RECORD OF DECISION OF THE Communities, Housing and Environment Committee
Decision Made: |
Tuesday 17 November 2015 |
Report of Head of Policy and Communications - KCC Street Lights consultation
Issue for Decision
To consider the comments from Councillors and Heads of Service in response to Kent Council’s Street Lights Consultation and support the options set out in the report.
Decision Made
1. That the Committee supports Option 1, Part Night Lighting – ‘what we have at the moment’ - subject to:
· Maintaining the current summer and winter hours of operation
· Maintaining the current all night operation in:
o busy main roads;
o town centres;
o places where the police say it may lead to more crimes;
o places with sheltered housing and where vulnerable people live;
o places with emergency services, hospitals and nursing homes;
o pedestrian crossings, subways and alleyways that go to an all-night lit road;
o where there are speed humps, roundabouts and traffic islands;
o roads that have local authority or police CCTV cameras; and
o footpaths that may have or might be unsafe next to roads.
· All night lighting being extended to areas where there is high public demand for it, and in densely populated urban areas on the outskirts of Maidstone, and in rural areas where there are train stations or other transport or employment hubs.
2. That the Committee support the dimming of lights between Midnight and 5am to reduce light pollution and save energy. It does not support dimming lights at other times because of the needs of commuters and shift workers.
1. That the Committee requests that KCC undertakes ongoing monitoring of the statistical linkage between accidents and reduced/dimmed lighting – particularly in the pre-dawn period in winter months, and reviews lighting arrangements accordingly.
Should you wish to refer this decision to the Policy and Resources Committee, please submit a Decision Referral Form, signed by three Councillors, to the Head of Finance and Resources by: 25 November 2015.
RECORD OF DECISION OF THE Communities, Housing and Environment Committee
Decision Made: |
Tuesday 17 November 2015 |
Report of Head of Finance and Resources - Medium Term Financial Strategy 2016-17 Onwards
Issue for Decision
To agree the proposals for savings to contribute to the Medium Term Financial Strategy 2016/17 onwards.
Decision Made
1. That the Committee agrees to submit the proposals set out in Appendix A to the Policy & Resources Committee for inclusion in the savings proposals for the medium term financial strategy 2016/17 onwards.
2. That the Committee identifies the issues set out in paragraph 2.6 c) of the Report of the Head of Finance & Resources - Medium Term Financial Strategy as requiring additional consideration by officers.
Should you wish to refer this decision to the Policy and Resources Committee, please submit a Decision Referral Form, signed by three Councillors, to the Head of Finance and Resources by: 25 November 2015.
RECORD OF DECISION OF THE Communities, Housing and Environment Committee
Decision Made: |
Tuesday 17 November 2015 |
Report of Head of Finance and Resources - Second Quarter Budget Monitoring
Issue for Decision
To note the financial analysis of the Communities, Housing and Environment Committee's services in the second quarter of 2015/16.
Decision Made
That the Committee notes the revenue budget position as at September 2015 and the predicted outturn to 31 March 2016.
Should you wish to refer this decision to the Policy and Resources Committee, please submit a Decision Referral Form, signed by three Councillors, to the Head of Finance and Resources by: 25 November 2015.
RECORD OF DECISION OF THE Communities, Housing and Environment Committee
Decision Made: |
Tuesday 17 November 2015 |
Report of Head of Housing and Community Services - Public Spaces Protection Order for town centre
Issue for Decision
To support the proposal for a borough wide consultation with regards to introducing a Public Spaces Protection Order in the town centre.
Decision Made
1. That, in principle, the Committee agrees to proceed with public consultation on the implementation of a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO). See Appendix 1 for proposed PSPO location map and boundaries, which incorporates the town centre (High Street ward), Whatman Park (Bridge) and Riverside (Fant, South and Tovil) areas.
2. That it be agreed that Borough Council commences an 8 week public consultation from 30 November 2015.
Should you wish to refer this decision to the Policy and Resources Committee, please submit a Decision Referral Form, signed by three Councillors, to the Head of Finance and Resources by: 25 November 2015.