Issue - decisions

Maidstone Borough Local Plan - Publication (Regulation 19)

13/01/2016 - Maidstone Borough Local Plan - Publication (Regulation 19)

Issue for Decision


The Committee considered the report seeking approval to undertake ‘Publication’ consultation on the Maidstone Borough Local Plan 2016 (Regulation 19) and submit the plan to the Secretary of State for examination (Regulation 22) under section 20 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.


The report also sought the re-classification Coxheath as a rural service centre in the Local Plan.


The Committee also considered an urgent update requesting approval for the insertion of the Indicative Housing Trajectory into Appendix A of the Maidstone Borough Local Plan (Publication) 2016 document.


Decision Made


That the Strategic Planning, Sustainability and Transportation Committee:


1.  Does not approve the re-classification of Coxheath as a rural service centre and that it remain classified as a larger village in the Maidstone Borough Local Plan settlement hierarchy.


2.  Notes the Officer responses to the balance of representations on the draft Maidstone Borough Local Plan, attached at Appendix B.


3.  Approves the insertion of the Indicative Housing Trajectory, presented to the Committee as an urgent update, into Appendix A of the Maidstone Borough Local Plan (Publication) 2016 document (agenda dated 13 January 2016 page 567).


4.  Agrees to recommend the following to Council:


a.  That Council approves the Maidstone Borough Local Plan 2016 (attached as Appendix A of the report to Committee dated 13 January 2016, revised to reflect (i) the insertion of the words ‘community and’ at line 1 of Policy H1 paragraph 2 on page 78, before the word ‘strategic’ and (ii) any previously agreed site-specific infrastructure criteria not covered by (i) which were agreed by this committee or its decision making predecessor) for Publication (regulation 19) and submission to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government (Regulation 22) for examination under section 20 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.


Voting:  For – 7  Against – 2  Abstentions - 0


b.  That Council grants delegated powers to the Committee to submit a schedule of proposed changes/main modifications to the pre-submission Publication version of the Maidstone Borough Local Plan 2016, arising from representations made (Regulation 20), to the Secretary of State.


Voting:  For – 9  Against – 0  Abstentions - 0


c.  That Council confirms the Borough’s full objectively assessed housing need of 18,560 dwellings as the council’s Local Plan housing target.


Voting:  For – 7  Against – 0  Abstentions - 2