Committee considered the report and the urgent update report of the
Head of Development Management.
Stonebridge, the applicant, addressed the meeting.
RESOLVED: That subject to:
A. The prior
completion of a legal agreement in such terms as the Head of Legal
Partnership may advise to secure the Heads of Terms and the prior
payment of S106 monitoring fees as set out in the report;
B. The conditions and informatives set out in the report, as amended by
the urgent update report, with:
additional condition requiring the submission and approval of a
Travel Plan providing information on how spectators travel to the
ground with the onus on encouraging non-car traffic; and
amendment of condition 6 (Biodiversity Net Gain) to stipulate a
rotational cutting regime on the wildflower meadow area with a
section to be left fallow each year,
Head of Development Management be given delegated powers to grant
permission and to be able to add, settle or amend any necessary
Heads of Terms, planning conditions and/or informatives in line
with the matters set out in the recommendation and as resolved by
the Planning Committee.
Voting: 11
– For 0 –
Against 0
– Abstentions