Committee Report



REFERENCE NO -  14/504332/LBC


Listed building consent for alterations and extension to existing building in connection with conversion to residential as shown on drawing nos. 014.1571-001/P1, 014.1571-003/P1, 014.1571-004/P1 received 29/9/14; 014.1571-007/P6, 014.1571-008/P6 received 20/1/15; and 014.1555-010/P7 received 22/4/15.

ADDRESS The Old Plantation Public House 33 Plantation Lane Bearsted Kent ME14 4BJ 



The scheme is well designed and presents advantages to the listed building and its setting. It is therefore recommended for approval.



This is a controversial application and it is appropriate that it is considered by Planning Committee.


WARD Bearsted


APPLICANT Heritage Designer Homes Ltd

AGENT Eric Przyjemski







RELEVANT PLANNING HISTORY (including appeals and relevant history on adjoining sites):


The planning history reflects the development of the site as a public house. The most recent applications are:


MA/11/0355 - An application for listed building consent for replacement and refurbishment of existing windows, doors and external finishes, plus installation of new fascia sign (externally illuminated) - Permitted


MA/11/0354 - Advertisement Consent for the installation of 1no externally illuminated fascia sign, 1no externally illuminated pictorial sign, 1no non illuminated amenity board and 1no non illuminated directional sign - Permitted


MA/09/0706 - Retrospective planning permission for the reinstatement of wall to single storey store and adjacent boundary wall - Permitted


MA/09/0259 - Retrospective application for Listed Building Consent for the reinstatement of end wall to single storey store and adjacent boundary wall – Permitted


The directly related planning application is 14/504328/FULL which is also reported on these








1.01     The application site is located in Bearsted, within the defined urban area of Maidstone. It is located off the north side of Plantation Lane and involves a public house with grassland in the western part of the site, a hardsurfaced parking area in the eastern part and a pub garden/play area in the rear portion. The site is served by a wide access point, centrally located on the site frontage.

1.02     This is a predominantly residential area with a range of different properties in evidence, mainly of 20th century date. The main characteristic of the more immediate locality is detached housing located on generous plots. The application site is bordered by detached housing fronting Plantation Lane to east and west with detached properties around Clarendon Close to the rear.


1.03     The Old Plantation public house is Grade 2 Listed and comprises a 15th/16th Century timber-framed building with 19th and late 20th Century additions. The building exhibits a range of different materials including ragstone, brick, render, exposed timber and clay tiling. The main front of the building faces east onto the carpark and has subsidiary buildings to its rear, very close to the boundary with No. 31. The pub has living accommodation at first floor level. The case officer has visited the site on various occasions in recent months and the pub has not been open for business on each occasion.


2.0       PROPOSAL


2.01     Listed building consent can only relate to physical changes to buildings that are statutorily listed; such consent can not relate to new free-standing structures. In summary this application proposes works to the listed building to enable it to be converted to a single dwelling.


2.02     The proposed alterations to the listed building relate mainly to the removal of the relatively modern extensions attached to the north and west elevations of the building and the erection of a replacement one and half storey pitched roof addition to the west (ie rear) elevation. Dormer windows are proposed to be included in the north and south facing roof slopes of the addition, along with two roof lights. Apart from that external changes are confined to minor alterations to doors and windows. Materials would match existing.


2.03     To achieve access to the first floor of the new addition, an internal staircase is to be

provided within the extension itself. It was originally proposed to access the first floor

from the mezzanine floor within the main building, but this would have involved a break

in the wall plate which would not be appropriate and has been deleted. The main internal alterations to the building involve the removal of the bar servery and the modern staircase leading to the first floor bar area and a new staircase is to be installed to provide a second access the first floor. The existing, original staircase serving the first floor would be retained. New partitions would be installed on the first floor to form an ensuite bathroom, bedroom and bathroom.




The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)

National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG)

Development Plan: N/A




4.01     Bearsted Parish Council states:


“(i) 14/504328/LBC                 


1.    The development is contrary to policy ENV23 of the Maidstone Borough Wide Local Plan 2000 paragraph 3.80 as follows, as there is a children's play area on the site:

3.80. In cases where the open space makes a contribution to the overall provision in the locality the loss of open space, sports facilities and children's play space will be firmly resisted. If there is a proven overriding need for the redevelopment, the Borough Council will require alternative provision to be made which is of an equivalent community benefit.

1.    The Old Plantation is a valuable community asset and the business case for not keeping it open has been challenged by residents and they state they have backers willing to take on the running of the pub as a going concern.;

2.    The development is not sustainable as changing use of the pub to residential does not stimulate economic growth and affects the ability of future generations to participate in the economic growth generated by a local public house.

            (ii) 14/504328/FULL


As the application for change of use of the Old Plantation was rejected, this application could not be entertained as the proposed building would take away car park and play area.”


4.02     A written petition with 213 signatures has been received objecting to the loss of the pub. This is not an issue that can be taken into account with an application for listed building consent.


4.03     Letters of objection have been received from 4 local houses. The grounds of objection include matters that cannot be taken into account with an application for listed building consent. The following summary of matters raised is confined to relevant listed building consent issues:


a) This is an old building of character and value. The proposed alterations to the listed building are not acceptable. The rear extension and the new gable window to the north elevation of the original building are inappropriate. The proportions of the building would be adversely affected.




5.01     English Heritage: views awaited.


5.02     The MBC Conservation Officer has no objection: see discussion below.


6.0       APPRAISAL


6.01     I consider that the removal of unsympathetic elements, the various proposed alterations and the introduction of a new viable use for the building would improve its fabric and character I agree with the Conservation Officer who states:


“With regard to the listed building, it is proposed to demolish existing single storey extensions to the rear and side. One of these dates from circa 1900 and the others from the 1980s and I do not consider them to add significance to the listed building; their removal is therefore acceptable in my view. In their place it is proposed to erect a two storeyed rear extension. As originally submitted I raised objections to the size and design of the proposed extension. Revised plans have now been submitted which overcome my concerns.


Internally no alterations are proposed which will affect any historic fabric; however, the removal of a staircase, albeit a modern one of no interest, means that English Heritage must be consulted.”


Given these views, I consider the proposals acceptable in terms of the impact on the fabric and character of the listed building.


7.0       CONCLUSION


7.01     The scheme is well designed and presents advantages to the listed building and its setting. I therefore recommend approval of the application.


8.0       RECOMMENDATION – GRANT Subject to the following conditions:






(1)        The works to which this consent relates must be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this consent;


Reason: In accordance with the provisions of Section 18 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.


(2)        The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:


drawing nos. 014.1571-001/P1, 014.1571-003/P1, 014.1571-004/P1 received 29/9/14; 014.1571-007/P6, 014.1571-008/P6 received 20/1/15; and 014.1555-010/P7 received 22/4/15.


Reason: To ensure the quality of the development is maintained.


(3)        The development shall not commence until written details and samples of the materials to be used in the alterations to the listed building hereby permitted have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and the development shall be constructed using the approved materials;


Reason: To ensure a satisfactory appearance to the development.


(4)        The development shall not commence until full details of the internal and external joinery to be used in the listed building have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and the development shall be constructed in accordance with the approved details;


Reason: To ensure a satisfactory appearance to the development.





Note to Applicant


In accordance with paragraphs 186 and 187 of the NPPF, Maidstone Borough Council (MBC) takes a positive and proactive approach to development proposals focused on solutions. MBC works with applicants/agents in a positive and proactive manner by:


Offering a pre-application advice and duty desk service.


Where possible, suggesting solutions to secure a successful outcome.


As appropriate, updating applicants/agents of any issues that may arise in the processing of their application.


In this instance:


The applicant/agent was advised of minor changes required to the application and these were agreed.


The applicant/agent was provided with formal pre-application advice.


The application was considered by the Planning Committee where the applicant/agent had the opportunity to speak to the committee and promote the application.



Case Officer: Geoff Brown


NB       For full details of all papers submitted with this application please refer to the relevant        Public Access pages on the council’s website.

            The conditions set out in the report may be subject to such reasonable change as is          necessary to ensure accuracy and enforceability.