Item 16, Pages 51-108                                                      Oakhurst, Stilebridge Lane, Marden, TN12 9BA






●  KCC Flood and Water Management Team has provided further comments making their final position clear on this planning application.  The comments are as follows:


Since the Judicial review, the LLFA have received an enquiry from nearby residents of whom have raised flood risk concerns to the neighbouring houses from this proposed development. We provided a response on 19 Oct 2020 and we seek to provide further clarification for the LPA and residents.


Stilebridge Lane and the surrounding area is a sensitive location because of its inherent risks of flooding. The fields to the West and North have been highlighted to be within flood zones 2 and 3 with parts of flood zone 2 encroaching on to site. In addition to the fluvial flood risk, Stilebridge Lane and the site itself has been flagged to be at "high" risk of surface water flooding, mostly corresponding/ arising from the existing ditches. It is therefore imperative that any development does not exacerbate the existing situation, but this does not preclude proposed development from a flood risk perspective. The Surface Water Drainage Strategy report by Ambiental shows multiple existing ditches alongside Stilebridge Lane and one to the north and south of the site. The directions of flow shown on Figure 3 (Page 6) do not reflect actual ground levels. We would expect that no contributions from the developed area to flow southwards from the development. We indicated this in a response to local residents on the 9 Sept 2020.


Apart from this specific detail, the report presented conforms to our standard/requirements for runoff rates for new developments. These drainage issues need consideration on detailed design and should be addressed as further detail on the proposed development is forthcoming.


In 2018 we advised for planning conditions to be attached to this application should consent be granted.  It is our view that these conditions are still required.



To summarise, KCC continue to raise no objection to the proposal and the suggested conditions referred to are still included as part of the recommendation.