Consultation questions

We appreciate it when you are completing a survey on the budget or waste and recycling services. Public consultation is fundamental to the decision-making process at Maidstone Borough Council. Understanding what our communities think and what they need, shapes the way in which we develop and deliver our services to ensure that they meet the needs of all our residents and businesses.

In addition, to consultation questions, we do ask some additional questions to get to know a little more about you, such as age, gender and ethnicity. These types of questions can sometimes feel intrusive. The reason we ask you these questions is to help us understand the needs, service use, perceptions, satisfaction, behaviour and lifestyle of different members of the community. The Council also has a duty under the Equality Act to ensure that services are delivered in a fair way to everybody in the borough.

A person's point of view will be influenced by many things such as their life experiences, background or challenges they may face day to day. When we consult or survey residents on changes to services or policies it is important that we consider the needs of everyone and have an understanding of potential issues.

All questions are optional, so if you do not feel comfortable providing the information you can skip these questions.

If you would like to find out more about consultation at Maidstone Borough Council or if you need help completing a consultation online please email the team.