Includes items from previous years and ongoing commitments (costs are approximate)




Further details



General Planning Committee Training






All committee members and substitute members and open to all members










Parish members will be invited to some sessions at some point throughout the year


Essential Planning awareness and refresher training for all members delivered by internal officers, covering:

       The context of determining planning applications (Planning Policy and Guidance)

       Development Plan

       National Planning Policy Framework

       National Planning Policy Guidance

       Neighbourhood Plans

       Planning Conditions

       Reasons for Refusal

       Material Considerations

       Section 106/Planning Obligations

       Other considerations


When new legislation is introduced our internal officers will ensure that all members of the committee and substitute members are kept up to date and will carry out briefings/workshops as necessary with the support of Learning and Development.


Officer time only




Planning Tour





Localism in relation to planning

Committee, Subs,





All members/


This is a tour of local planning sites and is used as a learning tool through observation and discussion. The tour of planning sites is part of the MBC Constitution’s Planning Code (Section 13).  The Planning Code states that this tour has to be arranged at least annually.


The areas from the Localism Bill that impact on Planning will be shared with members as and when they emerge. Sessions will be developed with officers and members of the planning committee as appropriate.

Cost only related to expenses




Officer/member time only


Licensing Training









National Training Event


All committee

Members & subs










Induction for new members plus an on-going requirement to update committee on legislation, often also complimented by briefings by officers.


There will be two parts to the training each running for 2 to 2.5 hours.


Part one – Licensing Act 2003, Regulatory Framework and Hackney Carriage/Private Hire


Part Two - Gambling Act 2005, Street Trading and Sex Establishments.


One Spokesperson of Licensing to attend the annual conference for Licensing which updates on new legislation and best practice. Upon return disseminate all relevant information and learning points to members utilising the mechanisms as highlighted in the Member Development Policy.


Officer time only










£495 (for full residential 2 days 2014 costs)



Audit Committee Training


Audit committee members and subs

Audit committee will require induction training for new members and refresher training for existing members.


Learning needs and approach can be detailed specifically. It is likely that some external training will be needed, thus some funds have been set aside for this. If all or part of these funds are not utilised then these funds will be maintained in the  budget for ‘ad hoc’ general training needs that may arise over the coming year.


Officer time only





Housing and Communities


Open to all members

Training proposed for 2015-2016 to include:

General housing legislation overview (homelessness & new build)

The new Allocation Scheme

Housing Assistance Policy (grants)

Private Sector Housing enforcement and interventions


Officer time only


Safeguarding Training

Open to all members

The safeguarding policy, practice and training across the Council is currently under review, and it is likely that training will be required to ensure knowledge and understanding is up-to-date. This training will be met through briefings provided by Officers and some external training will also be required.

Officer time





Local Government Finance

Open to all members

Internally run briefings on local government finance.  These were last run in 2010/2011 and since then there has been significant change, so updated briefings will be run by Paul Riley/Alison Broom.


Officer time

Committee System

Procedure Guidance briefings


Open to all members

Briefings facilitated by the Legal team (may require an external facilitator), to include areas such as:

·         Rules of debate

·         Ongoing legislative changes, etc.


Officer time



LGA Conference


The Leader to attend this conference, if the Leader is unable to attend then a sub will be selected.


£495 PP

+ accom expenses and workshops (£1000)


LGA Annual Rural Conference



One member to attend



LGA Effective Leadership in a No Overall Control Context

Group Leaders

(provided at no cost; there is the opportunity if we feel it would be helpful to have further workshops)






1 councillor in a leadership position or with leadership potential


One Member to attend this training and upon the agreement of all Group Leaders



Inductions for new members

All new members

(open to all members)

·            Essential points in the Constitution

·            Decision making at Maidstone Borough Council

·            Protocols for Committees and Council meetings

·            Responsibilities under the Code of Conduct

·            Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and Other Significant Interests

·            Responsibilities as a Council under the Data Protection Act

Officer time only and some expenses (£125)


General Training




Offered to all members





Respecting Difference (Inclusion)

Chairing Skills – drama based workshop (delivered 15/6/15)

Questioning Skills – drama based workshop (cost committed)









Member Personal Development Planning sessions are also on offer to any member delivered by the Learning & Development Shared Service Manager


In addition - other training sessions that are included on the Corporate Training Calendar are also on offer to members. For example, report writing.









Total currently allocated


Budget for 15/16


