Agenda item



9.1  Jane Heeley, Task & Finish Group chair introduced the report on the work carried out to address obesity at a population level in West Kent. Ms Heeley reported to the Board that the comprehensive review included a detailed mapping exercise and assessment of the Strategic Action Plan for Healthy Weight. This work had been undertaken by the Task & Finish Group members, supported by a wider group of colleagues who have been consulted on the proposed actions to address obesity.


9.2  Ms Heeley explained that the report included three appendices (the mapping exercise; a report on the local contribution to the Public Health England Change4Life campaign with a sample selection of resources used on display for Board members to view). The strategic action plan had been updated and outlined the intention of the Task & Finish Group to develop the ‘total place’ principle/approach endorsed by the Board to future work.


9.3  Ms Heeley explained that the mapping template (appendix 1) is organised around four main themes under which suggested actions, partner agencies, timescale, funding and additional effort required to ensure outcomes are set out:


Theme 1 – Environmental and Social Causes of unhealthy weight;

Theme 2 – Give every child the best start in life and into adulthood;

Theme 3 – Develop a confident workforce skilled in promoting healthy weight; and

Theme 4 – Provide support to people who want to lose weight.

Ms Heeley advised the Board of a particular area of major concern around Theme 3  - development of workforce skills to provide brief interventions and implement ‘making every contact count’- and explained that this delivery action requires a focus by all partners.


9.4  Ms Heeley advised Board members that The Task & Finish Group had recently signed up to the Community of Interest for this research project recently commissioned by PHE, Local Government Association and the Association of Directors of Public Health.  This is a three year programme exploring with local authorities and other partners what a whole systems approach to tackling obesity might look like on the ground.  The goal is to produce a draft road map by the autumn of this year and publish it in final form by September 2018. Ms Heeley commended the review to the Board and invited consideration on the recommendations at section 5 of the report

9.5  Responses from Board members:

·  The Chair welcomed the review of work and thanked Task & Finish Group members, the Board’s Obesity Champion and Jane Heeley. The issues highlighted in the review report and appendices now needed to be addressed.

·  Workforce development issues were vital to the success of this and other areas of the WK HWB work, and is acknowledged as a priority area of work.

·  The Task & Finish Group was asked to give greater consideration to interventions designed to promote better engagement with local people (particularly with sections of communities who were ‘seldom heard)’ and to encourage active and empowered communities.

9.6  RESOLVED: That the Board accept the recommendations set out in the report:

a)  Approve the revised Strategic Action Plan for Healthy Weight and agree to its presentation to the Kent Health and Well-being Board. ACTION: VM, JH


b)  That KCC and CCG will produce integrated commissioning plans that clearly identify how excess weight is addressed in a systematic way, including tiers 1 to 4 and across all age ranges. Preventative services and evaluation methods should be included as core components of these plans. ACTION: KCC, CCG


c)  Principle partners are brought together to review how Theme 3 – Developing a confident workforce, skilled in promoting Healthy Weight, in the mapping template can be addressed. If this is found to be a Kent wide issue, it is recommended that the Kent Health and Well-being Board requests a county wide review. ACTION: BB, YW


d)  Healthwatch and PPG representatives are invited to become champions for this agenda. ACTION: YW, SI/PG, SS


e)  The Task and Finish Group identify a programme of campaigns associated with healthy weight and promotes these through partners with the assistance of Media and Communications colleagues. ACTION: JH, LW, T&F Group, KCC, LAs