reduce costs to the authority



Purchase and Repair phase four is underway


Support the development and implementation of the affordable housing supplementary planning document 

         More social homes available within the borough

         Those most in need able to secure a social home


Registered Providers




Review the Homefinder lettings scheme to ensure value for money and delivering effective outcomes.

         Ensure a scheme fit for purpose.

Housing and Inclusion Manager

January 2021

Completed but still under review.


MBC to work towards balancing the housing market through Maidstone Property Holdings

         More homeless and rough sleeping households accommodated through MPH


Head of service

On-going wit quarterly reviews



Develop a MBC floating support service using new funding streams.

         More households are being supported through the traditional floating support model – this to be needs led and not dictated by a timeframe.


Housing and Inclusion Manager

August 2020 

Partially completed and work continuing towards a robust Floating Support service via RSI funding.



Local Housing Allowance – seek to lobby the government on an uplift which reflect the local market rates. 

         Raise this at more senor levels including KHG and central government forums.


Head of Service



Objective 3: Support for Vulnerable People






Update Feb 2022


Ensure vulnerable people have sufficient access to appropriate housing and support services

         Quicker, simpler referrals between housing and health services

         More self-contained accommodation within the borough

         People with mental health needs can access appropriate accommodation

         Fewer vulnerable households are evicted



Registered Providers

April 2021



Range of supported housing options available in Maidstone including:

Lily Smith House

Pippin Court

MBC supported housing



Continued support for victims of domestic abuse through:

1.    Sanctuary

2.    MARAC

3.    One Stop Shop

         Fewer people fleeing domestic abuse at point of crisis

         Increased resilience for individuals suffering domestic abuse

         Increased homelessness prevention for victims of domestic abuse

         Attendance at the OSS by Housing Advisors


One Stop Shop



DA and SG coordinator has been embedded. Working towards a central DA offer. Trinity will host the DA forum and the One Stop Shop.


Develop appropriate accommodation for ex-offenders within Maidstone.  

         Reduction in re-offending rates amongst ex-offenders

         Close working relationship with Probation and support providers.

         More accommodation options

         Increase in individuals accessing work and training who have an offending background.



Kent Probation Kent Prison Service Kent

August 2019

Completed the funding of The Link Project

AfO funding for a Housing First model in Maidstone



Continue the development of the hospital discharge program ensuring MBC have robust relationships with all key health partners

         Service level agreements are developed with those partners.

         Expansion into MDT’s for mental health services

         On-going review of outcomes achieved to review if service needs amendment.

MBC and CCG’s. MTW.

Littlebrook and Priority House.

Dec 2019

MTW is embedded and fully functional, Cottage Hospital and KIMS.

Virtual engagement.


Improve access to GPs and primary care services for homeless households and rough sleepers.


         Increase the numbers  of households in temporary and emergency accommodation accessing primary health care services

         Increase no. of rough sleepers accessing primary health care services

MBC, CCG’s and medical facilities across Maidstone

Reviewed in March 2020

KCHFT provide physical health to Rough Sleeping and at risk homeless individuals.

Collaborative working agreement underway for One You service and the housing teams.

Include health care in the PhP


Staff are well trained and have specialist knowledge on a range of support issues.

         Staff specialisms are developed and encouraged

         Regular training undertaken

         Staff can work with the most complex and be empathic and supportive


AM and HAM

On-going but reviewed twice yearly in line with performance


Objective 4: Rough Sleepers







 Update Feb 2022


Continue the roll out of the Housing First Model

         More households accommodated through housing first

         Seek funding to continue the programme of providing on-going support to those accommodated.


Housing and Inclusion Manager

December 2019



Seek post 2020 funding for the outreach service.

    Continuation of service post April 2020


Housing and Inclusion Manager

March 2020

Completed and on-going – RSI funding package underway for years 5-8


Work with the various voluntary groups to ensure a coordinated approach to tackling rough sleeping

·         Reduced numbers of rough sleepers in the district

·         Increase in cohesive services

·         Multiagency approach to the most complex i.e. Blue Light


Housing and Inclusion Manager




Explore ways of acquiring suitable move-on accommodation 

·         A viable pathway from the assessment centre to settled living can be achieved and sustained 

Accommodation Manager


Trinity and our Homefinder scheme has recently been reviewed to ensure we can meet the needs of single homeless


Develop the social enterprise for rough sleepers in partnership with One Maidstone.

·         Board mobilised and shop opened.

·         Service users have co-produced the model and ideas with staff

·         Shop becomes self-operational

Outreach Services Manager

August 2020

 This is a priority for Trinity once open. The Homeless Navigators are working towards this.


Seek to work with soup kitchens and other charitable services to provide a cohesive support offer to rough sleepers.

·         Regular meetings

·         Standard support offer to rough sleepers

·         Reconnection for those with no local connection

Outreach Services Manager

March 2019

Work continuing on this.