Item 14 – The Paddock, Grove House, Old Ashford Road, Lenham





Biodiversity enhancements

I wish to amend condition 20 to include the retention of cordwood on site as follows:

Biodiversity enhancements including the details ad siting of bird and bat boxes, bat bricks, swift bricks and retention of cordwood on site from any felled trees, shall be submitted for approval before development commences and the subsequently approved details shall be implemented and retained.

Reason: In the interests of biodiversity enhancement and wildlife protection.


Retained Trees

I wish to amend condition 5 to require more specific details for the arboricultural method statement in relation to tree works as follows:

Before development commences a landscape management plan for the phased replacement of existing trees alongside an appropriate landscaping scheme which includes an enhancement to site boundaries, particularly ensuring a strong buffer to the north of the site alongside the A20 shall be submitted to and approved by the LPA and implemented in accordance with the approved details. An Arboricultural Method Statement (AMS) and Tree Protection Plan (TPP) in accordance with BS5837:2012 shall also be submitted for approval. The method statement shall detail implementation of any aspect of the development that has the potential to result in the loss of or damage to trees, including their roots, and shall take account of site access, any demolition and construction activities, foundations, service runs and level changes.  It shall also detail any tree works necessary to implement the approved scheme specifically works to trees overhanging the site boundary towards the southeast corner adjacent to plots 20-23.  

Reason:  To safeguard existing trees to be retained and to ensure a satisfactory setting and external appearance to the development in the interests of visual amenity.


External Lighting

I wish to replace condition 18 as follows:

No external lighting shall be placed or erected within the site until details of such equipment have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The submitted details shall include, inter-alia, details of measures to shield and direct light from the light sources so as to prevent light pollution and in the interests of biodiversity. The development shall thereafter be carried out in accordance with the subsequently approved details.

Reason: To prevent light pollution in the interests of the character and amenity of the area and biodiversity.