Overview and Scrutiny SCRAIP update, year to date
Meeting, Date & Minute |
Recommendation |
Executive Decision Maker |
Action Expected Outcome |
Response |
Lead Officer |
CEH.140715.20b |
Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services report back to the Committee, in terms of performance against priorities for Parish Liaison, on:
o Partnerships formed o Outcomes achieved o Results for residents |
Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services |
The Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services will support Parish Liaison through improved locality and place shaping. The Cabinet Member has programmed a series of introductory meetings between himself, parish councils and the Community Partnerships team, which aim to;
. Strengthen the Parish Council relationships with the Borough Council. . Help the Parish Council (and its community) enhance its status. . Harness and encourage parish councils to share and provide its expertise and knowledge on local issues. . Encourage and support partnership working, involvement from other agencies and increased local voluntary action.
Progress: . Cabinet Member introductory meetings held with all Parish Councils in Maidstone - Sarah Robson has diarised a programme of meetings for September to December 2014. The meetings will provide an overview of the Cabinet Member's role and remit, the role of the Community Partnerships team and key priorities supported by the Community Safety Plan, Community Development Plan and Health Inequalities Action Plan. . Quarterly Parish Liaison meetings hosted by Zena Cooke and attended by Cllr Perry, Cllr Peter Colling, Cllr Geraldine Brown, Paul Riley, John Littlemore, Sarah Robson and Abi Jessop (KCC Community Engagement Officer). . Local Plan - D:SE facilitated an LP infrastructure day for the Parish Council. . Annual Parish Conference held in March 2015. John Littlemore has requested Affordable Housing is added to the Agenda. . Parish Charter to be refreshed for Maidstone. It will aim to set a standard for the Borough and Parish Councils to work together, respecting a vision for partnership working and acknowledging the borough’s rich and diverse character. A working group has been established (chaired by Cllrs Brown and Perry) and MBC HoS have been engaged and commented on the draft. |
Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services; Sarah Robson |
CEH.140715.20c |
Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure services investigate ownership of allotments along with fairness of allocation of sites |
Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services |
Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services; Jason Taylor |
CEH.140909.21a |
That the following question be send to the Head of Housing and Community Services:
. Would funding beyond 2015 be available to staff the Empty Homes initiative? |
Cabinet Member for Environment and Housing |
As part of the Budget Review Housing has requested continued funding for this post. |
John Littlemore |
CEH.140909.21b |
That the following questions be send to the Head of Planning and Development regarding the Empty Homes Strategy:
. Would the empty homes bought back into use be used as ‘windfall’ figures to reduce the objectively assessed housing need figure for the Local Plan? |
Empty homes are already part of the borough's housing stock, which has been taken into account in the methodology used to calculate the borough's objectively assessed housing need. So bringing empty homes back into occupation would not reduce the housing need figure. Only new dwellings created through new build or conversions will count towards need. |
Rob Jarman; Cheryl Parks; Sue Whiteside |
CEH.140909.22.1 |
That the Private Rented Sector Update report be presented to the 13 January meeting of the Community, environment and Housing OSC. |
26/11/14 - report delayed until April 2015/
The report has been delayed by structural changes within the Housing Service, the lead officer for this report has left the service and this piece of work has yet to be reassigned. |
John Littlemore |
CEH.140909.22.2 |
That an update report on the second collective switching campaign be presented to the committee at their 10 February 2015 meeting by Programme Manager (Financial Inclusion and Maidstone Families Matter); |
Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services; Cabinet Member for Environment and Housing |
Agreed |
Date noted, agreed. |
Ellie Kershaw |
CEH.141014.32.3 |
The Chair of the committee write a letter to Kent County Councils’ Cabinet Member for Community Services to express the committee’s deep concern should the Community Warden service cease and to appeal to him to find the funding to ensure its continuation. |
Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services |
Maidstone Borough Council and the Kent Chief Executives wrote to Kent County Council to express their concerns regarding the reduction in the Community Warden Service and outlined proposals to maintain the service. |
Tessa Mallett |
CEH.141014.34.1 |
The Head of Housing and Community Services provide the committee with an analysis of the costs of policing and clearing up after the Night Time Economy and the financial benefits it provided. |
Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services |
Will be approaching the relevant agencies to ascertain whether the information can be provided in the format requested by the committee. |
John Littlemore |
CEH.141014.35.1 |
The Cabinet Member for Environment and Housing be recommended to explore funding opportunities to ensure the important work of the street population project continues. |
Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services |
The Head of Housing and Community Services has approached Portchlight to establish whether they would agree to extend the arrangement.
Portchlight have stated they would be willing to have a further 12 month secondment. The head of Housing and Community Services is looking at possible ways of funding the post. |
John Littlemore |
CEH.141111.46.1 |
The Overview and Scrutiny Officer obtain copies of the following and pass on to all members of the committee: a. The Maidstone MOSAIC data: b. Details of AgeUKs Neighbour Day, and: c. The Medway Social Isolation Strategy. |
Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services |
Item A circulated by email to the CEH OSC on 20 November 2014; Item B requested of AgeUK on 19 November 2014, no response has been received to date; Item C circulated by email to the CEH OSC on 20 November 2014. |
Tessa Mallett |
CEH.141111.46.3 |
The Community Partnership Manager be asked to provide an update to the committee at their meeting of 13 January 2015 on bereavement counselling services offered by Maidstone Borough Council and other organisations. |
Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services |
Agreed |
Sarah Robson |
CEH.141111.46.4 |
The Community Partnership Manager be asked to co-ordinate existing resources to develop a model to identify where the greatest number of lonely and isolated over 65 years olds resided in the borough of Maidstone. When developing the model elderly residents be involved, together with representatives from ethnic and other minority groups. A report to be presented to committee at their meeting of 13 January 2014. |
Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services |
Reporting to committee at the meeting of 13 January 2015. |
Sarah Robson |
CEH.141209.57.1 |
The Waste and Street Scene Manager bring an update report on the new street cleansing service to the appropriate committee in September 2015 once the service has been running for a few months. |
Cabinet Member for Environment and Housing |
A report will be provided to the appropriate committee in September 2015 to provide an update regarding the implementation of changes to the street cleansing service. |
Jennifer Shepherd |
CEH.141209.57.2 |
The Waste and Street Scene Manager make available to all members the street cleansing schedule for their area once they have been finalised in consultation with the workforce. |
Cabinet Member for Environment and Housing |
The revised schedules will be made available to all Members once the review has been implemented. This is expected to be in May / June 2015 once all changes have been fully implemented and reviewed. |
Jennifer Shepherd |
CEH.141209.60.1 |
The Head of Housing and Community Services prioritises the cost/benefit analysis of the night time economy so that it is available for the next Crime and Disorder Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting on 10 March 2015. |
Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services |
I would suggest this item is reallocated to Economic Development, unless it is to look at the negative impact and costs associated with the NTE. |
John Littlemore; Sarah Robson |
CEH.150113.69.1 |
The Community Development Team Leader investigate the possibility of the proposed Quality of Life survey (appendix D) being sent out to all borough residents with the mail shots going out on the run up to the General Election in May 2015. |
Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services |
The Action has been agreed to undertake the Survey as part of the Residents Survey being held later in the year. |
John Littlemore; Sarah Robson; Sarah Shearsmith |
CEH.150113.69.2 |
The Community Development Team Leader establish what services are already being provided by other agencies, such as, AgeUK, Voluntary Action Maidstone, Older Peoples’ Forum, and ask these agencies for their help in identifying the ‘unknown’ lonely and isolated over 65 year old people of the borough, |
Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services |
The service data has now been presented to OSC and will be used to co-ordinate two work streams; A Borough Wide Survey and a Bereavement Pack. |
John Littlemore; Sarah Robson; Sarah Shearsmith |
CEH.150113.70.1 |
The Community Development Team Leader investigate the impact the move of the library to its new location has had on residents; |
Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services |
Information obtained from the Community Development Librarian indicates an increased footfall of visits to Kent History and Library Centre since moving locations in 2012/13.
2011/12 - Maidstone St Faiths Street Active Borrowers 10,553 12,199 Issues 173,435 180,910 PC Hours Use 33,666 36,401 PC Sessions 50,283 50,002
2012/13 - Maidstone, Kent History and Library Centre Active Borrowers 12,199 Issues 180,910 PC Hours Use 36,401 PC Sessions 50,002 |
John Littlemore; Sarah Robson; Sarah Shearsmith |
CEH.150113.70.3 |
The Community Development Team Leader establish how many food banks are in operation in the Maidstone borough; |
Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services |
Food Banks Food for Thought, Maidstone Day Centre’s community food share scheme, has been running for 9 years, providing fresh and non perishable food to those who would otherwise go hungry. Food for Thought, the Family Food Banks based at Meadows, Greenfields, Marden and Sunshine Children’s Centres, and Restoring Hands at the Jubilee Church will provide food parcels to clients who have been referred. The Lighthouse, the Salvation Army, Fusion Cafe and The Vine churches provide food parcels to clients on request. Clients can be referred or self-refer to Kent Support and Assistance Service (KSAS) who will carry out a needs assessment. If they find the client meets their criteria they arrange for a 7 day food parcel to be delivered from a local supermarket
Sit down meals Maidstone Day Centre provides homeless and vulnerable people with a breakfast, a freshly cooked nutritious lunch and a packed meal to take away from Monday to Friday. A buffet is served on Saturday mornings and a packed meal is given to all clients. The Salvation Army provide a hot meal every bank holiday except Christmas Day. Many of the clients are homeless but some are lonely and come for the company. The Baptist Church provides a two course lunch to approximately 50-60 people on the first Saturday of every month. It is mainly used by the street population and is free though donations are welcome.
Soup kitchens Soup or sandwiches and a packed meal to take away are available from The Arch, at the junction of Knightrider Street and College Rd on Thursdays, Saturday and Sunday afternoons. Food is given to the street population on an informal basis and no needs assessment or referrals are carried out.
Helen Miller, the borough council's Household Expenditure Project Officer has the following reports available upon request: Food Banks statistics for November 2014 Local Aid food support |
John Littlemore; Sarah Robson; Sarah Shearsmith |
CEH.150113.70.4 |
The Community Development Team Leader investigate how many residents who registered with the Big Switch campaign actually switched providers. |
Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services |
65 of the 231 who registered switched. This is a normal conversion from registration to switching. Helen Miller, the borough council's Household Expenditure Project Officer is leading on the promotion of the Big Switch. |
John Littlemore; Sarah Robson; Sarah Shearsmith |
CEH.150113.71.2 |
The Parks and Leisure Manager provide the committee with an update on the latest position with the Maidstone Play Strategy 2014. |
Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services |
Jason Taylor |
CEH.150115.70.2 |
The Community Development Team Leader provide information to residents on where and when the Health MOT Roadshow will be during 2015; |
Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services |
The Health MOT roadshow is being advertised by Wellbeing People. They have developed an online resource at so local businesses and residents can find out where the trailer will be. Flyers have also been produced which MBC Community Development Team will distribute at meetings and events. MBC met with Wellbeing People on 21st January to advise of possible locations and MBC events to attend to ensure we reach as many residents as possible. |
John Littlemore; Sarah Robson; Sarah Shearsmith |
CEH.150210.80.1 |
The Officer fulfil the following information request: website links or information be provided to the Committee on the three organisations residents will be signposted to: Silverline, Age Action Alliance and Depression Alliance. |
Sarah Shearsmith |
CEH.150210.80.2 |
The bereavement pack be friendly in its approach and short and succinct in its layout i.e. bullet points. |
CEH.150210.82 |
That the recommendations set out in 1.3.10 of the report to increase take up in subsequent schemes be agreed. |
Helen Miller |
CEH.150210.83.2 |
A progress update should be given to the appropriate Committee in 3 months |
Andrew Connors |
CEH141014.32.4 |
That the Head of Housing and Community Service and the Chair of the Safer Maidstone Partnership formulate and submit a response to Kent County Councils consultation on the review of the Community Warden service. |
Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services |
See SCRAIP CEH.141014.32.3 |
John Littlemore |
ECD.140729.20b |
That the Commercial Projects Manager be recommended to give priority to carry out a commissioning exercise for the planning and planning enforcement services. |
Rejected |
The inclusion of ‘Commissioning’ in the draft Commercialisation Strategy is for two reasons:
-To ensure that a unit or service is delivering outcomes that are required by statute and that the Council wishes those organisations to deliver; and to ensure that services and outputs in support of those outcomes are being delivered at the standard the Council requires. -To analyse commercial options in response to the definition of those outcomes as part of a STOP, MAKE, BUY, DIVEST decision process.
Planning services are a statutory service and are being delivered in a model which Council already approves. The recommendation is therefore rejected. The committee’s concerns about the standards of delivery are noted and are referred to the Planning, Transport and Development OSC. |
Dawn Hudd |
ECD.140826.30a |
The Cabinet Member for Economic and Commercial Development be recommended to adopt the Festivals and Events Policy, subject to: i. Due consideration being given to rural communities in the final policy; ii. Advanced warning about traffic management being given to residents before events, specifically in the form of mobile road signs on the highway system, as well as traffic management advice being given on the day of an event; iii. Work being undertaken to develop a signature event for Maidstone. |
Cabinet Member for Economic & Commercial Development |
i. Agreed the policy will be adapted to reflect this. ii. Partially agreed. Event organisers will be required to provide appropriate warnings relative to the size of the event. Traffic Management is a major part of the any event plan and is assessed as part of the SAG process if appropriate. iii. Agreed |
Laura Case; Dawn Hudd |
ECD.140826.30b |
Consideration be given by officers on how to feed back good news stories from events to the committee |
Agreed |
We will feed back via email through performance officer on large scale or council run events. |
Laura Case; Dawn Hudd |
ECD.140826.30c |
Further information be provided, by the Cabinet Member for Economic and Commercial Development, to explain why recommendation k in the Events Review SCRAIP was rejected |
Cabinet Member for Economic & Commercial Development |
For most events the timescale for inclusion inclusion in Council Tax mail outs would be too tight and the cost too high. For larger and in advance events this will be taken into consideration and assessed as part of the possible marketing mix. |
Laura Case; Dawn Hudd |
ECD.140929.42.1 |
The Cabinet Member for Economic and Commercial Development be recommended to consider the Maidstone East site as a possible location for the Enterprise Hub, prior to the decision being taken, as this may help to encourage development in this area. |
Cabinet Member for Economic & Commercial Development |
Rejected |
The need for an Enterprise Hub is immediate. Any redevelopment of the Maidstone East site would take several years. Further, an outline planning application is currently under consideration for a 10,000m2 mixed development. Any development of the site is reliant on securing a major anchor store. The site is allocated for retail (not employment). |
Karen Franek |
ECD.140929.42.2 |
The Cabinet Member for Economic and Commercial Development be recommended to consider the following options: a. starting off with a smaller scale Enterprise Hub located on council premises; and b. a short term leasehold property for the Enterprise Hub; As the committee recognises the urgent need for such a facility to support business start-ups in the borough. |
Cabinet Member for Economic & Commercial Development |
Agreed in principle - further work required |
Officers are continuing to look at a smaller scale business centre as part of the overall office accommodation project and future use of the gateway. A report will be brought forward before the end of the financial year with proposals. |
Karen Franek |
ECD.140929.42.3 |
The Cabinet Member for Economic and Commercial Development bring the full Cabinet Member Decision to the Committee before the decision is taken. |
Cabinet Member for Economic & Commercial Development |
Agreed |
It is planned to take the report to the 12th November meeting. As agreed by the Chairman of O&S the report will be circulated to members of O&S for them to ask questions either prior to the Cabinet meeting on 12th November and/or to attend the meeting. |
Karen Franek |
ECD.141021.53.1 |
The committee supports development for employment use at Junction 8 of the M20 subject to the development of a planning policy by the Cabinet Member for Planning, Transport and Development to mitigate damage and to ensure appropriate constraints. This policy should be considered by the Planning, Transport and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee in January 2015. |
Agreed |
Agreed. A draft allocation policy for Junction 8 will be presented for PTD OSC’s consideration at its meeting on 20th January 2015.
The Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development will liaise with the Chairman of the Planning Transport and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee to consider the content of the draft allocations policy with Members of the Committee in advance of the January meeting. |
Sarah Anderton; Cheryl Parks; Sue Whiteside |
ECD.141021.53.2 |
The Cabinet Member for Planning, Transport and Development be recommended to acknowledge the importance of retaining the employment sites outside of the town centre detailed in Appendix B of the report (list of existing industrial sites/estates for inclusion in Policy DM18). |
Agreed |
Agreed. Policy DM18 of the draft Local Plan (Reg 18) identifies key existing employment sites to be retained in employment use. A revised version of this policy will be presented for PTD OSC’s consideration at its meeting on 16th December 2014. |
Sarah Anderton; Cheryl Parks; Sue Whiteside |
ECD.141021.54.1 |
That subject to point XII regarding the Draft Economic Development Strategy, under minute number 51, being considered by the Cabinet Member for Economic and Commercial Development, the Committee recommend the Draft Economic Development Strategy be approved by Cabinet for consultation. |
Agreed in principle - further work required |
Recommendation: Some concern was raised regarding the wording and strength of the delivery mechanisms for the action plan for the draft Economic Development Strategy. It was agreed there was a need for a higher priority and profile for tourism, leisure and the visitor economy and renewable and green energy in the strategy and it was felt the action plan needed to be written in more positive language. Response: The comments from the Economic and Commercial Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee are noted and will be responded to as part of the public consultation. When the consultation process is completed and the draft strategy has been finalised, the action plan will be updated accordingly. |
Dawn Hudd |
ECD.141028.65.2 |
The Head of Economic and Commercial Development be recommended to refine the language in the Maidstone Culture and Leisure Business Plan to make it clear that the formation of Maidstone Culture and Leisure is not purely a profit making exercise; |
Agreed |
The document will be reviewed and amended to reflect the recommendation. |
Dawn Hudd |
ECD.141028.65.3 |
The Head of Economic and Commercial Development, at the earliest opportunity, be asked to give all councillors access to the full list of commercial projects for their positive input. |
Agreed |
Commercial projects in development taken to E&CD O&S 25 November 14 for early input from councillors. |
Dawn Hudd |
ECD.141125.78.1 |
The Cabinet Member for Economic and Commercial Development be recommended to give further consideration to job opportunities and training needs in the wider public sector when developing the skills and employability work programme. |
Cabinet Member for Economic & Commercial Development |
Rejected |
In line with the Council’s draft Economic Development Strategy, it is proposed that the council’s limited financial and staffing resources should remain focused on the generation of growth opportunities in the private sector. |
Dawn Hudd |
ECD.141125.78.2 |
Miss Lewis be requested to provide an update on the Skills and Employability work programme to the appropriate committee in six months’ time. |
ECD.141125.80.3 |
Cabinet be recommended to pay particular attention to staffing needs due to the likelihood of high usage of the hub, and also in relation to the existing workloads of the department. |
Cabinet |
Agreed |
Karen Franek |
ECD.141125.81.1 |
That the Head of Economic and Commercial Development be recommended to further develops the business case for animal cremation at the current Crematorium site, having regard to the committee’s reservations about the current proposed location of the facility within the site. |
Agreed |
The lead officer for this project is the Bereavement Service Manager, and her Head of Service is the Shared Head of Service for Environment and Street Scene; Commercial and Economic Development is providing advice and capacity to the development of this proposed project.The Project Sponsor will be the Shared Head of Environment and Street Scene.
When deciding on the final location and access arrangements for the proposed extension to Bereavement Services the concerns of the committee will be considered and final siting options will be analysed as part of the final design phase of the delivery project. The views of Kent Highways and MBC planning have been sought in terms of getting the project to this stage and further detailed consultation will be undertaken during the project. |
Dawn Hudd |
ECD.141125.81.2 |
The Head of Economic and Commercial Development be recommended to arrange a visit for officers involved in bringing the café back in house to visit Victoria Park in Hackney to get an idea of café provision in this park. |
Agreed |
Officers will investigate and if necessary visit other parks and venues during the development of the business case for the cafe provision in Mote Park. |
Dawn Hudd |
ECD.141125.81.4 |
The committee supports the further development of the options for charging for parking in Mote Park. |
Agreed |
An options report for charging for car parking at Mote Parr will be brought to Cabinet in early 2015. |
Dawn Hudd |
ECD.141125.81.5 |
That the Cabinet Member for Economic and Commercial Development be recommended to further investigate the proposal for regenerating Brunswick Street Car Park, provided that a piece of work on the wider regeneration of the area takes place at the same time. |
Agreed |
The Cabinet Member for Environment and Housing is the Cabinet Member leading on the development of options for the regeneration of the Brunswick Street car park. A working group, including the High Street Ward Councillors, is to be formed to discuss options for the regeneration of this asset, prior to a report being brought forward to the Council . There is a firm aspiration to regenerate this part of the town and concurrently officers are working to identify other sites; and to monitor and facilitate KCC proposals for Wren’s Cross. |
Dawn Hudd |
ECD.150127.107.1 |
The Head of Planning, Transport and Development develop policies to ensure that new residential buildings, and conversions, in the town centre have appropriate acoustic protection to prevent noise complaints about the night time economy; |
Emerging Local Plan Development Management policies, as amended and agreed by the Cabinet on 14 January 2014, already make provision for protection of residential amenity in town centre locations. Policy DM4 Principles of Good Design, at criterion v) states that developments must “respect the amenities of occupiers of neighbouring properties and uses and provide adequate residential amenities for future occupiers of the development by ensuring that development does not result in excessive noise, vibration, odour, air pollution, activity or vehicular movements, overlooking or visual intrusion, and that the built form would not result in an unacceptable loss of privacy or light enjoyed by the occupiers of nearby properties;” Furthermore Policy DM29 Leisure and Community Uses in the Town Centre, at criterion i) states that “the development, including in combination with any similar uses in the locality, will not have an adverse impact on local amenity, including as a result of noise and hours of operation.” Newly constructed residential dwellings, and those formed by a material change of use will also be governed by the provisions of Part E of the Building Regulations (Resistance to the Passage of Sound.) Whilst these policies do steer design towards mitigation of such issues it is inevitable and indeed a characteristic of town centre living that a vibrant night time economy will be inherently boisterous for residents. |
Rob Jarman; Cheryl Parks; Sue Whiteside |
ECD.150127.107.2 |
The Head of Economic and Commercial Development considers the interaction between the night time economy and town centre residents during the town centre visioning process. |
Agreed |
This will be considered during the development of the Town Centre Vision. |
Dawn Hudd |
ECD.150127.107.3 |
The Head of Environment and Public Realm reviews the process for reporting major noise disturbances that happen out of hours |
Gary Stevenson |
ECD.150127.107.4 |
The Head of Environment and Public Realm circulates a guidance note to members regarding procedures for reporting major noise disturbances. |
Gary Stevenson |
PTD.140609.11.b |
That ward members of the parishes Design South East are working with are invited to attend the multi-stakeholder meeting to be held in September. |
Agreed |
The stakeholder workshop for the parish councils that Design South East are working with has been arranged for 17 September 2014. Local ward members and a range of infrastructure providers have been invited to the event. |
Cheryl Parks; Sue Whiteside |
PTD.140609.11a |
That the Design South East report is reviewed by the Planning, Transport and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee prior to the planned multi-stakeholder meeting. |
Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development |
Agreed |
It is anticipated that the report on the outcomes of the Design South East work will go to PTD Overview and Scrutiny committee on 19 August. |
PTD.140609.11c |
That before a final decision is made on the draft Local Plan site allocations Parish Councils be informed and discussions take place on the right to build as part of the neighbourhood planning with a view to facilitating a convergence of the two (ie the Neighbourhood Plans and the Local Plan site allocations). |
Agreed |
Further engagement with the parishes is planned. |
PTD.140609.11d |
That feedback be sought from Parish Councils on the consultation with Design South East and Parish Councils be informed of how their feedback had been used to develop the Local Plan. |
Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development |
Agreed |
A short survey has been sent to each of the parishes involved in the Design South East work in order to obtain feedback. |
PTD.140609.11e |
The Head of Commercial and Economic Development provide the Committee with a detailed report for the meeting on 21 October 2014 on the quality of existing and proposed employment sites being used for the development of the Economic Development Strategy and the Local Plan. |
Cabinet Member for Economic & Commercial Development |
Agreed in principle - further work required |
Referred to Sarah Anderton in Planning to produce report for 21 October 2014.
Completed. |
Sarah Anderton; |
PTD.140609.11f |
That a joint meeting with the Planning, Transport and Development and Economic and Commercial Development Overview and Scrutiny Committees is arranged to look at the qualitative data for the employment review to be used for the Economic Development Strategy and the Local Plan, possibly in early November 2014. |
Agreed |
Joint meeting arranged for 21 October 2014. |
Sam Bailey; Tessa Mallett |
PTD.140624.21a |
Air quality modelling be undertaken and recommendations included in the Maidstone transport modelling process. Information on the effect of the transport model on air quality be brought to the Committee after the transport modelling is completed. |
Agreed |
Data derived from the Maidstone transport modelling exercise will feed into the air quality modelling that will be undertaken by MBC environmental health. The results of the air quality modelling will be reported to the committee once received from environmental health. |
Cheryl Parks; Sue Whiteside |
PTD.140624.21b |
With regard to a parking standards policy for Maidstone officers ensure:
i Any planned parking standards policy is cross referenced in the Integrated Transport Strategy, and; ii The Local Plan and the Integrated Transport Strategy appropriately facilitate a Spatial Policy on parking standards in Maidstone. |
Agreed |
A Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) will be produced for parking standards in the borough. The Integrated Transport Strategy will include reference to the SPD to ensure the policies are linked. The draft Maidstone Borough Local Plan 2014 includes a reference to the need for a Parking Standards SPD to provide greater detail in support of policy DM13 which seeks to facilitate the delivery of sustainable transport. |
Cheryl Parks; Sue Whiteside |
PTD.140624.21c |
Mechanisms be put in place for Councillors to be included in discussion with transport providers. This will also be included as an objective for the 'Transport in Maidstone Borough - Alternatives to using a car' review for 2014-15. |
Agreed |
Cabinet Member currently attend the quarterly Quality Bus Partnership (QBP) meetings, which are attended by bus operators. It is recommended that members seek to re-establish the Passenger Transport User Group in order to engage with transport providers across all modes in the borough and beyond. |
Cheryl Parks; Sue Whiteside |
PTD.140624.22a |
The proposal to hold a joint meeting with the Economic and Commercial Development OSC to look at the Qualitative date be referred to the Scrutiny Coordinating Committee at their meeting on 10 July 2014. |
Agreed |
Joint meeting arranged for 21 October 2014 |
PTD.140624.22b |
Planning policy officer to meet with Ward Members, Parish Councils and Neighbourhood Forums to go through the proposed site allocations in the draft Local Plan in addition to the multi-agency event. |
Agreed |
Noted |
Cheryl Parks; Sue Whiteside |
PTD.140624.22c |
The Cabinet Member for PTD promotes appropriate progress going forward with neighbourhood plans by including PTD OSC to appropriately scrutinise and comment on the Borough's response to the consultation stage of neighbourhood plans. |
Agreed |
The council's response when formally consulted on a draft neighbourhood plan should in particular focus on the plan’s consistency with the existing and emerging strategic policies of the local plan, the sufficiency of the evidence which supports the proposals in the neighbourhood plan, and conformity with neighbourhood plan making regulations. Local ward members are involved in the development of neighbourhood plans so, given the timing of neighbourhood plan consultations which may not coincide with regular Committee meetings, the Committee could consider only scrutinising plans where conflict arises. The Committee will be made aware of Cabinet Member reports on neighbourhood plans, so will be able to call a meeting within the consultation period if required. |
Cheryl Parks; Sue Whiteside |
PTD.140624.22d |
PTD OSC as part of the review of the Parish Charter scrutinise the planning policy processes to be included in the Parish Charter. |
Agreed in principle - further work required |
Noted |
Cheryl Parks; Sue Whiteside |
PTD.140722.31a |
That the Cabinet Member for Planning, Transport and Development be recommended to lobby Kent County Council on the reconfiguration of the gyratory system in Maidstone to ensure safe cycle passages. The design of the gyratory system to incorporate surface cycle passages (not subways) for cyclist heading in and out of the town from west Maidstone using the A20 and A26. |
Agreed in principle - further work required |
MBC will work with KCC to ensure the bridge gyratory scheme incorporates suitable cycling infrastructure and provides safe access in and out of the town centre. |
Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development; Sarah Anderton; Rob Jarman; Cheryl Parks; clare test; Sue Whiteside |
PTD.140722.31b |
That the Head of Planning and Development be recommended to urgently refresh and update the draft Maidstone Borough Council Draft Cycle Strategy, dated June 2012, for further scrutiny by the Committee with a view to consulting upon and formally adopting the refreshed Strategy. The Committee would aim to have the principal proposals relating to cycling used to inform the emerging Integrated Transport Strategy |
Agreed in principle - further work required |
MBC will work with KCC to refresh and update the draft Maidstone Cycling Strategy as part of the development of the Integrated Transport Strategy to help ensure a comprehensive and holistic approach to transport matters. |
Sarah Anderton; Rob Jarman; Cheryl Parks; clare test; Sue Whiteside |
PTD.140722.31c |
That the Head of Planning and Development be asked to report back to the Committee on the costs and possible sites for the provision of cycle ways from rural locations (Villages and Hamlets) with poor bus services, to bus stops on major routes with a more frequent bus service. In addition provide cycle parking at the end of these routes. The short term aim should be to firstly identify the routes and provide the cycle parking with the longer term aim of developing the cycle route to the cycle parking. |
Agreed in principle - further work required |
MBC will work with KCC to refresh and update the draft Maidstone Cycling Strategy as part of the development of the Integrated Transport Strategy. As part of this process, consideration can be given to the inclusion of rural routes and cycle parking provision in the cycling strategy as appropriate. |
Sarah Anderton; Rob Jarman; Cheryl Parks; Sue Whiteside |
PTD.140722.31d |
That the Head of Planning and Development be recommended to request from Kent County Council a copy of the results of their trials of 20 mile per hour speed limits around schools in the borough and a copy of their policy for 20mph zones around schools in the borough. |
Agreed |
Noted. This information has been supplied to the Committee by Cllr Chittenden. |
Sarah Anderton; Rob Jarman; Cheryl Parks; Sue Whiteside |
PTD.140722.31e |
That the Head of Planning and Development be recommended to reintroduce the Maidstone Cycling Forum and ensure it is supported by an officer with responsibility for cycling in their job description. Additionally a lead member should be identified to act as a cycling champion within the authority. |
Agreed |
A new dedicated transport planning resource for MBC is currently being appointed. The transport planning job remit will include the need to consider cycling as integral part of the development of the Integrated Transport Strategy and can extend to include re-establishment of the Cycling Forum. |
Sarah Anderton; Rob Jarman; Cheryl Parks; Sue Whiteside |
PTD.140722.31f |
That the Head of Planning and Development be asked to report back to the Committee the reason why Maidstone Borough Council has not signed up to the Kent County Council service standards for Public Rights of Way. |
Agreed |
It was determined that this service could be delivered and charged for by the MKIP Legal Services rather than being out-sourced to KCC. |
Sarah Anderton; Rob Jarman; Cheryl Parks; Sue Whiteside |
PTD.140819.43a |
That it be noted the Committee remained very concerned at the high value housing need figure but reluctantly recommended it be accepted by the Cabinet as the current bench mark need figure from which to do the work to arrive at the housing target figure. |
Agreed |
Cabinet noted the concerns of the Committee around the high value housing need figure. It was noted that the revised figure was helpful in that it had taken the figure downwards. |
Sarah Anderton; Cheryl Parks; Sue Whiteside |
PTD.140819.43b |
That it be recommended officers be fully supported, including if necessary the provision of additional resources, to ensure all aspects are fully investigated to allow Maidstone Borough Council to achieve the minimum target figure possible. |
Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development |
Agreed |
This was referred to the Cabinet Member for Planning, Transport and Development who agreed with the Committee’s recommendation. |
Sarah Anderton; Cheryl Parks; Sue Whiteside |
PTD.140819.43c |
That it be recommended assistance be given to the Cabinet Member for Planning, Transport and Development to produce interim policies, to include parking, gardens and open space, and housing standards, to protect the borough and ensure development is only carried out where and how the Borough wanted it. |
Agreed |
This was referred to the Cabinet Member for Planning, Transport and Development who advised that this work was already ongoing but any assistance would be most welcome. |
Sarah Anderton; Cheryl Parks; Sue Whiteside |
PTD.140819.43d |
That it be recommended any evidence provided by the public, to assist in reducing the housing need figure, be taken into account. |
Agreed |
Cabinet noted the recommendation and advised that any evidence provided by the public that had already come forward had been sent on for consideration by Spatial Policy officers. |
Sarah Anderton; Cheryl Parks; Sue Whiteside |
PTD.140819.43e |
That Cabinet be recommended to accept the figure of 960 for additional care home places in the Borough. |
Agreed |
Cabinet agreed with the recommendation and advised that they would be adopting the figure of 960 for additional care home places in the Borough. |
Sarah Anderton; Cheryl Parks; Sue Whiteside |
PTD.140819.43f |
That the Head of Planning and Development be asked to present a report at a meeting date, to be agreed, providing details on Affordable Housing; what it is; the impact of the percentages outlined in the draft Local Plan, etc. in order to better understand the detail and make informed decisions regarding the Local Plan. |
Agreed |
Cabinet advised that the Head of Planning and Development, in conjunction with the Cabinet Member for Planning, Transport and Development would be undertaking a workshop to give Members an understanding on affordable housing provision and this would include information on the viability work which lead to the differentials in percentage terms for the affordable housing. |
Sarah Anderton; Rob Jarman; Cheryl Parks; Sue Whiteside |
PTD.140819.44b |
That it be recommended when representations to the Local Plan are collated, each representation to be provided with a response explaining why the representation had been / not been taken forward and included in the Local Plan using the template report attached to the agenda for the meeting. |
Agreed in principle - further work required |
The template report format will be followed to respond to the separate issues raised in the representations. Similar responses will be grouped and responded to together. |
Sarah Anderton; Rob Jarman; Cheryl Parks; Sue Whiteside |
PTD.140916.56.1 |
Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services be recommended to involve the Kent Association of Local Councils and Area Committee Officers in the preparatory work for the review of the Parish Charter, before consulting fully with all parish councils, to ensure a process of two way communication in the development of Neighbourhood Plans and the Local Plan is included. |
Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services |
Meetings have taken place with representatives from the Parish Councils, CALC and members of MBC's senior management team. A draft new Charter is under review and should be adopted by March 2015. |
Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services; John Littlemore |
PTD.140916.57.1 |
The Head of Planning and Development be recommended to ensure representatives from parish councils and Area Committee Officers are involved in the design of the process for administering the distribution of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), before consulting fully with all parish councils, before the Local Plan is adopted, so parish councils are assured Maidstone Borough Council fulfils its’ duty to pass the appropriate level of CIL receipts to local councils. |
Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development |
The Cabinet Member will ensure the progression of the CIL process continues to pass through Overview and Scrutiny and suggests that Overview and Scrutiny invite parish and KALC members to participate in their meetings whilst reviewing this subject. |
Rob Jarman; Cheryl Parks; Sue Whiteside |
PTD.140916.59.2 |
The Head of Housing and Community Services be asked to email to members of the committee an overview of the different categories and classifications of affordable housing and eligibility criteria for each. |
Cabinet Member for Environment and Housing |
Information provided to PTD OSC and training event on affordable organised for 20 October 2014. |
John Littlemore |
PTD.140930.69.1 |
The evidence submitted to Committee, on 30 September 2014, be used by the Review of Transport in Maidstone Working Group to develop draft recommendations for consideration by Committee on 18 November 2014 as part of the draft report for stages one (Walking and Cycling) and two (Buses) of the review. |
Noted |
Tessa Mallett |
PTD.140930.69.2 |
The Cabinet Member for Planning, Transport and Development be asked to provide the Review Working Group with further information about the re-tendering exercise for the provision and maintenance of bus shelters, and the selling of advertising at bus shelters, to enable consideration of how information about buses, including real time information and contact numbers for buses, could be displayed at bus shelters across the borough. |
Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development |
The Cabinet Member has asked for a copy of the tender document and proposed to share this with Overview and Scrutiny. there is an early suggestion that KCC no longer support interactive information signage due to reliability and communication issues. This is being investigated and findings will be shared. Overview and Scrutiny may wish to contact Toby Butler at KCC. The Cabinet Member also suggest that commercial organisations also be involved. |
David Tibbit |
PTD.140930.70.1 |
The Cabinet Member for Planning, Transport and Development be recommended, through emerging local plan policies and the Green and Blue Infrastructure Strategy, to acknowledge the importance of migratory transport corridors to preserve wildlife population viability. |
Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development |
The Cabinet Member acknowledges the importance of migratory transport corridors to preserve wildlife population viability.
the draft local plan countryside policy states "Natural assets, including characteristic landscape features, wildlife and water resources, will be protected from damage with any unavoidable impacts mitigates."
Ecological surveys will be required in order for planning applications to be considered.
The draft Green and Blue Infrastructure Strategy contains an objective that states, " To maintain, enhance and extend the rich tapestry of distinctive wildlife habitats and improve water quality" and proposes to, " Continue Stewardship Schemes with farmers and landowners to create new or improved wildlife corridors in the rural area".
Through further consultation on both documents the views of the public will continue to be sought on such issues and integrated into emerging policy where appropriate. |
Darren Bridgett |
PTD.140930.71.1 |
The Cabinet Member for Planning, Transport and Development be asked to circulate a briefing note to update Committee on Southern Water's position on flooding, drainage and sewage issues affecting the borough. |
Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development |
The attached statement from Southern Water provides information on Southern Water's position relating to strategic planning for flooding, drainage and sewage issues. Further meetings with Southern Water at all levels are being progressed. |
Rob Jarman; Cheryl Parks; Sue Whiteside |
PTD.141021.82.1 |
The Cabinet Member for Planning, Transport and Development be recommended to develop a planning policy to mitigate damage and to ensure appropriate constraints for any employment land allocation at Junction 8 of the M20. This policy should be considered by the Planning, Transport and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee in January 2015.
If the thresholds contained in the policy in recommendation 1 are met, the Planning, Transport and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee would, in principle, support development for employment land at Junction 8. |
Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development |
Agreed |
(Tessa) Reported to committee 16/12/14:
The Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development has requested outline work to explore options and mitigation strategies for junction 8 including: 1) Do nothing 2) An area of land north of the A20 3) An area of land south of the A20 4) An area of land both north and south of the A20 5) Further consideration of options eastward of junction 8 (A20 corridor) with findings to be presented in January. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Agreed. A draft allocation policy for Junction 8 will be presented for PTD OSC’s consideration at its meeting on 20th January 2015.
The Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development will liaise with the Chairman of the Planning Transport and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee to consider the content of the draft allocations policy with Members of the Committee in advance of the January meeting. |
Cheryl Parks; Sue Whiteside |
PTD.141021.82.3 |
The Cabinet Member for Planning, Transport and Development be recommended to acknowledge the importance of retaining the employment sites outside of the town centre detailed in Appendix B of the report (list of existing industrial sites/estates for inclusion in Policy DM18). |
Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development |
Agreed |
Agreed. Policy DM18 of the draft Local Plan (Reg 18) identifies key existing employment sites to be retained in employment use. A revised version of this policy will be presented for PTD OSC’s consideration at its meeting on 16th December 2014. |
Cheryl Parks; Sue Whiteside |
PTD.141021.83.1 |
That subject to point XII (Some concern was raised regarding the wording and strength of the delivery mechanisms for the action plan for the draft Economic Development Strategy. It was agreed there was a need for a higher priority and profile for tourism, leisure and the visitor economy and renewable and green energy in the strategy and it was felt the action plan needed to be written in more positive language) regarding the Draft Economic Development Strategy, under minute 80, being considered by the Cabinet Member for Economic and Commercial Development, the Committee recommend the Draft Economic Development Strategy be approved by Cabinet for consultation. |
Cabinet Member for Economic & Commercial Development |
Agreed in principle - further work required |
The comments from the Economic and Commercial Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee are noted and will be responded to as part of the public consultation. When the consultation process is completed and the draft strategy has been finalised, the action plan will be updated accordingly. |
John Foster; Dawn Hudd |
PTD.141103.92.2 |
That the Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services be recommended to present the final draft of the Parish Charter to the Planning, Transport and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee at a meeting early in 2015. |
Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services |
Delays have taken place due to the Economic Development and Culture and Leisure sections not being received until early January 2015. The draft is currently with the KALC Chair and is still on track for consultation and OSC in February. |
Sarah Robson |
PTD.141103.92.3 |
That the Cabinet Member of Community and Leisure Services be recommended to include in the new Parish Charter:
a. Consultation procedures for planning policy, and; b. A mechanism for disbursing Community Infrastructure Levy funds. |
Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services |
The Planning, CIL and Neighbourhood Plan sections have been updated by Planning and have been circulated to the Parish Charter Steering Group. Further amendments have been made by the Steering Group, which have not been approved by Planning. I have suggested James Bailey attends the next Parish Charter Steering Group to ensure both Planning's statutory requirements and the Parishes needs are aired and agreed, otherwise, it is likely to descend into an extended email debate. |
Sarah Robson |
PTD.141103.93.1 |
That Cabinet be recommended to agree the following paragraph for inclusion in the Neighbourhood Plan decision making framework:
3a Stage - MBC consulted on submission version of the neighbourhood plan (Ref 16) Decision method - Internal consultation with ward members/adjoining ward members/Cabinet Member Decision take - Cabinet Member Report* to consider MBC comments on submission of draft plan. |
Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development |
Agreed – the Cabinet Member supports this recommendation and this matter has been taken on to Cabinet for their approval. (It was noted that this was not to be included as a supplementary stage) |
Rachel Elliott; Cheryl Parks; Sue Whiteside |
PTD.141103.93.2 |
That Coxheath Parish Council be recommended to:
a. Make a request to Locate to put the verbal advice the parish council had received from them regarding their Neighbourhood Plan in writing, and;
b. Share the advice given to them in writing by Locate with Maidstone Borough Council’s Spatial Policy Team to assist with progressing the parish’s Neighbourhood Plan. |
Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development |
The Cabinet Member notes that this recommendation should be directed to Coxheath Parish Council. |
Rachel Elliott; Cheryl Parks; Sue Whiteside |
PTD.141103.93.3 |
That the Head of Planning and Development be recommended to recognise Neighbourhood Forums and Residents’ Associations and other similar groups, who are developing a Neighbourhood Plan and include them in all communications on planning policy and consultation on planning applications in their areas of the borough. |
Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development |
The Cabinet Member supports the recommendation and acknowledges the legal status of Neighbourhood Forums, and has noted that the Head of Planning and Development and his officers have already commenced dialogue on Planning Policy matters with Forums, Parish Councils, residents groups and other interested parties, and that such meetings will be continued as both the Local Plan and Neighbourhood Plans continue to be developed. |
Rachel Elliott; Cheryl Parks; Sue Whiteside |
PTD.141118.105.1 |
The Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development be recommended to: a. In consultation with the relevant committee at the time, respond to the Department for Transport’s franchise consultation, which was due in 2016; b. To reduce unnecessary car travel within the borough, this response should request improved commuter and off peak services using high speed trains and Thameslink services to reduce the number of rail users travelling across the borough by car to other stations that offer better services than their local station |
Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development |
a) The Cabinet Member would welcome Planning Transport and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committees initial steer upon consultation and before we draft our response (including point b) below already received The Cabinet Member supports this objective |
Rob Jarman; Cheryl Parks; Sue Whiteside |
PTD.141118.105.2 |
The Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development be recommended to promote the appointment of a Kent County Councillor for Maidstone and a Maidstone Borough Councillor to the Steering Group for the Medway Valley Line and the Kent Community Rail Partnership to ensure Maidstone Borough’s needs are pursued. |
Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development |
The Cabinet Member agrees |
Rob Jarman; Cheryl Parks; Sue Whiteside |
PTD.141118.105.3 |
Councillor Chittenden investigate how Maidstone Borough can be represented on the South Eastern Public Transport User Group and report back to the committee at their meeting of 4 February 2015 |
Update will be provided at the meeting on 20 January 2015. |
Tessa Mallett |
PTD.141118.105.4 |
The Head of Planning and Development be recommended to ensure Section 106 funding be sought from developers at every opportunity to: Support public transport links to and from new developments linking bus and rail services, and; Ensure the provision is timed in a way to provide services that increase as occupation of developments increase. |
Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development |
We already do –furthermore the earliest possible move to the Community Infrastructure Levy is encouraged. |
Rob Jarman; Cheryl Parks; Sue Whiteside |
PTD.141118.105.5 |
The Chairman of the Planning, Transport and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee be recommended to write to Mr Mike Gibson of South Eastern Rail to:
a. Establish how parish councils could access funding for improvements to rural rail stations; b. Request that he take forward his suggestion to approach Network Rail regarding the possibility of expanding rail station car parks at Bearsted and Headcorn and look into the possibility of extending this to other rural rail stations; c. Request that he take forward his suggestion to reduce parking costs at rural rail stations such as Headcorn to discourage rail users from parking in residential areas. |
Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development |
Update will be provided at the meeting on 20 January 2015. |
Tessa Mallett |
PTD.141118.106.1 |
That the Cabinet Member for Planning, Transport and Development be recommended to carry out consultation with car users to establish why they drive into Maidstone town and what would encourage them to use an alternative mode of transport to get into the town. |
Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development |
The Cabinet Member recommends that the existing data be reviewed. |
Cheryl Parks; Sue Whiteside |
PTD.141118.106.2 |
That the Cabinet Member for Planning, Transport and Development be recommended to survey the users of Maidstone East railway station car park to find out their reason for using it to establish how many users were rail passengers and how many were not. |
Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development |
The Cabinet Member recommends that this is taken forward as part of the wider work on the Parking Strategy. |
Cheryl Parks; Sue Whiteside |
PTD.141118.106.3 |
That the Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services be recommended, as part of the Parish Charter, to include a section on the powers and opportunities parish councils have in the provision of transport services and capital equipment, such as bus shelters and real time transport information, and funding streams available to them. |
Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services |
Further details to be provided in terms of reporting from a Communities perspective. It is unclear what is to be reported on from Action provided. |
John Littlemore; Sarah Robson |
PTD.141118.106.4 |
That the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Planning, Transport and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee meet with the relevant officers regarding the possible inclusion of a review of the Park and Ride service and report back to the committee at their meeting of 16 December 2014. |
Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development |
Meeting arranged with HO P&D for 2pm on 16 December 2014. |
Tessa Mallett |
PTD.141216.116.2 |
2. That the Head of Planning and Development be recommended to inform those who responded to the Regulation 18 consultation on the draft Local Plan, using the most cost effective method, how their responses have been included in the amendments to the draft Local Plan. |
In accordance with the adopted Statement of Community Involvement, all representations to the Local Plan are acknowledged at the time of receipt and again at the point of validation. All comments made are publically available on the portal. When the plan is amended at any stage in its development as a result of representations, everyone who has commented, and all those on the consultee database are informed. Information is also disseminated to all those on the consultee database via the Planning Viewpoint newsletter when this is published. The next edition will be published in advance of the 20 Jan Committee meeting. |
Rob Jarman; Cheryl Parks; Sue Whiteside |
PTD.141216.116.3 |
3. That the Planning, Transport and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee recommends to Cabinet that the infrastructure delivery policies are amended as per the proposals in Appendix A of the Development Management and Infrastructure Delivery Policies report of 16 December 2014 and that the policies are approved for regulation 19 consultation subject to consideration of the following:
a) That the Cabinet Member for Planning, Transport and Development be recommended to, should dialogue with Southeast Water fail, seriously consider the option of taking the matter up with the regulator. |
Agreed. Southern Water is currently responding to infrastructure requests as part of the IDP work. |
Rob Jarman; Cheryl Parks; Sue Whiteside |
PTD.141216.116.4 |
4. That the Planning, Transport and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee approved the care home policy as proposed in theDevelopment Management and Infrastructure Delivery Policies report of 16 December 2014. |
Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development |
Noted |
Rob Jarman; Cheryl Parks; Sue Whiteside |
PTD.141216.1161a |
1. That the Planning, Transport and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee recommend to Cabinet that the development management policies are amended as per the proposals in Appendix A of theDevelopment Management and Infrastructure Delivery Policies report of 16 December 2014 and that the policies are approved for regulation 19 consultation in July 2015 subject to consideration of the following recommendations:
a) That the Development Management and Infrastructure Delivery Policies report be circulated to all councillors by the Head of Planning and Development and any further representations from councillors be expressed via their group’s spokesperson to Cabinet at its meeting on 14 January 2015;
Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development |
Noted and agreed. The report and appendices were circulated by email to all elected members on 6 January 2015 with a request to forward any comments or representations via the group leaders to the Cabinet meeting on 14 January 2015. |
Rob Jarman; Cheryl Parks; Sue Whiteside |
PTD.141216.1161b |
1. That the Planning, Transport and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee recommend to Cabinet that the development management policies are amended as per the proposals in Appendix A of theDevelopment Management and Infrastructure Delivery Policies report of 16 December 2014 and that the policies are approved for regulation 19 consultation in July 2015 subject to consideration of the following recommendations:
b) That the Cabinet Member for Planning, Transport and Development be recommended to implement a strategy to make use of Section 106 agreements to ensure travel plans are robust and implemented by developers. |
Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development |
For larger schemes, S106 agreements are already used to ensure sustainable travel plans are provided as part of the development with contributions secured to ensure their provision. These agreements are monitored for compliance by the Council which has legal powers to secure compliance with the S106 agreement. The relevant tests set out in paragraph 204 of the NPPF and Regulation 122 of the CIL Regulations are required to be met. For smaller schemes, where requested by the Highways Authority or where considered necessary and fulfilling the tests set out in paragraph 206 of the NPPF, planning conditions can be attached which are enforceable by the Council. It is therefore considered that there is already a mechanism in place to ensure, where required, that travel plans are robust and implemented by developers. |
Rob Jarman; Cheryl Parks; Sue Whiteside |
PTD.141216.1161c |
1. That the Planning, Transport and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee recommend to Cabinet that the development management policies are amended as per the proposals in Appendix A of theDevelopment Management and Infrastructure Delivery Policies report of 16 December 2014 and that the policies are approved for regulation 19 consultation in July 2015 subject to consideration of the following recommendations:
c) That the Cabinet Member for Planning, Transport and Development be recommended to make the following amendment to point 3iii of policy DM13 to strengthen the intent:
Development proposals must:
3iii Demonstrate that development in, or likely to adversely affect, in particular where a number of developments are likely to result in a cumulative impact, that Air Quality Management Areas incorporate mitigation measures to reduce impact to an acceptable level, in line with the borough’s air quality action plan. |
Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development |
Agreed. Wording will be amended as suggested. |
Rob Jarman; Cheryl Parks; Sue Whiteside |
PTD.141216.1161d |
1. That the Planning, Transport and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee recommend to Cabinet that the development management policies are amended as per the proposals in Appendix A of theDevelopment Management and Infrastructure Delivery Policies report of 16 December 2014 and that the policies are approved for regulation 19 consultation in July 2015 subject to consideration of the following recommendations:
d) That the Cabinet Member for Planning, Transport and Development be recommended to make the following amendments to points 1 and 3 of policy DM29 – Leisure and community uses in the town centre:
1 The development, including in combination with any similar uses in the locality, should not have a significant impact on local amenity, including as a result of noise and hours of operation.
3 The wording be amended to allow for greater flexibility to maintain the vibrancy of the primary shopping area. |
Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development |
DM29 – Proposed amendments: 1) Agree. Wording will be amended accordingly. 3) Delete existing point (3).
Propose amendment to DM27 – Primary shopping frontages (2) as follows: “2. The proposal is for a professional and financial services use (A2), a café and restaurant use (A3), a drinking establishment (A4), a community use (D1) or a leisure use (D2) and would not result in the percentage of ground floor retail (A1) floorspace in the frontage block in which the development would be located falling below 85%.” |
Rob Jarman; Cheryl Parks; Sue Whiteside |
PTD.141216.118.1 |
1. The Cabinet Member for Planning, Transport and Development be recommended to circulate the final draft of the Landscape Capacity Study to all councillors at the earliest possible date in January 2015 and provide copies for the members library to facilitate a full and informed discussion of the study at the committees meeting of 20 January 2015. |
Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development |
Deanne Cunningham; Rob Jarman; Cheryl Parks; Sue Whiteside |
PTD.141216.118.2 |
2. That the Planning, Transport and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee noted the update on the Landscape Capacity Study and agreed the draft document be brought back to committee for approval at the 20 January 2015 meeting. |
Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development |
The meeting on 19 January went ahead as planned and from it there was clear cross party appetite to build on the completed capacity study to further refine landscape protection policy in the emerging local plan. At the Overview and Scrutiny meeting on 20 January reference was made in the officer report (page 14,15; para 1.3.9 and 1.3.10 of the report pack) to how the study had been used in the site assessment work resulting in the site allocation proposals contained in the report. There will be further engagement, and also additional work in the coming months, details of which will be shared with Members at it develops. |
Deanne Cunningham; Rob Jarman; Cheryl Parks; Sue Whiteside |
PTD.141216.119.1 |
The Planning, Transport and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee note the contents of the Agricultural Land Classification Survey and made the following recommendations:
1. That the Head of Planning and Development consider applying the use of Agricultural Land Classification studies to any pending sensitive solar farm planning applications. |
Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development |
The recent Agricultural Land Classification studies were only conducted on specific sites: some of the Regulation 18 sites, and on the some of the most recent sites that have been put forward as part of the call for sites. This was not a borough wide survey and therefore the information would not cover any pending solar farm planning applications unless on land proposed for housing development in the emerging Local Plan. Use could be made of the information on the MAGIC website which illustrates post 1998 classifications. Alternatively further specialist advice could be sought from consultants to assist in determination of such applications as and when they arise. |
Rob Jarman; Cheryl Parks; Sue Whiteside |
PTD.141216.119.2 |
2. That the Head of Planning and Development make copies of the Agricultural Land Classification Survey and any previous studies in this area available to all members in the members library and provide any relevant email links to reports. |
Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development |
Agreed. Officers are working with colleagues in IT to digitise the 1990’s MAFF survey work into GIS to allow for a more comprehensive digital mapping layer to be created covering both the old and new studies. Officers will also make available a paper file copy of each study for reference in the Members library. |
Rob Jarman; Cheryl Parks; Sue Whiteside |
PTD.141216.119.3 |
3. That the Head of Planning and Development provide details, to the committee, of the percentage of land classified as Best and Most Versatile (BMV) in the borough. |
The Council does not have details of the percentage of Best and Most Versatile agricultural land across the Borough as a whole. The 1994 survey and the recent survey focussed on specific sites.
Post 1988 information can be found on the MAGIC website.
Rob Jarman; Cheryl Parks; Sue Whiteside |
PTD.150120.130.1 |
1. Committee recommend Cabinet approve the new housing site allocation policies as set out in Appendix D for Regulation 18 consultation in February 2015, subject to:
a) Site H1 (51) – Bridge Industrial Centre, Wharf Road, Tovil being accepted subject to a specific reference being made to include community infrastructure to improve medical services in the area and emergency access route to the site.
b) Site H1 (52) – Dunning Hall off Fremlin Walk, Week Street, Maidstone being accepted.
c) Site H1 (53) – 18-21 Foster Street, Maidstone being accepted.
d) Site H1 (54) – Slencrest House, 2 Tonbridge Road, Maidstone being accepted.
e) Site H1 (55) – The Russell Hotel, Boxley Road, Maidstone being accepted.
f) Site H1 (56) - Land at 180-188 Union Street, Maidstone being accepted subject to a note at Point 5 Landscape – on air quality issues because of the location of the site.
g) Site H1 (57) - Land at Former Astor of Hever Community School, Maidstone being rejected until further exploration work was carried out to find alternative access for the site and bought back to this Committee for further consideration.
h) Site H1 (58) - Tovil Working Men’s Club, Tovil Hill, Tovil being accepted subject to issues with access to the site being addressed and Point 13 to include that the site be considered for the provision of a doctors surgery.
i) Site H1 (59) - Bearsted Station Goods Yard, Bearsted being approved.
j) Site H1 (60) – Fant Farm, Maidstone being rejected on the grounds on the grounds that:
. Further housing in this area would have a severe impact on the already congested junctions in the area which cannot be mitigated and would erode the unique pattern of development; It will have a detrimental impact on the Medway Valley landscape quality, and; The land is classed as ‘best and most valuable’ agricultural land as defined in the National Planning Policy Framework.
k) Site H1 (61) - Land at Cross Keys, Bearsted being rejected on the grounds that the site had a historical and continual flooding issues and school provision in the parish is at full capacity with no space to expand the existing schools.
l) Site H1 (62) - Land at Boughton Lane Loose/Boughton Monchelsea being approved subject to the Head of Planning and Development receiving clarity from Kent County Council as to what would be appropriate improvements to Boughton Lane and the junction of Boughton Lane and A229 Loose Road and reporting back to this Committee.
m) Site H1 (63) - Land at Boughton Mount, Boughton Lane, Boughton Monchelsea being approved.
n) Site H1 (64) - Bell Farm, North East Street, Harrietsham being rejected on the grounds that the cumulative impact of development having a detrimental effect on the character and size of the village and community and the footprint of the village. Should Cabinet decide to include this site the Committee recommend point 2 be amended to reflect the need for public open space.
o) Site H1 (65) being rejected on the grounds of: Severe highways congestion; Severe flood risk in the area; and, A lack of a sewage infrastructure capable of dealing with further development.
p) Sites H1 (70) Land at the junction of Church Street and Heath Road, Boughton Monchelsea and H1 (71) - Lyewood Farm, Green Lane, Boughton Monchelsea being accepted subject to a reference to the need for additional medical facilities under point 9. |
Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development |
The Cabinet considered the recommendations at is meeting s on 2 and 4 February, and these informed the decisions made. |
Cheryl Parks; Sue Whiteside |
PTD.150122.140.1 |
1. a cross party group from the Committee meet with Planning Officers before the next adjourned meeting of the Planning, Transport and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee (28 January 2015 at 3pm) to discuss the development criteria and parameters for sites H1 (7, 8 and 9).
Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development |
Accept recommendation. Officers met with Members to discuss the aforementioned sites and agreed a set of revised criteria that were subsequently used in the consideration of these sites at Cabinet on 2 and 4 February. |
Steve Clark; Cheryl Parks; Sue Whiteside |
PTD.150122.140.2 |
1. that the Committee recommend that Cabinet approve the new housing site allocation policies as set out in Appendix D for Regulation 18 consultation in February 2015, subject to:
a) H1 (66) – Land south of The Parsonage, Goudhurst Road, Marden Being accepted subject to the addition of the words ‘In particular’ at the beginning of the sentence under point 10.
b) H1 (67) - Land to the south of Marden Road, Staplehurst and H1 (68) – Lane to the north of Henhurst Farm, Staplehurst Both sites being removed as they are not in compliance with the parish footprint and the foul water infrastructure cannot be resolved by sites of this size.
c) H1 (69) – Land at Lodge Road, Staplehurst
Being accepted.
d) H1 (72) – Land adj. The Windmill PH, Eyehorne Street, Hollingbourne Being accepted.
e) H1 (73) - Land at Brandy’s Bay, South Lane, Sutton Valence Being accepted.
f) H1 (74) – Land at Wren’s Cross, Upper Stone Street, Maidstone Being accepted subject to the site being part of a wider regeneration of the area. |
Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development |
The Cabinet considered the recommendations at is meeting s on 2 and 4 February, and these informed the decisions made. |
Cheryl Parks; Sue Whiteside |
PTD.150122.140.3 |
The Committee recommend that Cabinet approve the amendments to Policy H1 set out in Appendix B for incorporation into the Regulation 19 version of the Maidstone Borough Local Plan, subject to detailed transport and infrastructure modelling be in place beforehand and subject to:
a) H1 (43) – Linden Farm, Stockett Lane, Coxheath Being accepted subject to a reconsideration of the Section 106 contributions being used for the provision of local schools and subject to the necessary highway works being carried out.
b) H1 (44) – Heathfield, Heath Road, Coxheath Being accepted subject to an additional green buffer and the parish’s proposed easy access walk be provided to preserve the line of the parish council as detailed in the Coxheath Neighbourhood Plan.
c) H1 (45) – Forstal Lane, Coxheath Being rejected because highways and access to the site cannot be adequately addressed.
d) H1 (1) – Bridge Nursery, London Road, Maidstone Not being discussed as resolution to grant planning permission subject to S106.
e) H1 (2) – East of Hermitage Lane, Maidstone Not being discussed as this site is subject to a planning appeal.
f) H1 (3) – West of Hermitage Lane, Maidstone Not being discussed as resolution to grant planning permission subject to S106.
g) H1 (4) – Oakapple Lane, Barming Being accepted subject to the site being developed in pace and alongside the establishment of a country park.
h) H1 (5) – Langley Park, Sutton Road, Boughton Monchelsea Being accepted.
i) H1 (6) – North of Sutton Road, Otham Being accepted. |
Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development |
The Cabinet considered the recommendations at is meeting s on 2 and 4 February, and these informed the decisions made. |
Cheryl Parks; Sue Whiteside |
PTD.150128.150.1 |
The Committee recommend that Cabinet approve new housing site allocation policies as set out in Appendix A/B for Regulation 19 consultation in February 2015, subject to:
a) The proposed changes to the layout and configuration of sitesH1 (7) – North of Bicknor Wood, Gore Court Road, Otham; H1 (8) – West of Church Road, Otham, and, H1 (9) – Bicknor Farm, Sutton Road, Otham being brought back to the committee by the Head of Planning and Development for further consideration after which the sites should proceed to a further Regulation 18 consultation.
b) The proposed changes to the proposed yield, site criteria and site area for site H1 (10) – South of Sutton Road, Langley as amended by the Urgent Update Report being accepted for Regulation 18 consultation in February 2015.
c) The infrastructure provision for this site H1 (10) – South of Sutton Road, Langley, ie Highway infrastructure – Wheatsheaf junction congestion, and, insufficient sewage infrastructure capacity being further investigated to seek appropriate mitigation.
d) The proposed changes to the site criteria and site area for site H1 (11) – Springfield, Royal Engineers Road and Mill Lane, being accepted as amended by the Urgent Update Report and Appendices for Regulation 18 consultation in February 2015.
e) Site H1 (12) – Haynes, Ashford Road, Maidstone being accepted subject to the following being included in the policy:
. A requirement for significant on site open space being provided; . A significant contribution towards off site open space, and; . The development be reasonably set back from the Ashford Road.
f) Site H1 (13) – Medway Street, Maidstone being accepted subject to significant planting to mitigate the effect of poor quality in the area.
g) SiteH1 (14) – American Golf, Tonbridge Road, Maidstone being accepted.
h) SiteH1 (15) – 6, Tonbridge Road, Maidstone being accepted.
i) SiteH1 (16) – Laguna, Hart Street, Maidstone being accepted.
j) H1 (17) – Barty Farm, Roundwell, Maidstone be rejected and taken out because school provision in the parish is at full capacity and there is no space to expand the existing schools.
k) Site H1 (18) – Whitmore Street, Maidstone being accepted.
l) Site H1 (19) - North Street, Barming being accepted.
m) Site H1 (20) – Postly Road, Tovil being rejected due to:
. The detrimental effect on the Loose Valley corridor; . The difficulty in defending the adjacent high quality agricultural land from future development, and; . The community infrastructure already at capacity with no reasonable improvements possible.
n) Site H1 (21) – Kent Police Headquarters, Sutton Road, Maidstone being accepted.
o) Site H1 (22) Kent Police Training School, Sutton Road, Maidstone being accepted.
p) H1 (23) – New Line Learning, Boughton Lane, Loose be deferred for consideration until after the Public Enquiry.
q) Site H1 (24) – West of Eclipse, Maidstone being accepted subject to:
. A minimum of a 15 meter green buffer around the site, and; . The layout and landscaping of the site aims to minimise the impact of the development on the adjacent ancient woodland.
r) The Head of Planning and Development undertaking, and completing, within three months, traffic modelling work in Lenham using 245 units (Policy H1) and 1500 units (Policy H2) in the broad location and report back to the Planning, Transport and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee before Regulation 19 consultation and to feed into any planning application coming forward for any sites in Lenham.
s) Site H1 (25) – Tongs Meadow, West Street, Harrietsham being rejected and taken out of the draft Local Plan on the basis that it is a receptor site and should go back to Regulation 18 for deletion.
t) H1 (26) – South of Ashford Road, Harrietsham be accepted subject to the necessary highway safety and traffic calming improvements being an integral part of the policy.
u) H1 (27) – Mayfield Nursery, Ashford Road, Harrietsham be accepted.
v) H1 (28) – Church Road, Harrietsham be accepted
w) Site H1 (29) – Tanyard Farm, Old Ashford Road, Lenham being accepted subject to the delivery of high quality landscape protection to the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in consultation with the Parish Council and Lenham Neighbourhood Plan Group to deliver a high quality scheme.
x) Site H1 (30) – Glebe Gardens, Lenham being deferred pending clarification of the outcome of a detailed impact assessment regarding the preservation and enhancement of the pond which is the source of the Len.
y) Site H1 (31) – Ham Lane, Lenham being rejected on the basis that the landscape impact of any development of this site on the village and Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty cannot be mitigated.
u) Site H1 (32) – Howland Road, Marden, being accepted.
v) Site H1 (33) – Stanley Farm, Plain Road, Marden, being accepted.
w)Site H1 (34) – The Parsonage, Goudhurst Road, Marden, being accepted.
x) Site H1 (35) – Marden Cricket and Hockey Club, Stanley Road, Marden, being accepted.
y) Site H1 (36) – Hen and Duckhurst Farm, Marden Road, Staplehurst being accepted subject to:
. Issues with the site being addressed as part of a strategic sewage and waste water solution for Staplehurst and Headcorn, and; . Subject to an additional surface and foul water solution being included with the design of any development for this area.
z) Site H1 (37) – Fishers Farm, Fishers Road, Staplehurst, being accepted subject to:
. The insertion in the policy of a maximum development of 535 units; . The insertion in the policy of a stronger worded paragraph, involving Borough and Parish Councillors, on the constraints on this site; . Issues with the site being addressed as part of a strategic sewage and waste water solution for Staplehurst and Headcorn, and; . Subject to an additional surface and flood water solution being included with the design of any development for this area.
aa) Site H1 (38) – Old School Nursery, Station Road, Headcorn being agreed
bb) Site H1 (39) – Ulcombe Road and Mill Bank, Headcorn being rejected on the grounds of:
. Severe highways congestion; . Severe flood risk in the area; and, . A lack of a sewage infrastructure capable of dealing with further development.
cc) Site H1 (40) – Grigg Lane and Lenham Road, Headcorn – the parts of the site with a planning application and the part of the site with a resolution to permit being accepted.
dd) Site H1 (40) – Grigg Lane and Lenham Road, Headcorn – remainder of the site without planning permission being rejected on the grounds of:
. Severe highways congestion; . Severe flood risk in the area; and, . A lack of a sewage infrastructure capable of dealing with further development.
ee) Site H1 (41) – South of Grigg Lane, Headcorn being rejected on the grounds of:
. Severe highways congestion; . Severe flood risk in the area; and, . A lack of a sewage infrastructure capable of dealing with further development.
ff) Site H1 (42) – Knaves Acres, Headcorn being rejected on the grounds of:
. Severe highways congestion; . Severe flood risk in the area; and, . A lack of a sewage infrastructure capable of dealing with further development.
gg) Site H1 (46) – Vicarage Road, Yalding being accepted.
hh) Site H1 (47) – Hubbards Land and Haste Hill Road, Boughton Monchelsea being accepted.
ii) Site H1 (48) – Heath Road, Boughton Monchelsea being rejected, as set out in Appendix D of the agenda, for Regulation 18 consultation in February 2015.
jj) Site H1 (49) – East of Eyhorne Street, Eyhorne Street (Hollingbourne) being accepted.
kk) Site H1 (50 – West of Eyhorne Street, Eyhorne Street (Hollingbourne) being accepted.
Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development |
The Cabinet considered the recommendations at is meeting s on 2 and 4 February, and these informed the decisions made. |
Cheryl Parks; Sue Whiteside |
PTD.150128.152.1 |
Report for 17 March PTD OSC meeting on Invicta Barracks |
Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development |
There is now no meeting on 17 Feb with the next committee scheduled for 17 March. Officers will present a verbal update on the Invicta Barracks site in policy H3 of the draft Local Plan, with a more detailed report to follow later in 2015 along with other strategic and spatial policies as a further part of the iterative development of the Local Plan. |
Cheryl Parks; Sue Whiteside |
PTS.141118.105.6 |
The Cabinet Member for Planning, Transport and Development be recommended to ask Kent County Council for an update on the progress with the building of the footbridge replacing the level crossing at the foot of Bower Lane, Maidstone. |
Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development |
The Cabinet Member recommends that a more suitable approach would be for the Planning Transport and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee to arrange to interview KCC officers on this matter. The Cabinet Member will update the committee on any progress he becomes aware of. |
Cheryl Parks; Sue Whiteside |
SCC.140710.8a |
That subject to the footnote on page 9 being moved to page 2 and a number of typos being corrected, the Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report 2013-14 be approved for submission to full Council. |
Agreed |
The changes suggested by committee were included in the final report. The final report was considered by Full Council on 23 July 2014 and is now available on the MBC website. |
Tessa Mallett |
SCC.140710.8b |
That Democratic Services be asked to look at the possibility of developing a Pocket Guide to the MBC Constitution to summarise the roles and responsibilities of all Councillors. |
Democratic Services can look into producing a short guide but further information on what exactly is required is sought. In previous years new Members have been given A Councillors Guide but this is so out of date and there wasn't time to update it prior to handing out to new Members but this is a lengthy document and not a pocket guide. The Local Government Association has recently issued the Councillors Guide for new councillors for 2014/2015 and this has been forwarded to new Members. We will look at what could go in a pocket guide and fit this around other democratic work. |
Sandra Marchant |
SCC.140710.9 |
That subject to the inclusion of the Local Plan in relation to Planning, Transport and Development OSC and review by the Monitoring Officer, the Committee recommended the revisions to Article 6 of the Council's Constitution, as set out in Appendix A to the report of the Senior Corporate Policy Officer, be agreed by full Council. |
Full Council |
Agreed |
The proposed revisions were approved by Full Council on 23 July 2014. |
SCC.141003.19.1 |
That the Overview and Scrutiny Officer be asked to liaise with Officers and Members to ensure comments made by Committee in relation to PTD.140624.22c; PTD.140722.31; SLCS.140805.43.1; SLCS.140805.44.4; CEH.140715.20.b be addressed. |
These outstanding SCRAIPs have been chased. An update will be provided to committee at the next meeting.
Update provided at meeting of 24 November 2014. |
Tessa Mallett |
SCC.141003.21.3 |
That the workshops for the questioning and challenging skills event, scheduled for 3 December 2014, take place in the afternoon and also be repeated during the evening. |
Workshops have been programmed to take place on 3 December 2014 - two sessions 1pm until 4pm and 6pm until 9pm. Refreshments will be provided in between each session. |
Tessa Mallett |
SCC.141003.21.4 |
That group leaders be asked to promote the questioning and challenging skills workshop, scheduled for 3 December 2014, to ensure maximum attendance. |
An advertising flyer has been designed and will be distributed the week commencing 3 November with follow up emails during the weeks leading up to the event. Group leaders will be asked to encourage their members to attend. |
Tessa Mallett |
SCC.141124.30.3 |
That the Head of Commercial and Economic Development be asked to speak to Group Leaders to ensure a working party is set up, with members from all political parties, to enable early input from members on commercial projects. This should include consideration of using the membership of the Budget Working Group to carry out this task. |
Agreed |
We will establish a group to be the sounding board for consideration of commercialisation projects at a formative stage; this will comprise nominated representatives from each political group. This will be separate from the O&S Budget Task and Finish group to enable participation by the Executive; for groups where the representative is not the group leader – they will be copied into the notes of any meeting; the group will be supported primarily by the Head of Commercial and Economic Development and the Commercial Projects Manager. We acknowledged that once initial soundings had been taken then member and officer involvement would be defined by the nature of the commercial proposition. |
Dawn Hudd |
SL&CE.140707.17d |
The Mid Kent Services Director report back to a December joint meeting of the Tunbridge Wells Borough Council's Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Maidstone Borough Council's Strategic Leadership and Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Swale Borough Council's Scrutiny Committee, on an interim update on the progress of MKIP that should include the independent appraisal of the Director's post which was being undertaken by a cross authority project team. |
Agreed in principle - further work required |
This has been included as an item (date TBC) on the Committee's future work programme. |
SL&CS.140707.17a |
A Task and Finish Group comprising of two representatives from each of the Tunbridge Wells Borough Council's Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Maidstone Borough Council's Strategic Leadership and Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Swale Borough council's Scrutiny Committee, be established to consider how MKIPs governance arrangements should be taken forward and how a MKIP communications plan should be developed. |
Agreed |
A task group has been set up and will meet for the first time on 10 September 2014. The task group includes two reprentatives from Tunbridge Wells BC's O&S Committee, Maidstone BC's SLCS OSC and Swale BC's Scrutiny Committee. |
SL&CS.140707.17b |
The Task and Finish Group for MKIP to report back to a December Joint meeting of the Tunbridge Wells Borough Council's Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Maidstone Borough Council's Strategic Leadership and Corporate Service Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Swale Borough Council's Scrutiny Committee |
Agreed in principle - further work required |
This will be picked up as part of the scoping/planning for the Joint MKIP Task Group. |
SL&CS.140707.17c |
A contact list be circulated to staff and elected members of the three authorities for key contacts for shared service enquiries. |
Agreed |
Paul Taylor, Mid Kent Services Director. has confirmed this information has been produced and circulated. |
SL&CS.140708.26c |
An update on complaints received and action taken in relation to the Planning Service Shared Service be reported to the next meeting of the Committee, and that the following witnesses be invited to attend and speak on the item: Ryan O'Connell, Mid Kent Planning Support Manager, a representative of IT and the Leader of the Council. |
Agreed in principle - further work required |
Unfortunatley Ryan O'Connell, Mid Kent Planning Support Manager, was unable to attend Committee on the 5 August 2014. However, following discussion with the Chairman, a short briefing paper on the current position was prepared for the meeting . This was noted by Committee. |
SL&CS.140708.27b |
That the issues highlighted by the Committee each quarter be recorded and highlighted in next year's Annual Review of Complaints report. |
Agreed |
Issues raised will be tracked and a summary of action taken will be included in the annual review of complaints for 2014/2015 |
Sam Bailey |
SL&CS.140708.28 |
That the Cabinet Member be recommended to approve the proposed policy for the award of Discretionary Housing Payments |
Included within the report to Cabinet. |
Cabinet Member for Corporate Services; Steve McGinnes |
SL&CS.140708.29b |
That the Committee be involved in the development of the Local Council Tax Discount Scheme, and the development of options fo Council Tax Support in 2015, through a meeting of a working group arranged to take place on Thursday 17 July with a view to report back to the August Committee meeting of the Committee. |
Agreed |
Both actions have been completed. A workshop was held on 17 July 2014 which was attended by Cllr Gooch, Cllr Grigg, Cllr Edwards-Daem and Cllr McKay. The findings and recommendations of the sub group were considered by Committee on 5 August 2014. |
SL&CS.140708.30b |
That future reports to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on the use of revenue underspend be grouped by subject matter. |
Agreed |
The Head of Finance and Resources has agreed future reports to Committee, on the use of revenue underspend, will be grouped by subject matter. |
Paul Riley |
SL&CS.140708.30c |
That in view of the financial calendar an update be provided to the January meeting of the Committee. |
Agreed |
The Future Work Programme for the Committee has been updated and an update will be provided to the January 2015 meeting. |
Paul Riley; |
SLCS.140805.42.1 |
That the Cabinet be recommended to consider the following options when making the recommendation to Full Council as to the Local Council Tax Discount Scheme to be implemented in 2015/16: a) Maintaining the current 13% reduction for working age households; b0 reducing the level of reduction for working age households to 9.5% with the additional cost met through the removal of the discount available for 2nd adult rebate, provision for backdated awards and reduction in the capital limit to £6000. |
Cabinet Member for Corporate Services |
Recommendation included within the report to Cabinet on 7th October 2014. |
Steve McGinnes |
SLCS.140805.42.2 |
That an update on how best to approach the wider review of the Local Council Tax Discount Scheme at the end of the current three year agreement be considered at Committee during November. |
Update to be provided to the committee in November 2014. |
Steve McGinnes |
SLCS.140805.43.1 |
That the details of the next vacancy for district members on the Kent County Council Superannuation Committee and the procedures for substitution be circulated to the Committee by Councillor Blackmore. |
Leader of the Council; Paul Riley |
SLCS.140805.43.3 |
That the previous SCRAIPs regarding Asset Management be circulated to Councillor McLoughlin. |
Agreed |
The following information has been sent to the Cabinet Member for Corporate Services via email: (a) The Capital Programme Review Report (Cabinet, June 2013); (b) Capital Programme Review - Follow Up – (SLCS OSC, March 2014); and (c) the SCRAIP (with response) from July 2012 in relation to the Asset Management Item (Corporate Services OSC). |
SLCS.140805.44.2 |
That any changes made to the bus timetables of the Park and Ride service be reported back to the Committee. |
Any changes to the Park & Ride bus timetables will be published on the Councils WebPages under: to enable the Committee to be kept informed. |
Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development; Jeff Kitson |
SLCS.140805.44.3 |
That the Corporate Improvement Plan be considered in 6 months as a stand-alone report. |
Agreed |
The update on the Corporate Improvement Plan will come to Cabinet and Overview and Scrutiny as a separate report from now on. |
Georgia Hawkes |
SLCS.140805.44.4 |
That the Waste Section's programme of public information, including the implementation of symbols or languages on bins, be reported back to the Committee. |
Have provided a copy of the updated plan to Christian Scade for distribution to the Overview & Scrutiny Committee. The plan outlines the activities planned for the remainder of the year including distribution of recycling stickers, doorstepping and school workshops. |
Cabinet Member for Environment and Housing; Jennifer Shepherd |
SLCS.140805.45.2 |
That the Capital projects review be included within the terms of reference of the Budget Working Group. |
Agreed |
As agreed, this information was included in the (draft) terms of reference for the Budget Working Group. These will be considered by Committee in September 2014 as part of the future work programme item |
SLCS.140902.55.4 |
That the Head of Commercial and Economic Development be asked to consider distributing event notices for the attention of ward members, to ensure members are informed, and able to offer advice on events/festivals planned for their wards. |
Cabinet Member for Economic & Commercial Development |
Agreed in principle - further work required |
The council’s new Festivals and Events Policy aims to increase the number and quality of events held across the borough. The vast majority of these will be delivered by others and they will be given a toolkit and set of guidance to use where permission is required from us to put on the event – such as in one of our parks. We will be clear about the parameters for the event and will use our own experience to guide the event organiser in relation to planning the event. It would be impractical to issue individual notices to ward members, we could however issue a regular email to all members listing forthcoming events that we have given permission for and will investigate further how this can be done. |
Dawn Hudd |
SLCS.140902.55.5 |
That the presentation of the complaints report, with particular reference to the communication of numerical data and use of percentages, be reconsidered by report authors for future reports. |
Agreed |
Work will be carried out on changing the format and content of the complaints report for the quarter 2 report, particularly around the presentation of statistical data. |
Sam Bailey |
SLCS.140902.55.6 |
That the Shared Head of Environment and Public Realm be asked to ensure Medway Council's out of hours Contact Centre are aware of events/festivals taking place across Maidstone borough to ensure if complaints are received out of hours, these are passed on to the appropriate MBC staff to deal with in a timely fashion. |
The Environmental Enforcement Team will notify the Medway Contact Centre of any events that they are monitoring to enable any calls to be routed to them. |
Gary Stevenson |
SLCS.140902.55.7 |
That the communication process between Medway Contact Centre and Maidstone BC be clarified and reported back to the Committee via a SCRAIP update. |
The Out of Hours process is as follows:
Callers ringing 01622 602000 out of hours hear a long message giving details of what to do. If it is a matter of public safety, callers are asked to press 2 and the call is automatically diverted to pedway. We try to direct callers to the website for other nonurgent matters. If a caller goes through to Medway then the Contact Centre staff will follow our A-Z of Actions to be taken out of hours. There is an entry for Event Safety for what to do if there is a health and safety issue at an event other than that it would be treated as a noise issue and in most cases the caller asked to report it on-line or call back the following day. If it is an event or case that Environmental enforcement is aware of and monitoring the Environmental Enforcement team is contacted. . |
Gary Stevenson |
SLCS.140902.55.8 |
That clarification be provided by the report author on sections 1.11.1 and 1.11.5 of the report with regard to the levels of complaints and compliments received per service. |
Agreed |
The figures for this quarter for complaints and compliments were correct, however what was stated in paragraph 1.11.5 was incorrect for this quarter. What was stated in this paragraph is generally true, however it was not the case this quarter due to the higher than usual number of complaints against Parks and Leisure and the high number of compliments received by various teams this quarter. |
Sam Bailey |
SLCS.140915.64.2 |
That a cross-party workshop, open to all Members, be set up to help with the planned review of the Council’s Equality Objectives to ensure Objectives for 2015-18 meet the needs of the local community and complement the new Strategic Plan. |
Leader of the Council |
Agreed |
Agreed this will take place in January so that the results of the peer review of the Equality Duty for Local Government can feed into the objective review. |
Clare Wood |
SLCS.140915.64.3 |
That findings from the cross-party (Equalities Objectives) workshop be reported back to the Strategic Leadership and Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee to ensure formal recommendations can be made. |
Agreed |
Workshop is due to take place in January with finding reporting back to cmt in February/March. |
Clare Wood |
SLCS.141007.75.4 |
That a detailed briefing note on performance indicators HSG 005 and HSG 009 (homelessness) be prepared by the Financial Inclusion and Maidstone Families Matter Programme Manager for inclusion in the Mid Year Performance Report, for consideration by Committee on 2 December 2014. |
Cabinet Member for Corporate Services; Cabinet Member for Environment and Housing |
Agreed |
agreed |
Ellie Kershaw; Clare Wood |
SLCS.141007.75.5 |
That the figures with regard to the four year decline in reported instances of fly tipping be provided to the Committee. |
Cabinet Member for Environment and Housing |
Agreed |
Data provided to the committee clerk to circulate. |
Clare Wood |
SLCS.141202.86.1 |
That the details of the Engagement and Participatory Appraisal Workshops be circulated to Members outside of the Committee by the Community Development & Partnerships Manager. |
The next Engagement and Participatory Appraisal workshop is due to take place on Monday 23rd and Tuesday 24th February at MBC's Maidstone House office. Consultant Maxine Moor will be providing the training. 15 places are available and the invite has been extended internally, to key partners such as Project Salus, Golding Homes, Maidstone Skills Centre, Fusion HLC, together with ward councillors taking part in Shepway Neighbourhood Action Plan. |
Poppy Brewer; Sarah Robson |
SLCS.141202.86.2 |
That data regarding visitors to the Gateway segmented by nature of enquiry be provided to Members outside of the Committee by the Business Improvement Manager. |
Poppy Brewer; Georgia Hawkes |
SLCS.141202.86.3 |
That the Policy and Performance Officer notes the Committees concern regarding the waiting times for calls to the Contact Centre, and will audit said indicator as a data quality issue, to report back to Committee when complete. |
Agreed in principle - further work required |
Agreed - will be reported back to the committee with the Q3 performance report. |
Poppy Brewer; Clare Wood |
SLCS.141202.86.4 |
That the Chairman convene with the Programme Manager for Financial Inclusion and Maidstone Families Matter outside of the Committee to discuss staffing requirements within the Housing department, first results from new projects implemented, and the potential for a training session in housing legislation for Members; the Chairman to report back to the January meeting of the Committee. |
E-mail sent to chair highlighting issues. Chair has subsequently spoken to party leaser and Director of Regeneration and Communities with a view to members adding their weight to discussions. |
Poppy Brewer; Ellie Kershaw |
SLCS.141202.86.5 |
That the Cabinet Member for Corporate Services be invited to address the January meeting of the Committee regarding the Planning Support Shared Services Update provided to Cabinet in December. |
Cabinet Member for Corporate Services; Poppy Brewer |
SLCS.150106.96.1 |
That the Draft Strategic Plan be noted, and the following amendments referenced in discussion between Members, the Leader of the Council and Head of Policy and Communications be requested:
1. A reference to be made to the river within the 'Ensuring there are good leisure and cultural attractions' priority. 2. Under the heading 'Respecting the Character of the Borough', delete 'which aside from Tovil are rural' at the end of the second sentence, and for the third point under 'We Mean' to be amended to read 'Respecting our Heritage and Natural Environment'. 3. Under 'Ensuring there are good Leisure and Cultural Attractions' to include reference to the river and for the sentence to read '...a well-used leisure centre, a castle, various markets and a variety of festivals and events held through the year and across the Borough'. 4. Under 'Enhancing the Appeal of the Town Centre for Everyone', to include the phrase 'for leisure' after 'popular place' and before 'to live' in the last sentence. 5. In the bacjground data provided, the results of academic year 2011/2012 to be replaced and updated with the most recently available data, and for the graphs to be made larger with the colour labelling made clearer. 6. For Maidstone's rating within the 'Halifax Best Places to Live' survey to be referenced in the introduction to the Strategic Plan 2015/2020. |
Cabinet Member for Corporate Services |
Angela Woodhouse |
SLCS.150106.98.2 |
That it be noted that Members were in active support of Officers in finding options that mitigate the financial risk to the Council while achieving strategic objectives, and request an update from the Head of Housing and Community Services on this issue. |
John Littlemore |
SLCS.150106.98.3 |
That Officers be requested to produce Member Development sessions on strategic risk with a view to these being incorporated into new Member inductions commencing from elections in May 2015, and rolled out to all Members. |
Russell Heppleston |
SLCS.150106.99.2 |
That the Head of Finance and Resources be requested to ascertain whether income was generated through photography of artefacts in the Museum, and for this information to be circulated to Members outside of the Committee. |
Paul Riley |
SLCS.150112.109 |
That the Overview and Scrutiny Committees for Maidstone Borough Council, Swale Borough Council and Tunbridge Wells Borough Council each request that their individual Cabinets should jointly consider and respond to the following recommendations that have arisen from the joint scrutiny of governance and communications:
MKIP Governance
a) That opportunities for pre-scrutiny should be provided within existing governance arrangements at each authority prior to any new shared service proposals being considered at a tri-Cabinet meeting (i.e. after MKIP Board consideration, if not before);
b) That joint Overview & Scrutiny task and finish groups should be convened by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee(s) of the individual authorities, as necessary, to jointly review any major issues that arise in regard to shared service delivery and also any new options, such as the possibility of contracting to deliver a shared service for an authority outside the partnership;
c) That the MKIP Board will notify the Overview and Scrutiny functions of each authority when there are potential items of interest that a joint task and finish group could review on their behalf;
d) That the creation of the Mid Kent Services Director post should be favourably considered in light of the value already placed on this role by members of the Shared Services Boards and others, as it provides a single point of contact for the MKIP Board and Mid Kent Service Managers;
e) That the role of the MKIP Programme Manager should be re-examined and aligned with the reporting arrangements arising from the appointment of a Mid Kent Services Director (if the post is confirmed);
f) That early consideration should be given to transferring the management of the Planning Support and Environmental Health shared services under the Mid Kent Services umbrella as soon as possible;
g) That a toolkit is created to assist managers in their role as internal clients of shared services;
h) That (where appropriate) shared services create a service catalogue for their service that will help internal clients to better understand the extent of the service they provide;
i) That a joint communications plan is developed to improve staff and member awareness and understanding of MKIP (shared service development) and MKS (shared service delivery);
j) That the MKIP Board has responsibility for the effective implementation of an agreed communications plan and ensures its delivery is resourced appropriately;
k) That communication should be improved between the newly created Shared Service Boards and the MKIP Board to ensure the latter is fully aware of any major service issues and any suggested options for change;
l) That client representatives on the Shared Service Boards should ensure the outcomes of their meetings, including any related direction coming from the MKIP Board, are effectively cascaded to relevant staff within each authority;
m) That future MKIP Board meetings should be held and papers published in accordance with the appropriate local authority access to information regulations;
Corporate governance
n) That given the change in Maidstone Borough Council’s governance arrangements in May 2015, that consequential amendments will be made to reflect the absorption of the Overview and Scrutiny function within the Policy and Resources and the three other service Committees. |
Cabinet |
Caroline Matthews |