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26 JULY 2022

Item 20 – Draft Annual Accounts 2021/22

Updated Narrative Report

The attached Narrative Report replaces the Report previously circulated and corrects / updates the information contained within the original version as follows.

Page 3 - Number of active businesses in the borough –second row now refers to 2020, not 2019.

Pages 8 – 9 - Performance indicators updated to refer to 2021/22.

Page 10 - £XXX million replaced with £255.9 million, ‘Retained by Maidstone’ corrected to read £105.4m.

Page 13 - Introductory text corrected to refer to £64.2 million net assets, 2021/22 figures corrected to align with Statement of Accounts.

Page 14 - £XX million in the second sentence of ‘Capital Expenditure’ replaced with £26 million, bullet point list of projects updated.