1928 13 Urgent Update

Item 18, Page 61


Reference number: MA/13/1928


Marden Cricket and Hockey Club, Stanley Road, Marden, Kent

Amendments to recommendation:


As Members will be aware, the Ministerial Statement of 25th March 2015 precludes Local Planning Authorities from imposing conditions requiring compliance with technical housing standards in cases where there are no existing policies, and withdrawing the Code for Sustainable Homes. As such, conditions can no longer be imposed on planning permissions seeking compliance with the Code for Sustainable Homes and technical housing standards, and these matters will henceforth be dealt with under Building Regulations. I therefore propose to delete condition 10, and renumber all subsequent conditions accordingly (amending conditions 15/14 [surface water drainage] to refer to correct condition 14/13 [flood attenuation], condition 20/19 [ecology] to refer to correct condition 21/20 [ecological enhancement and long term management], and condition 21/20 [ecological enhancement and long term management] to refer to correct condition 14/13 [flood attenuation]).



Subject to the amendments set out above, my recommendation remains unchanged.