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Issue - meetings

23/504311/FULL Vinters Park Crematorium Bearsted Road Weavering Maidstone Kent ME14 5LG

Meeting: 26/09/2024 - Planning Committee (Item 151)

151 23/504311/FULL Vinters Park Crematorium Bearsted Road Weavering Maidstone Kent ME14 5LG pdf icon PDF 480 KB

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The Committee considered the report of the Head of Development Management.




1.  That permission be granted subject to planning conditions set out in the report.


2.  That the Head of Development Management be given delegated powers to be able to settle or amend any necessary planning conditions and/or informatives in line with the matters set out in the recommendation and as resolved by the Planning Committee.


Voting:  12 – For  0 – Against  0 – Abstentions

Meeting: 19/09/2024 - Planning Committee (Item 138)

138 23/504311/FULL Vinters Park Crematorium Bearsted Road Weavering Maidstone Kent ME14 5LG pdf icon PDF 480 KB

Additional documents:


Rolled over to the adjourned meeting on 26 September 2024.