Minutes 01/03/2017, 18.30






Councillor Butler (The Mayor) and Councillors Adkinson, Barned, Mrs Blackmore, Boughton, Brice, D Burton,

M Burton, Clark, Cox, Cuming, Daley, Ells, English, Fermor, Fissenden, Fort, Garland, Garten, Mrs Gooch, Greer, Harper, Harvey, Harwood, Hastie, Hemsley,

Mrs Hinder, Mrs Joy, Lewins, McLoughlin, B Mortimer,

D Mortimer, Munford, Naghi, Newton, Perry, Pickett, Powell, Prendergast, Revell, Mrs Ring, Mrs Robertson, Round, J Sams, T Sams, Springett, Mrs Stockell, Vizzard, Webb, de Wiggondene, Wilby, Willis and Mrs Wilson




93.        Minute's Silence


The Council stood in silence for one minute in memory of Sir John Wells, a former Member of Parliament for Maidstone, and a Freeman of the Borough, who died on 8 February 2017.




94.        Prayers


Prayers were said by the Reverend Ian Parrish.




95.        Apologies for Absence


It was noted that apologies for absence had been received from Councillors Mrs Grigg and Webster.




96.        Dispensations


There were no applications for dispensations.




97.        Disclosures by Members and Officers


The Chief Executive, on behalf of herself and all other members of staff present, disclosed an interest in the report of the Employment Committee relating to the Pay Policy Statement 2017.




98.        Disclosures of Lobbying


All Members stated that they had been lobbied on the notice of motion given by Councillor Harper, seconded by Councillor Adkinson, relating to the Council’s Integrated Transport and Cycling/Walking Strategies.






99.        Exempt Items


RESOLVED:  That the items on the agenda be taken in public as proposed.




100.     Minutes of the Meeting of the Borough Council held on 7 December 2016


RESOLVED:  That the Minutes of the meeting of the Borough Council held on 7 December 2016 be approved as a correct record and signed.




101.     Mayor's Announcements


The Mayor updated Members on recent and forthcoming mayoral engagements, and thanked them, the Deputy Mayor and former Mayors for their support.


During his announcements, the Mayor made specific reference to the deaths of Sir John Wells, Member of Parliament for Maidstone between 1959 and 1987, and Monsieur Gilbert Froment, former Mayor of Montauban de Picardie, who was known to a number of Members of the Council.




102.     Petitions


Councillor Harper presented a petition in the following terms:


We object to the plans by Oakwood Park Grammar School and Saint Augustine’s Academy to close the public access and fence off the whole of the Oakwood Park playing fields.  We want to keep public access to the site and leave them open as they have been since the 1940’s.


Councillor Harper said that the petition, in the form of a letter and reply slip, had been collected over the period 18 December 2016 to early January 2017.  Over 150 reply slips had been returned.


The public had enjoyed uncontrolled access to the Oakwood Park playing fields since before the Second World War, and statements were available to confirm this.  The public had been able to use the site before the schools were laid out and had used the site jointly with the schools since they were built.  Taking this into account, there were concerns about the lack of consultation regarding the enclosure of the land.


The community wished to see the site returned to a shared use, with the schools having use during the school day and the community having use at other times.  The fencing had been erected over the last two weeks, and the work was likely to be completed the next day.  St Augustine’s Academy had stated that the fencing was required in the interests of safeguarding pupils and staff, but local residents maintained that the school rarely used its part of the playing fields.  Oakwood Park Grammar School did, however, use its part of the playing fields on a regular basis.


An application had been made for the playing fields to be designated as a town green to give full public access, and a general right of way across the site would also be claimed through presumed dedication.


During the ensuing discussion, it was suggested that a compromise should be sought if possible.  Whilst this was a matter for Kent County Council, it was appropriate for Borough Council Members to provide advice and support, and that was what they had done.


The petition was referred to Kent County Council as the decision making body.




103.     Question and Answer Session for Members of the Public


Questions to the Chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee


Mr Brian Flinders asked the following question of the Chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee:


Is the banning of community access to Oakwood Park as a result of fencing off by St Augustine Academy and Oakwood Park a major loss to the community in west Maidstone?  This is in the context of the Department for Communities and Local Government cross party inquiry report (11 February 2017) identifying the community benefits of access to parks of increased fitness, better mental health and community cohesion. 


The Chairman of the Policy and Resources replied that:


Looking at the first sentence of your question, clearly, the community does believe this to be the case, and what people believe makes the loss real to them.  To link this to your statement about how this relates to the Department for Communities and Local Government cross party inquiry report, everyone who has fought for open spaces believes the report to be correct in terms of the community benefits of access to parks – increased fitness, better mental health and community cohesion.  The problem here is that the Council does not own the land and has no jurisdiction over it.  Several Councillors, including some County Councillors, have looked in detail at the history to see if weight can be added to the view that there should be open access.  It appears that when Kent County Council acquired the land it was for educational use.  The fact that people have had access to the land for a very long time would have to be tested by the community through the various methods open to them, but again apart from Councillors assisting in the process, there is nothing else the Council can do as it has no jurisdiction over Oakwood Park.


I think that our sympathies are with you, but there is nothing else that the Council can do other than what has been done already.  I do agree that the schools have handled this badly because of the lack of consultation, but that is in the past and we have to move forward as best we can.  It is appropriate for the petition objecting to the enclosure of the land to be referred to Kent County Council as the responsible body.


The Mayor then asked if any Group Leader/representative present would also like to respond.


Councillor Mrs Blackmore, the Leader of the Conservative Group, Councillor Mrs Gooch, the Leader of the Independent Group, Councillor Barned, on behalf of the Leader of the UKIP Group, and Councillor Harper, the Leader of the Labour Group, responded to the question.


Mr Flinders asked the following supplementary question of the Chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee:


Oakwood Park is midway on the route between Cornwallis Park and Clare Park.  The gates to these parks are locked and unlocked by Borough Council operatives at dusk and dawn.  Without any commitment would the Council be willing to consider in partnership with the residents’ group a proposal that the Council lock and unlock a gate at Oakwood Park if that approach can be negotiated and agreed with the schools?


The Chairman of the Policy and Resources replied that:


The Council has already looked at this, and whilst we would like to assist the cost is quite prohibitive.  It is not just a question of locking and unlocking the gate, it is the responsibility that goes with it when this has been done.  Insurance cover is required and with this responsibilities are accrued that are not appropriate.


The Council does take this very seriously, and has tried to find ways around it.  Whether people use it or not, Oakwood Park is a green lung for the west side of the town.  The fear is that in the future the schools may wish to expand buildings on the site, and that would impinge, but again the Council would be limited in what it can do.  We do sympathise, but it is almost impossible to find a practical way that the Council can assist other than by giving advice on processes that residents can follow themselves.


The Mayor then asked if any Group Leader/representative present would also like to respond.


Councillor Mrs Blackmore, the Leader of the Conservative Group, Councillor Mrs Gooch, the Leader of the Independent Group, Councillor Barned, on behalf of the Leader of the UKIP Group, and Councillor Harper, the Leader of the Labour Group, responded to the question.


Questions to the Chairman of the Strategic Planning, Sustainability and Transportation Committee


Mr Stuart Jeffery asked the following question of the Chairman of the Strategic Planning, Sustainability and Transportation Committee:


As air pollution is the second largest cause of preventable deaths and as it is responsible for around 130 deaths in this Borough each year, can the Council tell me what steps you are taking or are proposing to take to reduce the pollution?


The Chairman of the Strategic Planning, Sustainability and Transportation Committee replied that:


The Council is committed to reducing the impact of poor air quality on residents of the Borough and has been implementing its adopted Air Quality Action Plan produced in 2008 in order to achieve this aim.  This has involved working with partners, for example, Kent County Council, bus operators and others.


Before saying anything further, I would just like to dwell on the figure of 130 deaths that you are quoting.  I have been unable to trace the exact source of the figure of 130, but, to give context, if you take the study that found that air pollution might contribute to about 40,000 early deaths each year in the UK, of which 29,000 deaths might be related to particulates and 11,000 might be related to NOx, and look into the background, you will find that it emanates from a piece of work undertaken in North America which made the distinction that air pollution might have an impact on length of life rather than being the actual cause of deaths.


To put that into another context, a number of months of additional life expectancy in the context of air quality should be compared to a seven year reduction in life in areas of deprivation, which can mainly be attributed to housing quality.


However, putting all of these numbers to one side, I do not think any Member of this Council wants to breathe bad air or stand in the way of measures to improve things.


The Council currently has a working group looking at measures to revise our Air Quality Action Plan.  Over the last few years this is a subject that I have taken a particular interest in, and I have attended many workshops, and one of the things I have discovered everywhere I go is that there is a significant concern about diesel vehicles, and there are many who forecast that the solution might be around electric vehicles.


The Modern Transport Bill announced in the Queen’s Speech last year sets us on course to be a world leading country when considering alternatives to tackle congestion and the consequential air pollution.


One of the things I will be pushing for is that we might consider as a Council in the short term bringing in a Kent Air Quality Planning Guide.  This document would set out very clearly the intention and direction of this Council and it would have measures, for example, to require developers to put in electric vehicle charging points in every new property with allocated parking and also in shared parking areas.  This sounds like a small measure, but it is predicted that by 2040/47 almost all vehicles will be electric.  What I would like us to look at is where we are now and where we want to be, and every year that we can make a 5% improvement in the uptake of zero emission vehicles we will potentially be making a 5% improvement in air quality.  However, we need to recognise that vehicle emissions are not the only causative agent for air pollution, and we have to look at other factors such as emissions from home boilers etc.  In future, Planning Guidance might assist on this.


The point is that this Council is fully committed and actively working to see what measures we can put in place to improve air quality for Maidstone.


The Mayor then asked if any Group Leader/representative present would also like to respond.


Councillor Mrs Blackmore, the Leader of the Conservative Group, Councillor English, on behalf of the Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group, Councillor Mrs Gooch, the Leader of the Independent Group, Councillor Powell, the Leader of the UKIP Group, and Councillor Harper, the Leader of the Labour Group, responded to the question.


Mr Jeffery asked the following supplementary question of the Chairman of the Strategic Planning, Sustainability and Transportation Committee:


How much worse will the air pollution get with the almost 20,000 houses that are being built on the periphery of Maidstone which at the moment require cars to be there, and can you tell me what the annual death toll is likely to increase to?


The Chairman of the Strategic Planning, Sustainability and Transportation Committee replied that:


The very direct answer is no, but we are taking positive steps so that when we bring in the essential new development to provide the homes that the residents of our Borough need, we will take every measure possible to mitigate air pollution and congestion consequences.  We will make sure that the correct educational facilities are provided.  We will do everything we can to plan positively.


My vision between now and 2040/47, when we have got essentially an electrified vehicle fleet, is that air pollution will improve, improve and improve again.  My vision is that the roads we drive down at the moment with dirty hedgerows etc. will become the nature reserves of the future when the pollution ends.  I would like to see a steady progression of improvements between now and 2040.


The Mayor then asked if any Group Leader/representative present would also like to respond.


Councillor Mrs Blackmore, the Leader of the Conservative Group, Councillor English, on behalf of the Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group, Councillor Mrs Gooch, the Leader of the Independent Group, Councillor Powell, the Leader of the UKIP Group, and Councillor Harper, the Leader of the Labour Group, responded to the question.



104.     Questions from Members of the Council to the Chairmen of Committees


Question to the Chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee


Councillor Garten asked the following question of the Chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee:


Various service reviews are about to be undertaken, please could all Members be informed which services are being reviewed, when the reviews are due to be completed and finally, what proposals are in place to ensure Member involvement in order that Members may have the opportunity to shape the outcome of these reviews from the very start?


The Chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee replied that:


A comprehensive review of the Planning service is currently being undertaken.  The Council’s Transformation and Planning teams are working in conjunction with an external consultancy to review processes and look at opportunities to make improvements.  The objectives and outcomes were shared with the Strategic Planning, Sustainability and Transportation Committee and the review is due to be completed in June 2017.  Recommendations will be made to the Strategic Planning, Sustainability and Transportation Committee following this.  The ICT shared service will be reviewed in 2017/18 and, depending on Officer capacity, Street Cleansing may also be reviewed. 


Member involvement is vital to the success of these reviews.  Taking the review of the CCTV service as an example, the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Communities, Housing and Environment Committee were involved throughout, Members had the opportunity to respond to a survey, a workshop was held to which all Members were invited, and two reports were presented to the Committee for decision.  There was, therefore, an opportunity for all Members to be involved.


The other reviews we intend to do will be handled in similar ways depending on the requirements of the review being undertaken.  However, due to the nature of the service, the Planning review requires more in depth engagement with Members; so, there will be an opportunity for all Members and Substitute Members of the Planning and Strategic Planning, Sustainability and Transportation Committees, plus the Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of all other Committees and Group Leaders, to give their views through a focus group, which is currently being arranged.  Other Members will have the opportunity to feed their views through any of these parties; so there will be opportunities for all Members to be involved right the way through the process.




105.     Current Issues - Report of the Leader of the Council, Response of the Group Leaders and Questions from Council Members


There was no report from the Leader of the Council on this occasion.



106.     Report of the Policy and Resources Committee held on 18 January 2017 - Council Tax Empty Property Discounts


It was moved by Councillor Mrs Wilson, seconded by Councillor Mrs Blackmore, that the recommendation of the Policy and Resources Committee relating to Council Tax Empty Property Discounts be approved.


RESOLVED:  That the Council Tax Empty Property Discount Policy, attached as Appendix B to the report of the Policy and Resources Committee, be approved.




107.     Report of the Policy and Resources Committee held on 15 February 2017 - Strategic Plan 2015/2020 (2017/18 Refresh)


It was moved by Councillor Mrs Wilson, seconded by Councillor Mrs Blackmore, that the recommendation of the Policy and Resources Committee relating to the Strategic Plan 2015/2020, 2017/18 Refresh be approved.


RESOLVED:  That the Strategic Plan 2015/2020, 2017/18 Refresh, attached as Appendix A to the report of the Policy and Resources Committee, be approved.




108.     Report of the Policy and Resources Committee held on 15 February 2017 - Medium Term Financial Strategy 2017/18 Onwards


Before calling upon Councillor Mrs Wilson to move the recommendations of the Policy and Resources Committee relating to the Medium Term Financial Strategy 2017/18 onwards, the Mayor reminded Members that, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 19.4, each Group Leader could speak for up to ten minutes when moving his/her Group’s budget proposals.


It was moved by Councillor Mrs Wilson, seconded by Councillor Mrs Gooch, that the recommendations of the Policy and Resources Committee relating to the Medium Term Financial Strategy 2017/18 onwards be approved.


Amendment moved by Councillor Mrs Wilson, seconded by Councillor Mrs Gooch, that the recommendations of the Policy and Resources Committee relating to the Medium Term Financial Strategy 2017/18 onwards be approved with the addition of the following and the consequential changes as indicated in the papers circulated:


4.   That a 20% increase in planning fees effective from 1st July 2017 be agreed with a corresponding increase in the revenue estimates in the Strategic Revenue Projection and a corresponding increase in planning expenditure of £180,000 in 2017/18 and a further £70,000 in 2018/19.


As a consequence of the Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014, a named vote was taken on the amendment as follows:


FOR (53)


Councillors Adkinson, Barned, Mrs Blackmore, Boughton, Brice, D Burton, M Burton, Butler, Clark, Cox, Cuming, Daley, Ells, English, Fermor, Fissenden, Fort, Garland, Garten, Mrs Gooch, Greer, Harper, Harvey, Harwood, Hastie, Hemsley, Mrs Hinder, Mrs Joy, Lewins, McLoughlin,

B Mortimer, D Mortimer, Munford, Naghi, Newton, Perry, Pickett, Powell, Prendergast, Revell, Mrs Ring, Mrs Robertson, Round, J Sams, T Sams, Springett, Mrs Stockell, Vizzard, Webb, de Wiggondene, Wilby, Willis and

Mrs Wilson








Amendment moved by Councillor Mrs Blackmore, seconded by Councillor D Burton, that the recommendations of the Policy and Resources Committee relating to the Medium Term Financial Strategy 2017/18 onwards (as amended) be approved subject to the following and the consequential changes as indicated in the papers circulated:


That the revenue estimates set out in the Strategic Revenue Projection at Appendix A are amended to delete growth for the Museum in 2017/18 and 2018/19, reduce the provision for Contingency from £200,000 to £100,000 in 2017/18 and to create an earmarked reserve for Planning Enforcement of £150,000 to enable direct action should a case require escalated enforcement and add £100,000 to the Contingency provision in 2018/19 to make a total of £200,000.


As a consequence of the Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014, a named vote was taken on the amendment as follows:


FOR (23)


Councillors Barned, Mrs Blackmore, Boughton, Brice, D Burton, M Burton, Butler, Cuming, Fort, Garland, Garten, Greer, Hemsley, Mrs Hinder, McLoughlin, Perry, Prendergast, Revell, Mrs Ring, Round, Springett, Mrs Stockell and de Wiggondene




Councillors Adkinson, Clark, Cox, Daley, Ells, English, Fermor, Fissenden, Mrs Gooch, Harper, Harvey, Harwood, Hastie, Mrs Joy, Lewins,

B Mortimer, D Mortimer, Munford, Naghi, Newton, Pickett, Powell,

Mrs Robertson, J Sams, T Sams, Vizzard, Webb, Wilby, Willis and

Mrs Wilson






Amendment moved by Councillor Harper, seconded by Councillor Adkinson, that the recommendations of the Policy and Resources Committee relating to the Medium Term Financial Strategy 2017/18 onwards (as amended) be approved with the addition of the following and the consequential changes as indicated in the papers circulated:


That an amount of £30,000 be allocated in the General Fund Balance as a Community Development Fund.  The purpose of the fund being to help develop local charities and not for profit organisations with one-off small funding up to a maximum of £5,000 to aid in the development of projects to encourage community cohesion and develop arts based projects to celebrate the cultural diversity of Maidstone, and to celebrate Maidstone.


Detailed proposals of how to allocate the fund be submitted to a future meeting of the Heritage, Culture and Leisure Committee.


As a consequence of the Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014, a named vote was taken on the amendment as follows:


FOR (3)


Councillors Adkinson, Harper and Newton




Councillors Barned, Mrs Blackmore, Boughton, Brice, D Burton, M Burton, Butler, Clark, Cox, Cuming, Daley, Ells, Fermor, Fissenden, Fort, Garland, Garten, Mrs Gooch, Greer, Harvey, Harwood, Hastie, Hemsley,

Mrs Hinder, Mrs Joy, Lewins, McLoughlin, D Mortimer, Munford, Perry, Powell, Prendergast, Revell, Mrs Ring, Round, Springett, Mrs Stockell, Webb, de Wiggondene, Wilby and Mrs Wilson




Councillors English, B Mortimer, Naghi, Pickett, Mrs Robertson, J Sams,

T Sams, Vizzard and Willis




The substantive motion was then put to the vote.


As a consequence of the Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England)

(Amendment) Regulations 2014, a named vote was taken on the substantive motion as follows:


FOR (31)


Councillors Adkinson, Barned, Clark, Cox, Daley, Ells, English, Fermor, Fissenden, Mrs Gooch, Harper, Harvey, Harwood, Hastie, Mrs Joy, Lewins,

B Mortimer, D Mortimer, Munford, Naghi, Newton, Pickett, Powell,

Mrs Robertson, J Sams, T Sams, Vizzard, Webb, Wilby, Willis and

Mrs Wilson




Councillors Mrs Blackmore, Boughton, Brice, D Burton, M Burton, Butler, Fort, Garland, Garten, Greer, Hemsley, McLoughlin, Perry, Prendergast, Revell, Mrs Ring, Round, Springett, Mrs Stockell and de Wiggondene




Councillors Cuming and Mrs Hinder






1.        That the revised revenue estimates for 2016/17, as set out in Appendix A to the report of the Policy and Resources Committee (circulated separately), be agreed.

2.        That the minimum level of General Fund Balances be set at £2m for 2017/18. 

3.        That the proposed Council Tax of £245.61 at Band D for 2017/18 be agreed.


4.        That a 20% increase in planning fees effective from 1st July 2017 be agreed with a corresponding increase in the revenue estimates in the Strategic Revenue Projection and a corresponding increase in planning expenditure of £180,000 in 2017/18 and a further £70,000 in 2018/19.

5.        That the revenue estimates for 2017/18 incorporating the growth and savings items be agreed. 

6.        That the Statement of Earmarked Reserves and General Fund Balances, as set out in Appendix A to the report of the Policy and Resources Committee, be agreed. 

7.        That the Capital Programme, as set out in Appendix A to the report of the Policy and Resources Committee, be agreed. 

8.        That the funding of the Capital Programme, as set out in Appendix A to the report of the Policy and Resources Committee, be agreed. 

9.        That the Medium Term Financial Strategy statements for revenue and capital, as set out in Appendix A to the report of the Policy and Resources Committee, be agreed.

10.     That the amended Strategic Revenue Projection, circulated at the meeting, be endorsed as the basis for future financial planning. 

11.     That it be noted that the Council’s Council Tax Base for the year 2017/18 has been calculated as 59,439.3 in accordance with Regulation 3 of the Local Authorities (Calculation of Council Tax Base) Regulations 1992. 


12.     That it be noted that in accordance with Government guidance the yield from business rates has been calculated as £56,789,676. 

13.     That it be noted that the individual parish area tax bases set out in Appendix B are calculated in accordance with Regulation 6 of the Regulations and are the amounts of the Council Tax Base for the year for dwellings in those parts of the Council’s area to which a special item relates. 

14.     That the Council Tax requirement for the Council’s own purposes for 2017/18 (excluding Parish precepts) is £14,598,886. 

15.     That the following amounts now be calculated by the Council for the year 2017/18 in accordance with Sections 32-36 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 as amended by the Localism Act 2011:-  



being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 32(2) of the Act taking into account all precepts issued to it by Parish Councils.



being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 32(3) of the Act.



being the amount by which the aggregate at 15(a) above exceeds the aggregate at 15(b) above, calculated by the Council in accordance with Section 32(4) of the Act as its Council Tax requirement for the year. (Item R in the formula in Section 32(4) of the Act).



being the amount at 15(c) above (Item R), all divided by the figure stated at 11 above (Item T in the formula in Section 33(1) of the Act), calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 33 of the Act, as the basic amount of its Council Tax for the year (including Parish precepts).




being the aggregate amount of all special items (Parish precepts) referred to in Section 34(1) of the Act (as per the attached Appendix B).



being the amount at 15(d) above less the result given by dividing the amount at 15(e) above by the Tax Base given in 11 above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 34(2) of the Act, as the basic amount of its Council Tax for the year for dwellings in those parts of its area to which no Parish precept relates. 


16.     That it be noted that for the year 2017/18 Kent County Council, the Kent Police & Crime Commissioner and the Kent & Medway Fire & Rescue Authority have stated the following amounts in precepts issued to the Council, in accordance with Section 40 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, for each of the categories of dwellings shown below:


Valuation Bands






















































17.     That, having calculated the aggregate in each case of the amounts at 15 (d), and 16 above, the Council, in accordance with Section 30 (2) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, hereby sets out in Appendix C, the amounts of Council Tax for the year 2017/18 for each of the categories of dwellings shown.




109.     Report of the Audit, Governance and Standards Committee held on 16 January 2017 - Treasury Management Strategy 2017/18


It was moved by Councillor McLoughlin, seconded by Councillor English, that the recommendation of the Audit, Governance and Standards Committee relating to the Treasury Management Strategy 2017/18 be approved.


RESOLVEDThat the Treasury Management Strategy 2017/18 and the Treasury Management and Prudential Indicators, attached as Appendices A and B to the report of the Audit, Governance and Standards Committee, be adopted.




110.     Report of the Licensing Committee held on 26 January 2017 - Gambling Act 2005 Statement of Licensing Principles 2016/19


It was moved by Councillor Mrs Joy, seconded by Councillor Mrs Hinder, that the recommendations of the Licensing Committee relating to the Gambling Act 2005 Statement of Licensing Principles 2016/19 be approved.


RESOLVED:   That the Draft Gambling Act 2005 Statement of Licensing Principles 2016/19, attached as Appendix A to the report of the Licensing Committee, be adopted.




111.     Report of the Employment Committee held on 1 February 2017 - Pay Policy Statement 2017


It was moved by Councillor Cox, seconded by Councillor Fissenden, that the recommendation of the Employment Committee relating to the Pay Policy Statement 2017 be approved.


RESOLVED:  That the Pay Policy Statement, attached as Appendix B to the report of the Employment Committee, be approved for publication on the Council’s website after 31 March 2017.




112.     Oral Report of the Communities, Housing and Environment Committee held on 22 February 2017


There was no report from the Communities, Housing and Environment Committee on this occasion.




113.     Notice of Motion - Integrated Transport and Cycling/Walking Strategies


Councillor Harper, seconded by Councillor Adkinson, had given notice of the following motion:


(1)   That this Council objects to the current bus consultation which will reduce bus services to residents of the Borough both in urban and rural areas.


(2)   That this Council takes all necessary action to urge KCC to adopt the MBC Integrated Transport Strategy and Cycling and Walking Strategy.


(3)   That this Council recognises that cycling and walking are green non-polluting forms of transport as well as benefiting individuals’ health and fitness.


In moving the motion, Councillor Harper, with the consent of the meeting and Councillor Adkinson, amended the first paragraph to read:


That this Council expresses its great concern to Arriva about the reduction to bus services in urban and rural parts of the Borough because of the adverse impact that this will have for the public.


The motion, as amended, was seconded by Councillor Adkinson.


With the agreement of the mover and the seconder, and the remainder of the Council, the second paragraph of the motion was amended to read:


That this Council takes all necessary action to urge KCC to support the MBC Integrated Transport Strategy and Cycling and Walking Strategy.


The Council voted on each part of the motion separately.




1.     That this Council expresses its great concern to Arriva about the reduction to bus services in urban and rural parts of the Borough because of the adverse impact that this will have for the public.


2.     That this Council takes all necessary action to urge KCC to support the MBC Integrated Transport Strategy and Cycling and Walking Strategy.


3.     That this Council recognises that cycling and walking are green non-polluting forms of transport as well as benefiting individuals’ health and fitness.


Councillors Brice, Perry and de Wiggondene requested that their dissent be recorded.




114.     Report of the Head of Policy and Communications - Calendar of Meetings 2017/18


It was moved by the Mayor, seconded by Councillor English, and


RESOLVEDThat the Calendar of Meetings for 2017/18, attached as Appendix A to the report of the Head of Policy and Communications, be approved.


Note:  Councillor Fissenden left the meeting after consideration of this item (9.45 p.m.).




115.     Appointment of Mayor Select 2017/18


It was moved by Councillor Mrs Blackmore, seconded by Councillor Daley, supported by Councillors Mrs Gooch, Barned and Harper, and


RESOLVED:  That Councillor Malcolm Greer be appointed as Mayor Select for the Municipal Year 2017/18.




116.     Appointment of Deputy Mayor Select 2017/18


It was moved by Councillor English, seconded by Councillor Butler, supported by Councillors Mrs Gooch, Newton and Harper, and


RESOLVED:  That Councillor David Naghi be appointed as Deputy Mayor Select for the Municipal Year 2017/18.




117.     Duration of Meeting


6.30 p.m. to 9.55 p.m.

