15 502180 Urgent Update

Item 24, Page 281


Reference number: 15/502180


Land at Oakapple Lane and Hermitage Lane, Maidstone, Kent

Representation from Councillor Harwood:


A representation has been received from Councillor Harwood requesting that the Amelanchier lamarkii shown on the submitted drawings should be replaced with Crataegus monogyna (Hawthorn). The applicant has requested that an alternative be used due to the high water demand of the suggested species, and has requested that Hornbeam be substituted instead.


The Council’s Landscape Officer has raised no obection to the use of this native species, making the following comments:


“Hornbeam is low water demand and as it is included in the scheme elsewhere, would provide some uniformity through the planting in the site.”


Inclusion of foundation stones into landscaping scheme


In addition to the above alterations to the planting scheme, the applicant has suggested that two foundation stones detailing the architects and builders of the original building which have been salvaged from the Nurses’ Home be incorporated into the landscaping adjacent to the footpath to the immediate north of block 1. This is considered to be an appropriate use of the historic fabric of the original building on the site which positively contributes to the landscaping scheme, and as such is supported by the Council’s Conservation Officer. The Council’s Landscape Officer has confirmed that the positioning and anchoring of the stones will not prejudice the landcaping scheme or the survival of trees to be retained, and thus raises no objection.


Drawing numbers 5480/ASP001 rev G, 5480/ASP002 rev G and 5480/A&B-SPD have been submitted (copies attached) which show these amendments to the scheme.



My recommendation remains unchanged.