Issue - decisions

Report of the Head of Planning and Development - Affordable Housing Policy

28/07/2015 - Affordable Housing Policy

Issue for Decision


To consider and approve the officer responses to the representation made on the draft affordable housing policy (DM24) contained in the public consultation draft of the Maidstone Borough Local Plan 2014 (Regulation 18 consultation) set out in Appendix A of the agenda report to the Committee published on 6 July 2015 and the Urgent Update Report tabled at the meeting on 14 July 2015.


To approve a revised draft local plan policy for affordable housing that had been amended as a result of public consultation and further viability testing, set out in section 4 of the agenda report.  The revised policy being recommended for further public consultation (Regulation 18) before the Publication version of the local plan is published for consultation (Regulation 19).


Decision Made




1.  Site H1 (12) Haynes, Ashford Road, Maidstone for 200 dwellings be deleted from the draft local plan, to reflect the fact that the site is no longer available for residential development and, for completeness, to include its deletion in the additional public consultation (Regulation 18).


2.  The criterion 1(i)(a) Haynes, Ashford Road 20% Affordable Housing be deleted from the recommended policy DM24 Affordable Housing on page 10 of the report to Committee  published on 16 July 2015 with the agenda for the meeting of 23 July 2015.


Note – due to an error in the referencing on page 10 of the agenda Decision numbers 1 and 2 above will be represented to the Committee at their meeting on 18 August 2015 for clarification.


3.  The draft policy DM24 Affordable Housing, as amended under Section 4 “Preferred Option” of the report, be approved for further public consultation (Regulation 19).


4.  The officer responses to the representations submitted during public consultation on the draft Maidstone Borough Local Plan 2014 (Regulation 18) for policy DM24 Affordable Housing, as set out in Appendix A of the officer report be approved.


5.  Policy DM24 Affordable Housing be approved subject to a commitment to produce a subsequent Supplementary Planning Document providing further detail and flexibility of tenure for individual sites. The draft document to be agreed by the Strategic Planning, Sustainability and Transport Committee.