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Homelessness Strategy

Meeting: 17/09/2019 - Communities, Housing and Environment Committee (Item 51)

51 Homelessness and Rough Sleeper Strategy 2019 - 2024 pdf icon PDF 61 KB

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The Housing and Inclusion Manager introduced a report which set out the final Homelessness and Rough Sleeper Strategy 2019-2024. This followed a public consultation that took place in the summer of 2019.


It was noted that the majority of the 500 respondents agreed with the four key themes/priorities.  These were:-


1.  Prevent homelessness

2.  Provide accommodation

3.  Supporting vulnerable people

4.  Tackling rough sleeping


In response to questions from the Committee, Officers said that:-


·  It was likely that central government would continue to fund the Council’s rough sleeper programme.  However, the Council did have some reserves that could still be utilised if required.

·  A Members’ Briefing would be held on 7th October 2019 which would provide Members with further information about Housing Allocations Scheme and how these impacted on homelessness.

·  Informal discussions with housing providers had been undertaken but a formal consultation was to commence in the new year.

·  Funding had been withdrawn for Trinity Foyer and Lily Smith House as KCC had recommissioned their service delivery.

·  Although the Council was reducing the amount of face to face contact at the Link, it would still support those who did not have access to digital devices.

·  The waiting times for 3 and 4 bedroomed properties was dependant on what properties were coming through from housing association partners.  However, the Council was working with private rented landlords to offer incentives and had made some headway in promoting access for clients. 

·  The housing triage team provide support in many ways.  This included face to face assistance at the Link, as well as house visits and a dedicated outreach team tasked with assisting those in the rural areas.

·  The last survey to identify street homeless was undertaken in July and revealed that 6 people were sleeping rough.  The next survey would be undertaken this month.

·  The Public Space Protection Order in place in the Town Centre did not ban alcohol, but it did cover incidents where persons were drinking alcohol and causing a disturbance. 

·  The proposed Staying Put Incentive encouraged persons to stay in their current accommodation rather than needing temporary accommodation by providing greater opportunity to resolve their housing issues through the Housing Register. 

·  A glossary of terms would be added to the Strategy.

·  A section was to be added to the Strategy, as stated in 3.5 of the action plan of the report, to ensure that the Council works with partners to bring forward improved health services.


In response to a Councillor’s account of her recent experience at the Link, the Head of Housing and Community undertook to look into the matter with the relevant Heads of Service.



1)  The Homelessness and Rough Sleeper Strategy 2019-2024, attached as Appendix 1 to the report, be approved subject to the following amendments as identified by the Committee:-


a)  A glossary of terms be included.

b)  That 3.5 of the action plan be included in the Strategy 
  to ensure that the Council works with partners to bring
  forward improved health  ...  view the full minutes text for item 51