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Appeals Committee
Appointment Sub-Committee of the Employment Commit
Appraisal Sub-Committee of the Policy and Resource
Audit Committee
Audit, Governance and Standards Committee
Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services
Cabinet Member for Corporate Services (Cttee)
Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Transp
Cabinet Member for Environment (Cttee)
Cabinet Member for Leisure and Culture (Cttee)
Chief Officers Appointments Panel
Climate Transition, Corporate and Environmental Se
Cobtree Manor Estate Charity Committee
Communities Overview & Scrutiny Committee
Communities, Housing and Environment Committee
Communities, Housing and Environment Policy Adviso
Communities, Leisure and Arts Policy Advisory Comm
Community, Environment and Housing Overview and Sc
Community, Leisure Services and Environment Overvi
Corporate Services and Communites Joint Overview a
Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Corporate Services Policy Advisory Committee
Democracy Committee
Democracy and General Purposes Committee
Economic and Commercial Development Overview & Scr
Economic Regeneration and Leisure Committee
Economic Regeneration and Leisure Policy Advisory
Employment Committee
Employment Committee (old)
Employment Sub-Committee of the Policy and Resourc
Environment and Leisure Overview and Scrutiny Comm
Environment and Transportation Overview and Scruti
External Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Forward Plan
General Purposes Group
Heritage, Culture and Leisure Committee
Housing and Community Cohesion Policy Advisory Com
Housing Consultative Board
Housing, Health and Environment Policy Advisory Co
Investigating Committee
Joint Consultative Committee
Joint Local Development Document Advisory Group an
Joint Regeneration & Economic Development and Comm
Joint Waste Management Committee
Lead Member for Communities and Public Engagement
Lead Member for Corporate Services and Deputy Lead
Lead Member for Environmental Services
Lead Member for Housing and Health
Lead Member for Leisure and Arts
Lead Member for Planning and Infrastructure
Leader of the Council
Leader of the Council (expired)
Leisure and Prosperity Overview and Scrutiny Commi
Licensing Act 2003 Committee
Licensing Act 2003 Sub Committee
Licensing Committee
Licensing Committee (old regime)
Local Development Document Advisory Group
Local Development Document Task and Finish Scrutin
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells Joint Health Overvie
Maidstone Borough Council Constitution
Maidstone Joint Transportation Board
Maidstone Locality Board
Member and Employment and Development Panel
Overview & Scrutiny Committee
Partnerships and Well-Being Overview and Scrutiny
Performance Sub Committee of the Member and Employ
Performance Sub-Committee of the Employment Commit
Planning and Healthier Stronger Communities Policy
Planning and Infrastructure Policy Advisory Commit
Planning Committee
Planning Referrals Committee
Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development
Planning, Transport and Development Overview & Scr
Policy and Resources Committee
Property Investment Advisory Panel
Property Investment Cabinet Committee
Queen's Own Royal West Kent Regiment Museum Trust
Regeneration & Economic Development Overview & Scr
Regeneration and Sustainable Communities Overview
Scrutiny Coordinating Committee
Selection Panel for Independent Persons on the Sta
Spatial Planning Strategy Advisory Group
Standards Committee
Standards Committee (old regime)
Standards Hearing
Standards Sub-Committee (old regime)
Strategic Housing Advisory Committee
Strategic Leadership and Corporate Services Overvi
Strategic Planning and Infrastructure Committee
Strategic Planning, Sustainability and Transportat
Urgency Committee
West Kent CCG Health and Wellbeing Board
Disclosable Pecuniary Interests
Other Significant Interests
Bartlett, Councillor Alan Bartlett
Barwick, Councillor Sarah Barwick
Blackmore, Councillor Mrs Annabelle Blackmore
Bryant, Councillor Heidi Bryant
Burke, Councillor Ronald Burke
Burton, Councillor David Burton
Cannon, Councillor Tom Cannon
Clark, Councillor Brian Clark
Cleator, Councillor Maureen Cleator
Coates, Councillor Patrick Coates
Conyard, Councillor Richard Conyard
Cooke, Councillor Gary Cooke
Cooper, Councillor Paul Cooper
Couch, Councillor Grace Couch
Cox, Councillor Kathy Cox
Cox, Councillor Martin Cox
Dawes, Councillor Anne Dawes
Eagle, Councillor Derek Eagle
English, Councillor Clive English
Field, Councillor Rob Field
Forecast, Councillor Stanley Forecast
Fort, Councillor Gill Fort
Garten, Councillor Patrik Garten
Gooch, Councillor Fay Gooch
Greenan, Councillor Donna Greenan
Grigg, Councillor Susan Grigg
Harper, Councillor Paul Harper
Harwood, Councillor Tony Harwood
Hastie, Councillor Michelle Hastie
Higson, Councillor Joe Higson
Hinder, Councillor Bob Hinder
Holmes, Councillor Peter Holmes
Jeffery, Councillor Stuart Jeffery
Jenkins-Baldock, Councillor Hilary Jenkins-Baldoc
Jones, Councillor Vanessa Jones
Joy, Councillor Mrs Denise Joy
Kehily, Councillor Claire Kehily
Khadka, Councillor Dinesh Khadka
Kimmance, Councillor Ashleigh Kimmance
Knatchbull, Councillor Sandra Knatchbull
McKay, Councillor Malcolm McKay
McKenna, Councillor Lewis McKenna
Milham, Councillor Kimberley Milham
Mortimer, Councillor Derek Mortimer
Munford, Councillor Steve Munford
Naghi, Councillor David Naghi
Naghi, Councillor Mark Naghi
Newton, Councillor Gordon Newton
Oliver, Councillor Ciaran Oliver
Parfitt, Councillor Lottie Parfitt
Perry, Councillor John Perry
Reid, Councillor James Reid
Riordan, Councillor Paddy Riordan
Robertson, Councillor Mrs Cynthia Robertson
Rodwell, Councillor Rachel Rodwell
Rose, Councillor Margaret Rose
Round, Councillor Martin Round
Russell, Councillor Claudine Russell
Sams, Councillor Janetta Sams
Sams, Councillor Tom Sams
Spooner, Councillor Denis Spooner
Springett, Councillor Mrs Val Springett
Summersgill, Councillor Michael Summersgill
Sweetman, Councillor Allison Sweetman
Thompson, Councillor Mike Thompson
Thompson, Councillor Stephen Thompson
Trzebinski, Councillor Ziggy Trzebinski
Wales, Councillor Simon Wales
Webb, Councillor Simon Webb
Wilby, Councillor Paul Wilby
Wilkinson, Councillor Dan Wilkinson
Wilkinson, Councillor Joanna Wilkinson
Wilkinson, Councillor Thomas Wilkinson
There are no declarations of interest on this record for the period
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