Maidstone Borough Council
Economic and Commercial Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Tuesday 24 February 2015
Future Work Programme and SCRAIP update
Report of: Sam Bailey, Research and Performance Officer
1. Introduction
1.1 To consider the Committee’s future work programme (FWP).
1.2 To consider the information update given by the Chairman.
2. Recommendation
2.1 That the Committee considers the draft future work programme, attached at Appendix A. Items on the draft programme were agreed at the meeting of 27 January 2015.
2.2 That the Committee considers the sections of the List of Forthcoming Decisions relevant to the Committee at Appendix B and whether these are items require further investigation or monitoring.
2.3 That the Committee notes the update in the SCRAIPs from 25 November, attached as Appendix C. Further SCRAIPs from this meeting are contained in the Exempt Appendix to this agenda, as they relate to commercially sensitive information.
2.4 That the Committee considers its continuous professional development needs and recommends possible training or development sessions it would like to undertake.
3 Future Work Programme
3.1 Throughout
the course of the municipal year the Committee is asked to put forward work
programme suggestions. These suggestions are planned into its annual work
programme. Members are asked to consider the work programme at each meeting to
ensure that it remains appropriate and covers all issues Members currently wish
to consider within the Committee’s remit.
The Committee is reminded that the Constitution states under Overview
and Scrutiny Procedure Rules number 9: Agenda items that ‘Any Member shall be
entitled to give notice to the proper officer that he wishes an item relevant
to the functions of the Committee or Sub-Committee to be included on the agenda
for the next available meeting of the Committee or Sub-Committee. On receipt of
such a request the proper officer will ensure that it is included on the next
available agenda, the Member must attend the meeting and speak on the item put
3.3 As well as the work programme for the meetings, the following additional activities will be taking place outside of committee meetings to help with the Careers Advice and Guidance Review:
· A visit to the careers fair at Detling Showgound on 26 March. More information can be found using this link:
· A visit to a school to see first hand how careers advice and guidance is delivered. Offers have been made for the committee to visit Cornwallis Academy and Maplesden Noakes School.
4 List of Forthcoming Decisions
4.1 The List of Forthcoming Decisions (Appendix B) is a live document containing all key and non-key decisions. The list of forthcoming decisions contained in Appendix B has been edited so it only contains decisions relating to this committee.
4.2 Due to the nature of the List of Forthcoming Decisions, and to ensure the information provided to the Committee is up to date, a verbal update will be given at the meeting by the Chairman. The Committee can view the live document online at:
5 SCRAIP update
5.1 SCRAIPs from the meeting of 25 November are contained in Appendix C, and the Exempt Appendix to this report.
5.2 If members wish to discuss the SCRAIP responses contained in the Exempt Appendix to this agenda, the committee will have to move to exclude the press and public as the SCRAIP responses relate to commercially sensitive information.
6. Impact on Corporate Objectives
6.1 The
Strategic Plan sets the Council’s key objectives for the medium term and has
a range of objectives which support the delivery of the Council’s
6.2 The Committee will consider reports that deliver against the following Council priorities:
· ‘For Maidstone to have a growing economy’ and ‘For Maidstone to be a decent place to live’.