To: Maidstone Joint Transportation Board
By: Tim Read, Head of Transportation
Date: 22nd July 2015
Subject: Marden Primary School
Classification: For Information
Summary: The purpose of this report is to provide members with a progress report on Highways activities undertaken with regard to Marden Primary School.
1.0 Work
1.1 At
the last meeting of this board, Members requested a report into the recent
incident at Marden Primary School. The Kent County Council crash database is
comprised of records compiled from Kent Police Stat 19 Data form collected
either at or after legally reportable crashes. The reported crash record in
Marden remains very good.
1.2 Kent
Police have supplied the following data with regard to this incident.
“Occurred 0706 hrs. 12/02/2015 our ref XXXXXX. Circumstances; V1 has been
travelling along Goudhurst Road in Marden. V1 has lost control after
negotiating left hand bend, left the road on the offside, hit the kerb and then
crashed through wall of Marden primary. Along with a BT telegraph pole. No
other vehicles involved and driver was uninjured. The driver was not prosecuted
for any offences.”
1.3 Consequently,
this crash would not have ever featured on our database as there is no legal
requirement to record non-injury crashes.
1.4 Prior
to this recent crash, Kent County Council, did undertake an investigation of
this Zebra crossing site following concerns raised, primarily from local
parents. A Stage 4 Road Safety Audit was undertaken and this is included as
Appendix A. This report identified a number of issues.
1.5 In
response, a number of tasks and improvements were undertaken.
A traffic survey was conducted near the school which showed the
week day average mean speeds are 28mph north bound and 25mph southbound. When
you look at this data in more detail it also shows that at school dropping off
& picking up times (8am to 9am & 3pm to 4pm) that average means speeds
are slower at 23mph northbound & 21mph southbound.
The ‘A’ Boards were removed and hedges cut back at the nursery .
The existing Belisha beacon posts and globes were upgraded with
high intensity LED fittings to improve visibility of the Zebra in the busy
street scape. The tactile paving colour was corrected to pink colour.
The school warning signage and wig-wags were cleared of
2.0 Proposed
future improvements
2.1 A proposed Combined Members Grant scheme is proposed and approved. The scheme will seek to reinforce the findings of the speed data previously identified. Promoting an advisory 20mph school speed limit, with associated signage, gateways and kerb build outs. The scheme promoted is currently for the design only at this stage, with a view for future funding being sourced for the construction works.
Contact Officer: Michael Heath
Tel: 03000 418181