To: Maidstone Joint Transport Board
By: Tim Read, Head of Transportation
Date: 22nd July 2015
Subject: Petitions Report Headcorn Road Weight Restriction
Classification: For Information
Summary: The purpose of this report is to provide members with a progress report on petitions currently being considered by KCC Highways and Transportation
1.0 Petitions
1.1 A petition to introduce a 7.5t Weight Restriction on Headcorn Road was presented at the April meeting of this board.
2.0 Work undertaken
2.1 Headcorn Road is a largely rural, single two lane road which connects the A20 at Lenham with the A274 at Headcorn and passes through the villages of Lenham, Platts Heath and Grafty Green. There are two notable narrow single track sections at Sandway and Liverton Hill; these are signed with appropriate warning signage.
2.2 The area is almost extensively rural and site observations revealed that many of the HGV’s observed were involved in local agricultural activity. There are also a number of local businesses which also generate HGV activity, a large roofing company in Lenham as well an agricultural fencing company are notable examples. All of the HGV traffic observed did access premises from the Headcorn Road. No HGV’s were observed to travel from the A20 to the A274 or vice versa without accessing premises.
2.3 The B2163 at Leeds, Chegworth Road, Broomfield Road, Chegworth Road and Fairbourne Lane are already subject to weight limits and many of the adjacent roads appear to be narrower than Headcorn Road and have already been signed as unsuitable for HGV’s.
3.0 Conclusion
3.1 The alternative routes to Headcorn Road are limited; most vehicles using the road do appear to be accessing premises in the area. Imposing further restrictions would clearly lead to HGV’s migrating to the nearest alternative unrestricted route. In the case of Headcorn Road this would likely be Charing Heath Road and through Egerton which would be undesirable.
3.2 There have not been any reported crashes involving HGV’s on Headcorn Road in the past three years and implementing such measures could also prove costly due to the length of road and numbers of signs involved. There is also the potential matter of future enforcement, which has proved difficult in the past.
3.3 Given the currently good safety record, the fact that many of the HGV vehicles observed seem to be legitimately accessing premises in the area and the likely high cost of this, it is recommended that this weight restriction is not implemented.
Contact Officer: Michael Heath
Tel: 03000 418181