The Principal Conservation
Officer introduced the report which highlighted the work that had
been completed and noted that the Conservation Areas Work Programme
was agreed by the Committee in September 2019. This included the
Boughton Monchelsea Conservation Areas
boundaries, draft appraisal and management plan reports for
Maidstone Centre, Maidstone Ashford Road, Maidstone Chillington House and Sutton Valence Conservation
The Principal Conversation
Officer referenced the Business Rates Retention Scheme that had
provided the necessary resources to complete the work undertaken.
The funding would cease in March 2021, after which the work
programme would be reviewed. The draft reports would be subject to
a 10-week consultation process, to be adopted under delegated
powers in December 2020.
The Committee felt that
alternative methods of funding to enable the work undertaken to
continue should be assessed. Specific reference was made to the
importance of Conservation Areas in Planning matters and in aiding
Parish Councils. It was requested that an item be added to the
Committee Work Programme, in order that a report to examine
alternative funding opportunities could be presented to the
RESOLVED: That the contents of the
report be noted.