Issue - decisions

Proposed Private Sector Leasing Scheme (PSL) and changes to the current Landlord Incentive Scheme (LIS).

24/11/2023 - Proposed Private Sector Leasing Scheme (PSL) and changes to the current Landlord Incentive Scheme (LIS).

1. That the Council launches a PSL scheme with an ambition to secure 50 homes within two years of launch.


2. That the Council recasts the capital programme to deliver the remainder of the purchased TA over 2024/25,  shortening the programme from three to two years, subject to prevailing market conditions / availability of suitable stock.


3. That the Director of Finance, Resources and Business Improvement be given delegated authority, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing and Health, to lease individual properties in accordance with the scheme as outlined in Recommendation 1.