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Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2021-22 Part 2

Meeting: 25/11/2020 - Policy and Resources Committee (Item 83)

83 Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2021-22 pdf icon PDF 110 KB

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The Head of Revenues and Benefits Shared Service introduced the report and referenced the Committee’s previous decision to introduce an income banded council tax reduction scheme. The current system was reactive to changes in Universal Credit, which increased council tax administration, reduced council tax collection and caused the production of multiple council tax bills for residents.


The objectives were to maintain the 80% maximum award, protect disabled households, simplify assessment and re-assessment and maintain costs. A public consultation on three potential models occurred between 31 July 2020 to 27 September 2020, with model two as the preferred option. 242 responses were received, with 163 having included the models being ranked in order of preference.


The Committee expressed support for the proposed scheme.




1.  The outcome of the public consultation be noted;


2.  Full council be recommended to implement the 2021-22 Council Tax Reduction Scheme for the reasons outlined in 4.1 of the report; and


3.  The impact of the proposed changes to the Council Tax Reduction scheme on people with the protected characteristics of disability, sex and age, as set out in Section 1 and Appendix 2 of the report be noted, and that these impacts be weighed against any potential savings in the administration of the scheme that may be made by the Council as well as achieving the objective, to maintain costs of award of the scheme in line with the current scheme in 2021/22.