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Urgent Urgent Update: Planning Committee 23 June 2022
Item18 Pages 37-42
APPLICATION: 22/502289/REM -Kent Medical Campus, Newnham Way, Maidstone, Kent
For clarity, Members are advised that the following shows the differences between the scheme approved under 20/502037/REM and the current proposal. The current proposal has a red line that is much more limited in regard of its frontage to the 2 roads adjacent.
Members are also advised that the outline planning permission approved parameter landscaping near this part of the Campus. As the extract below shows, this is limited to “avenue planting” along Gidds Pond Way to the north-east and structural landscaping further southeast as below and this temporary car park submission would not prejudice these nor encroach on the stream buffer. No detailed landscaping pursuant to the outline planning permission has been approved in this part of the Campus to date.
The Recommendation is Unchanged