25 NOVEMBER 2015





1.1     On 13 July 2015 the Heritage, Culture and Leisure Committee considered the report of the Head of Economic and Commercial Development on the Destination Management Plan (DMP). The Committee noted that the Destination Management Plan Board was constituted from two officers, one Councillor, a representative from Visit Kent and six stakeholders from across the visitor economy sector. A Member of the Committee was also nominated to sit on the Board. Members heard that, at the launch of the Destination Management Plan, several working groups were established to work on the delivery of the DMP Action Plan.


1.2     The Committee recognised that there were strategies within other Service Committees’ remits that could assist and affect the delivery of the Destination Management Plan.


1.3     After the meeting Officers confirmed the titles of the Destination Management Plan Working  Groups and explained that, at the launch event, several Councillors had become members of the task and finish groups, one of which was a Member of Policy and Resources Committee as follows:


Group One: River – Councillor Naghi

Group Two: Town

Group Three: Events – Councillor Naghi

Group Four: Countryside

1.4   At the meeting the following decision was made:

That the Committee approve and adopt the Destination

Management Plan for the Borough of Maidstone and endorse the

Action Plan accompanying the Destination Management Plan

provided a member representative from each Service Committee is

included in the membership of relevant Task and Finish Groups.

1.5     Heritage, Culture and Leisure Committee made a reference to Policy and Resources Committee in the following terms:

That the current member of the Policy and Resources Committee who is involved in the Destination Management Plan (DMP) Task and Finish Groups be confirmed as the representative of the Committee on any relevant DMP Task and Finish Groups, or an additional Member representative be nominated as the representative of the Committee on any relevant DMP Task and Finish Groups.

1.6     The Policy and Resources Committee responded to the reference with the following request:

That the Heritage, Culture and Leisure Committee provide additional

details of the Destination Management Plan’s Task and Finish Groups to

the next Policy and Resources Committee meeting, to include the

methodology that would be used for selection on these Task and Finish



1.7     The Head of Commercial and Economic Development, Dawn Hudd, has produced a document outlining the composition and role of the DMP Board and Working Groups, attached at Appendix A.


2.        RECOMMENDED:

2.1   That one Member of the Policy and Resources Committee be confirmed as the Committee’s approved representative, to be co-opted onto any of the Task and Finish groups when required for specific tasks relating to the Policy and Resources Committee’s remit or decisions, as and when the members of the Task and Finish Group see fit.