15.507493 Land North of Wind Chimes Urgent Update

Item 16, Page 87                         Land North of Wind Chimes, Chartway Street, Sutton Valence




Reference number: 15/507493



Additional representation


5 further letters of representation have been received following re-consultation.  These re-iterate the points summarised at paragraph 4.02 of the Committee Report, in particular re-iterate concerns regarding highway safety and risk of accidents.


Additional Consultee responses


Following re-consultation comments have been received from Southern Water, Natural England and Environmental Health.  These comments re-iterates those outlined in the Committee Report at Section 5.0.


Amendment to paragraph 7.50 and S106 Heads of terms


Whilst there are less than 15 units proposed, affordable housing should be

sought as the site is over 0.5 hectares in area. Whilst the DPD specifies 40% this

has been reduced to a requirement for 30% across the borough following

subsequent evidence. 


Amend point 1. of the S106 Heads of terms as set out at Section 9.0 to read :


  1. The provision of 30% on site affordable housing.


Proposed changes to conditions outlined at Section 9.0


Amend condition 4 to include provision for biodiversity enhancement as part of the dwellings in addition to on-site.  This shall now read :


Prior to development commencing, a scheme for the enhancement of

biodiversity on the site shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by

the Local Planning Authority.  The approved scheme shall take  account of any

protected species that have been identified on the site, shall include the

enhancement of biodiversity through integrated methods into the design and

appearance of the dwellings by means such as swift bricks, bat tube or bricks

and in addition shall have regard to the enhancement of biodiversity generally.

It shall be implemented in accordance with the approved proposals prior to

occupation and shall be maintained in perpetuity.


Reason : To protect and enhance existing species and habitat on the site in the

future and ensure that the enhancement methods can be successfully

implemented prior. During or post development.  This information is required

prior to commencement as any site works have the potential to harm any

protected species that may be present.


Amend condition 5 to re-enforce the wording of the condition to ensure the long

term protection of the boundary woodland :


Prior to development commencing, a woodland management plan for the site

shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning

Authority.  This shall include details of the long-term retention and enhancement

of the wooded western and northern boundaries of the application site.  It

shall be implemented in accordance with the approved proposals within it and

shall be carried out in perpetuity.


Reason: To protect and enhance existing species and habitat on the site in the

future and to ensure that the plan can be successfully implemented prior, during

or post development. This information is required prior to commencement as

any site works have the potential to harm the woodland.


Proposed additional condition


Paragraphs 17 of the NPPF as part of its core principles ‘supports the transition

to a low carbon future in a changing climate…..and encourage the use of

renewable resources.’


Paragraph 93 states that ‘Planning plays a key role in helping shape places to

secure radical reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, minimising vulnerability

and providing resilience to the impacts of climate change, and supporting the

delivery of renewable and low carbon energy and associated infrastructure.  This

is central to the economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainable



Paragraph 97 continues that ‘To help increase the use and supply of renewable

and low carbon energy, local planning authorities should recognise responsibility

on all communities to contribute to energy generation from renewable or low

carbon sources.’


In light of the above it is considered that a condition to ensure the use of low

carbon and/or renewable energy should be added.  This is proposed to read as

follows :


The details submitted in pursuance of Condition 1 shall include details of how

decentralised and renewable or low-carbon sources of energy will be

incorporated into the development hereby approved have been submitted to and

approved in writing by the local planning authority.  The development

shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details and all features

shall be maintained thereafter.


Reason: To ensure an energy efficient form of development.’


Recommendation : Grant planning permission as set out in Section 9.0 of the report subject to the amendments set out above to point 1. of the S106 heads of terms, Conditions 4 and 5 and additional condition relating to Low carbon/renewable energy provision.