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2022/23 budget

Amount spent:

£ Committed

Q2 Update:

E1: Improvements to town centres & high streets

Project B A Safe and Attractive Town Centre achieved through Greening and Lighting

Feasibility study in year 1, The feasibility study will be combined with other work required for the Town Centre Strategy so the amount allocated reflects the study being partly funded from the TCS allocation




Consultant to be appointed December 2022, works to commence January 2023.

E6: Local arts, cultural, heritage & creative activities

Project A - Building Pride in Place through promotion of the Town Centre and Events.

Creative communities funds for local organisations and groups to support events




Bidding will open between November- January. Bids will be reviewed and allocated funds by the end of January, then funds will be distributed in February.

Festive Trail event – working with One Maidstone to create a festive trail to run through the Town Centre from the last week of November through to December






Company has been appointed and work is progressing to achieve timeline.

Events Expertise to develop bespoke events





Equipment purchase to support events




Microphone and speaker box has been purchased.

E8: Campaigns to encourage visits and exploring of local area

Project A - Building Pride in Place through promotion of the Town Centre and Events.

Advertising budget to promote events across all channels





 To promote the Festive Trail.

Borough Insight Events and Town centre focussed






Estimated cost of the next Borough Insight is £30,602. The remaining costs will be funded from other income.

Promotional video for business and events in TC




Company appointed, work has not yet been booked.











