Agenda item
Agenda item
Application to vary a premise licence under the Licensing Act 2003 for Hush Heath Winery, Hush Heath Estate, Five Oak Lane, Staplehurst, Kent , TN12 0HX
Supporting documents:
Application to vary a premise licence under the Licensing Act 2003 for Hush Heath Winery, Hush Heath Estate, Five Oak Lane, Staplehurst, Kent , TN12 0HX, item 7.
PDF 238 KB View as HTML (7./1) 138 KB
1 Appendix - Application Form, item 7.
PDF 514 KB
2 Appendix - Plans, item 7.
PDF 539 KB
3. Appendix -Hush Heath Objections_Redacted, item 7.
4 Appendix -Premises Licence_Redacted, item 7.
PDF 875 KB
5 Appendix - Plan of the area Hush_Heath_Winery, item 7.
PDF 159 KB
6 Appendix - Variation Licence if granted Premises Licence Part A, item 7.
PDF 73 KB View as HTML (7./7) 31 KB
7 Appendix - Human Rights., item 7.
PDF 13 KB View as HTML (7./8) 10 KB
8 Appendix - Order of Procedure of New and Variation Hearings, item 7.
PDF 141 KB View as HTML (7./9) 38 KB